This beginner to intermediate level qualification course provides a structured exploration of the world of wine and is suitable for both wine industry professionals and wine enthusiasts. Individuals on this course will gain knowledge of the principal and regionally important grape varieties of the world and the styles of wine they produce. Through a combination of tasting and theory, candidates will explore the factors that impact style and quality and learn how to describe wines with confidence.
Do you want to learn develop your crochet skills further, but don't know where to start? Let us help! These intermediate crochet workshops will take you through more complex stitches and projects all led by your interests and needs. We offer one-to-one sessions in the comfort of your own home and are always available for help in between sessions.
Do you want to learn how to crochet, but don't know where to start? Let us help! Our crochet workshop will start from scratch and finish as a confident crocheter. You'll learn the basic stitches and develop onto decorative stitches, so that by the end of the course you can produce a number of products of your choice from decorations to cardigans. We offer one-to-one sessions in the comfort of your own home and are always available for help in between sessions.
Furniture design face to face training customised and bespoke.
Transform Your Passion Into Performance** 🌟 Are you ready to take the spotlight and make your acting dreams a reality? Whether you're a budding actor or looking to enhance your skills, our 6-week online acting course is designed to help you shine on stage and screen.
In deze webinar gaan we in op het gebruik van Mailchimp als platform om e-mails vorm te geven en e-adressen van je contacten mee te verzamelen en te beheren. Bovendien zorgt het systeem ook dat je voldoet aan de eisen van de GDPR en privacywetgeving In deze webinar gaan we in op Mailchimp, niet alleen omdat we hier als school zelf mee werken, maar ook omdat het platform gratis is zolang je minder dan 2000 adressen in het systeem zitten hebt. Voor beginnende kunstenaars en ontwerpers is dat dus een betaalbaar systeem. In deze workshop belichten we verschillende aspecten van een mailing, adresformulieren en sjablonen. We zoomen ook in op de account van LUCA en wat dit betekent voor studenten en docenten van LUCA. De webinar staat open voor studenten, alumni en docenten van LUCA School of Arts.
Learn the Essentials of Gift Wrapping & have some fun with your team this festive season What’s included (and how it will help): Step by step tuition covering all the Essential Techniques of gift wrapping so they never need to grab a gift/bottle bag again Practical guidance on tying different styles of Ribbon Bow so they can confidently use them on any gift (and when it’s best to use each one) Learn Pro tips so you feel less overwhelmed & can gift wrap quickly at busy times Plus all materials are provided A class is a great opportunity for team building/bonding so that people get to know each other outside of a work setting and/or meet people in person. It’s an inclusive alternative to a Christmas party (boozy meals/discos aren’t for everyone) and everyone gets to take away a gift at the end of the class. Packages start from £597 for groups of up to 10 people. Dates & times can be booked to suit. Book a call below to discuss your requirements.