A course for leisure and professional boaters wanting to undertake more adventurous trips by day and night, this 2 day course, with at least one night navigation exercise, will provide you with an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Completion certificate. Anyone undertaking this course must have practical skills of the Intermediate level and theory knowledge of at least Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster level. The course is split between theory and practical, with an emphasis on the application of theory knowledge to practical situations including preperation for sea, passage and pilotage making, skippering (meteorology, rules ofg the road)), navigation at planing speed, night cruising, and emergency situations.
The Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence can only be issued after an exam, usually taken immediately after the course. If you are looking to take this exam, please let us know and we will arrange an examiner for you. The cost of this exam is payable directly to the RYA. To take this exam your must meet the following pre-requisites:
2 years relevant experience including night pilotage
As a guide; 30 days at sea, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, 12 night hours in the past 10 years
Hold a valid First Aid certificate
Hold a GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC) or higher grade marine radio certificate
Age 17 or over
Power Courses
Our powerboat training is currently delivered on an MCA coded 7.8m Ribcraft with a 200hp Suzuki four stroke outboard engine and an E-series Raymarine chart plotter.
We maintain a 3:1 student to instructor ratio which allows our experienced RYA instructors to tailor courses to the various levels and needs on board and deliver at a manageable pace.
All course costs include tea and coffee, waterproofs are available on request.