Acts of bribery and corrupt business practices are still an all to common part of business to business activity in the UK and Worldwide. Inducements can range from small 'facilitation payments' to gifts worth millions of pounds. They can come in many different forms and can sometimes be hard to track down. This course examines some of the reasons why bribery and corruption occur as well as providing an overview of how common these practices are believed to be, before discussing how normal business activities, such as gifts, hospitality, sponsorship and donations, can be manipulated to become bribes. It goes on to cover the legislation that is in place both in the UK and internationally and the severe penalties that can be brought against someone found to be acting a corrupt way. It also looks at the effects of bribery at a national level, including corruption in state-owned enterprises and governments, worldwide. Finally, on a more practical level, it will show you some of the ways management and employees can reduce the risk of bribery and corruption in their organisations, particularly through anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.
Dementia is used to describe the symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions. Dementia is a chronic progressive problem of cognition - which is failure of the brain’s functions. IT affects people at different stages of life, it affects different parts of the brain and it affects it at different speeds. This course is intended to give you an overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia as well as going into how it can affect the brain in different ways. It also covers strategies to use with clients with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour. The course is intended for anyone who works with or around people that may be suffering with dementia.
People often equate the words mental health with mental illness and there are many definitions of what mental health actually is. Mental health issues can happen to anyone despite social background, intelligence, gender or other factors. This course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions. As well as providing some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.
When introducing epilepsy, we must first recognise that there are around 40 different types of seizures. Statistics show that one in five people will have a seizure at some time in their life although only some of these will be caused by epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the brain and the nervous system and is covered by the Equality Act 2010. The condition can affect people for only a portion of their life, or it can be lifelong. Because of the varied nature of the condition an awareness of epilepsy and the actions you can take if you are present during a seizure is incredibly useful for those who work in health and social care. This course will give you an overview of epilepsy. It lists the methods of diagnosis, what a seizure is and how the brain can be affected. It will introduce some possible seizure triggers and describe what to do when someone has a seizure. It will also discuss some of the treatments offered to people with epilepsy and provide practical advice on what you can do if you witness someone having a seizure.
This course explores the risk to workers caused by the Covid-19 virus and covers actions that can be taken by employers and employees to protect themselves and each other as they return to work. The content of this course is based on the latest information from the UK government and the NHS. It covers information about the virus, risk assessments and personal safety, along with how to make changes to the daily work environment to address these risks. Aimed at employers and employees the course is intended to help plan and implement changes to the workplace and ease the transition back to the workplace for those returning to a central work location after long periods of remote working.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. It is an internationally recognised food safety management system that is used to identify, evaluate and control hazards which are significant for food safety. Rather than being a reactive system, HACCP is pro-active. The focus is on prevention of hazards rather than relying mainly on end-product testing. This course will start by covering some of the key terms you will need to understand before moving on to identifying critical control points and analysing some of the key hazards. It’ll show you how to determine control points and how to avoid cross-contamination in the food chain. It will also cover some of the control measures that can be taken along with how to address a problem is a critical limit is breached. Towards the end of the course all this will be brought together by taking you step by step through the implementation of HACCP and see how the 7 principles of HACCP are integrated into the whole process.
Negotiation is a basic means of getting what you want from others. It’s a back and forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed. This course covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation, skills you can apply to your negotiations and some practical advice so you can bring all of this together and become a more effective negotiator.
When working in a care setting it is so important to build positive relationships with care users. Confidentiality and the correct handling of personal information are vital for trusting relationships and a breach in this may lead to a service user becoming unwilling to cooperate with their care providers. This course provides an introduction to the concept of handling information in care settings. At the end of the course you will understand the need for secure handling of information and you will know how to access support if you have any questions regarding access to information. The course will cover the important role confidentiality plays in developing trusting relationships with the people in your care and it will define key terms such as ‘need to know’ and ‘consent’. It also touches on the legislation that is in place relating to the handling and storing of information and the obligations each person has under these laws.
This course covers what you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). It’s aimed at anyone who is exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work, as well as line managers with responsibility for such people. So what do we mean by ‘Substances Hazardous to Health’? In legal terms, these are substances that are classified as “very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or Irritant” under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP). This was a new regulation that came into force in January 2009 dovetailing with a set of regulations called REACH. REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, which came into force on 1st June 2007. One of the main aims of REACH is to provide a high level of protection for human health and the environment from the use of chemicals.
This Moving and Handling People eLearning course is aimed at people working in health and social care who have people in their care that have mobility issues. The course outlines the dangers and legislation that applies to moving and handling people as well as showing a range of techniques and equipment that can be used. The course also highlights the importance of proper risk assessments and care plans.