Calling all aspiring florists, and flower lovers - we’ve planned something special for you! Learn from our experienced team of florists how to make your own flower arrangement in an adorable tea cup. Show off your beautiful blooms, have a good time with your friends, learn the basic knowledge of floral arrangement and you'll go home with your own fresh flower arrangement!
Calling all aspiring florists, and flower lovers - we’ve planned something special for you! Learn from our experienced team of florists how to make your own spring flower arrangement in a wooden container. Show off your beautiful blooms, have a good laugh with your friends, learn the basic knowledge of floral arrangement and you'll go home with your own fresh flower arrangement! Sunday April 21st 2024 12-2pm Stainton Village Hall Stainton TS8 9BB Please note workshop will only go ahead if 4 or more participants can attend (Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).
I often buy clothes and accessories spontaneously. This results in a wardrobe full of pieces that don’t pair with anything. “I have nothing to wear….” I hear you say. A handful of treasures just hanging in there before progressing into a charity giveaway bag. Not if you know your true colours that will elevate your look and mood as well as save money and the environment. Based on this colour analysis we can create a capsule wardrobe using your existing pieces and follow your colour chart to purchase matching items in future. Whatever fashion dictates, buying less and more consciously will reduce waste, save money and creates a wonderful wardrobe you can be proud of! The analysis is based on inherited tones as well as personality. Based on 4 seasons: spring and autumn being warm and summer and winter cool in the colour spectrum.
Copper Creatures by Colourbuzz; learn the basics of wire wrapping and wire forming