Reikilifecoach | Claudia Chapman My mission is to empower as many women as possible in becoming the best versions of themselves possible through reikilifecoaching and embracing the Goddess within.
Home - Bella Luna: Spiritual Life Coach, Healer & Mystic Dare to Dream with a Spiritual Life Coach - unlock your full potential, become your best self and live a life you love, today. Transformation is waiting!
The Centre of Wellbeing | Mindful Healing Services and Community | Sawbridgeworth Here at The Centre of Wellbeing, we co-create safe and welcoming spaces where we can connect together, build community, and be ourselves.
Chi-Works - CHI-WORKS Holistic therapies and retreats to improve wellbeing and create a more balanced life. Reiki, meditaion and hypnotherapy for developing a healthier mindset.
BecOMe Yoga – Become Sound
- Enlight Minds At Enlight Minds we use 5D NLP, Spiritual Coaching and Reiki to heal your mind, body and soul, and address the things that hold you back.
Well Being Training Provider : The Town Well Being Psychotherapeutic Well Being Services, Workshops, and pieces of training. Tailored packages to Corporates and Individuals. Contact us for a free assessment now. You deserve the best.