Fakta Menarik tentang Fenomena Poker Mania yang Jarang Diketahui Dunia poker dipenuhi dengan fakta menarik dan fenomena yang jarang diketahui yang sering kali luput dari perhatian para pemain biasa. Dari asal muasal permainan ini hingga popularitasnya yang meningkat, ada banyak hal yang bisa ditemukan tentang dunia poker mania yang menarik. Pada artikel kali ini kita akan mengupas beberapa fakta menarik tentang fenomena global yang jarang diketahui ini. Jadi bergabunglah dengan dewapoker saat kami menyelidiki misteri poker mania dan mengungkap kebenaran tersembunyi di balik permainan ini. Poker Mania: Fenomena yang Mengagumkan Poker mania telah melanda dunia, memikat orang-orang dari semua lapisan masyarakat. Fenomena global ini telah mendapatkan basis penggemar yang sangat besar dan bahkan telah menjadi subyek banyak buku, film, dan acara televisi. Daya tarik poker tidak dapat disangkal, tapi apa sebenarnya yang membuatnya begitu memesona? Salah satu aspek paling menarik dari poker mania adalah kemampuannya untuk melampaui batas dan menyatukan orang. Baik Anda bermain di kasino, platform online, atau bahkan berpartisipasi dalam pertandingan poker 88 kandang persahabatan, pengalaman bersama dalam menyusun strategi, menggertak, dan pada akhirnya menang atau kalah menciptakan ikatan unik di antara para pemain. Selain itu, aspek psikologis poker sangat menarik dan menawan. Permainan ini mengharuskan pemain untuk membaca lawannya, mengukur reaksi mereka, dan membuat keputusan yang diperhitungkan berdasarkan informasi yang tidak lengkap. Perang psikologis ini menambah dimensi yang menggembirakan dalam permainan ini dan menarik para pencari sensasi dan pemikir strategis. Di bagian selanjutnya, kita akan menyelami lebih dalam dampak budaya poker mania dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana hal itu memengaruhi berbagai aspek masyarakat. Nantikan wawasan lebih menarik mengenai fenomena menakjubkan ini! Pantau terus! Mengenal Fakta Menarik tentang Poker Mania Ketika poker mania terus memikat jutaan penggemar di seluruh dunia, inilah saatnya untuk menyelidiki beberapa fakta yang kurang diketahui seputar permainan yang mendebarkan ini. Tahukah Anda bahwa poker berasal dari awal abad ke-19 di Amerika Serikat? Awalnya dimainkan dengan setumpuk hanya 20 kartu, permainan ini telah berkembang seiring waktu menjadi versi populer yang kita kenal sekarang. Fakta menarik lainnya adalah bahwa poker memiliki terminologi uniknya sendiri. Dari “full house” dan “straight flush” yang terkenal hingga “donkey” dan “bad beat” yang kurang terkenal, bahasa sehari-hari poker menambah lapisan kegembiraan dan intrik ekstra bagi para pemain yang rajin. Selain itu, poker memiliki dampak besar pada budaya pop. Banyak aktor terkenal, atlet, dan bahkan politisi diketahui menikmati permainan domino bet selama waktu senggang mereka. Hal ini tidak hanya mempopulerkan permainan ini tetapi juga membantu menghilangkan beberapa stereotip yang mengelilinginya. Di bagian selanjutnya, kita akan menjelajahi berbagai jenis permainan poker dan perbedaannya satu sama lain. Bersiaplah untuk memperluas pengetahuan Anda dan tingkatkan apresiasi Anda terhadap poker mania! Kini setelah kita mengungkap beberapa fakta menarik tentang poker mania yang sering luput dari perhatian, mari kita telusuri langkah-langkah yang dapat Anda ambil untuk sukses di dunia poker yang mengasyikkan. Baik Anda seorang pemula yang ingin menyempurnakan keterampilan Anda atau pemain berpengalaman yang ingin mencapai level baru, mengikuti langkah-langkah profesional ini akan membantu Anda menavigasi industri yang kompetitif. Pertama dan terpenting, penting untuk menguasai dasar-dasar poker. Pahami aturan, peringkat tangan, dan strategi yang terlibat dalam berbagai variasi permainan dewa poker Manfaatkan tutorial online, buku, dan kursus poker terkemuka untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan teknik Anda. Selanjutnya, bangun fondasi yang kokoh dengan berlatih secara rutin. Luangkan waktu khusus untuk mengasah keterampilan Anda, berpartisipasi dalam turnamen online, dan terlibat dalam permainan persahabatan dengan sesama penggemar. Latihan yang konsisten ini akan membantu Anda memoles kemampuan pengambilan keputusan, beradaptasi dengan berbagai skenario, dan mengembangkan intuisi Anda sebagai pemain poker yang sukses. Selain latihan, pelajari gameplay pemain poker profesional. Tonton streaming langsung, sorotan, dan pertandingan klasik untuk mendapatkan wawasan tentang strategi dan pola pikir mereka. Analisis gerakan mereka, pola taruhan, dan proses pengambilan keputusan. Mengamati yang terbaik dalam permainan akan memberikan pelajaran dan inspirasi yang sangat berharga bagi perkembangan Anda sendiri. Selain mengasah keterampilan teknis Anda, tingkatkan permainan mental Anda. Poker membutuhkan fokus, disiplin, dan kontrol emosional. Belajarlah untuk mengelola emosi Anda, menghindari kemiringan, dan membuat keputusan yang rasional bahkan dalam situasi tekanan tinggi. Mengembangkan pola pikir poker yang kuat akan memungkinkan Anda untuk tetap tajam dan tangguh sepanjang perjalanan poker Anda. Aspek penting lainnya untuk menjadi pemain poker yang sukses adalah memahami pentingnya manajemen bankroll. Sisihkan uang khusus untuk bermain poker dan perhatikan batasan finansial Anda. Mengelola uang Anda dengan benar akan membantu Anda menghindari risiko yang tidak perlu, meminimalkan kerugian, dan memastikan umur panjang dalam permainan. Terakhir, selalu berusaha untuk terus belajar dan melakukan perbaikan. Tetap update dengan strategi poker terbaru, tren, dan perkembangan industri. Bergabunglah dengan komunitas poker, diskusi forum, dan hadiri acara langsung untuk membangun jaringan dengan sesama profesional dan mendapatkan wawasan berharga. Terima masukan, analisis gameplay Anda sendiri, dan sesuaikan strategi Anda. Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah profesional ini, Anda akan segera mencapai kesuksesan dalam industri poker kompetitif. Tetap berdedikasi, belajar, berlatih, dan mempertajam keterampilan Anda. Ingat, menjadi pemain poker profesional membutuhkan waktu dan usaha, namun dengan tekad dan semangat terhadap permainan ini, Anda dapat mengukir jalan Anda sendiri menuju kehebatan! Di bagian selanjutnya, kita akan menjelaskan sejarah poker yang menawan dan bagaimana perkembangannya seiring berjalannya waktu. Bersiaplah untuk terkagum-kagum dengan asal usul dan transformasi game tercinta ini! Dalam blog ini, kita telah membahas berbagai fakta menarik tentang fenomena poker mania yang jarang diketahui. Mulai dari sejarah poker, popularitasnya di kalangan pemain muda, hingga tantangan dalam membangun dan menjaga komunitas poker yang sukses. Poker memang telah menjadi generasi baru dalam industri perjudian. Permainan ini telah melampaui batas-batas tradisional dan menjadi fenomena global yang menarik minat jutaan pemain di seluruh dunia. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, permainan poker juga telah beradaptasi dengan baik di era digital, dengan banyak platform online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain poker yang interaktif dan mengasyikkan. Namun, kesuksesan dalam membangun dan menjaga komunitas poker yang sukses tidaklah mudah. Ada berbagai tantangan yang harus dihadapi, mulai dari menarik dan mempertahankan anggota komunitas hingga menjaga integritas permainan. Berdasarkan artikel ini, kita telah menemukan strategi untuk mengatasi tantangan ini. Dengan menciptakan lingkungan yang inklusif dan menyenangkan, menerapkan peraturan yang ketat, mengorganisir turnamen dengan efisien, dan terus berkomunikasi dengan anggota komunitas, kita dapat membangun dan menjaga komunitas poker yang aktif dan berkelanjutan. Semoga artikel ini telah memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan baru tentang fenomena poker mania yang jarang diketahui. Teruslah mengikuti artikel kami untuk informasi menarik lainnya tentang poker dan dunia perjudian.
Certified ScrumMaster®: Virtual In-House Training This course covers Scrum and the principles and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster. You will come away with a good understanding of the Scrum framework and the underlying principles required to make effective decisions regarding the application of Scrum to different situations. At the end of the course, you will receive membership to the Scrum Alliance for two years and, following completion of an online test, will become a Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster®. Our Certified Scrum Trainers pay the initial, two-year membership fee for each student who successfully completes our Certified ScrumMaster® course. This membership fee also covers the cost of the CSM Test. A link to the test will be sent to you following your course. The CSM test has a passing score of 37 out of 50 questions within a 60-minute timeframe. You will have two attempts within 90 days after you receive your welcome e-mail to pass the test at no cost. After two attempts or 90 days, you will be charged $25 for each additional attempt. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Provide a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of Scrum Use the principles, practices, and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster Make effective decisions regarding the application of the Scrum framework to different situations, including: Practical, project-proven practices The essentials for getting a project off on the right foot How to write user stories and structure your product backlog How to help both new and experienced teams be more successful How to successfully scale Scrum Tips and tricks from the instructor's many years of using Scrum in a wide variety of environments Getting Started Introduction Course structure Course goals and objectives Agile Principles and Scrum Overview Agile Principles Lean Principles Process control models Incremental and Iterative development Shifting the focus on product management Overview of the Scrum process The Team Dedicated cross-functional teams T-shaped people Sprint Planning Team capacity Facilitating the Sprint Planning meeting The Sprint backlog Sprint Burndown chart Scrum Roles and Responsibilities The team and building effective teams ScrumMaster responsibilities Product Owner responsibilities The Scrum project community What happens to traditional roles in Scrum? Scrum Meetings Daily Scrum Reviews Retrospectives Product Backlog and User Stories Product backlog characteristics User stories Getting your first backlog Getting backlog items ready Slicing User stories Estimation for Forward Planning Why comparative estimation works Planning poker Affinity estimation Release Planning and Tracking Progress Velocity Release planning Tracking release progress Scaling Scrum Scrum of Scrums Scaling the product backlog Scaling across a program and business areas Distributed teams
Certified ScrumMaster®: In-House Training This course covers Scrum and the principles and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster. You will come away with a good understanding of the Scrum framework and the underlying principles required to make effective decisions regarding the application of Scrum to different situations. At the end of the course, you will receive membership to the Scrum Alliance for two years and, following completion of an online test, will become a Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster®. Our Certified Scrum Trainers pay the initial, two-year membership fee for each student who successfully completes our Certified ScrumMaster® course. This membership fee also covers the cost of the CSM Test. A link to the test will be sent to you following your course. The CSM test has a passing score of 37 out of 50 questions within a 60-minute timeframe. You will have two attempts within 90 days after you receive your welcome e-mail to pass the test at no cost. After two attempts or 90 days, you will be charged $25 for each additional attempt. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Provide a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of Scrum Use the principles, practices, and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster Make effective decisions regarding the application of the Scrum framework to different situations, including: Practical, project-proven practices The essentials for getting a project off on the right foot How to write user stories and structure your product backlog How to help both new and experienced teams be more successful How to successfully scale Scrum Tips and tricks from the instructor's many years of using Scrum in a wide variety of environments Getting Started Introduction Course structure Course goals and objectives Agile Principles and Scrum Overview Agile Principles Lean Principles Process control models Incremental and Iterative development Shifting the focus on product management Overview of the Scrum process The Team Dedicated cross-functional teams T-shaped people Sprint Planning Team capacity Facilitating the Sprint Planning meeting The Sprint backlog Sprint Burndown chart Scrum Roles and Responsibilities The team and building effective teams ScrumMaster responsibilities Product Owner responsibilities The Scrum project community What happens to traditional roles in Scrum? Scrum Meetings Daily Scrum Reviews Retrospectives Product Backlog and User Stories Product backlog characteristics User stories Getting your first backlog Getting backlog items ready Slicing User stories Estimation for Forward Planning Why comparative estimation works Planning poker Affinity estimation Release Planning and Tracking Progress Velocity Release planning Tracking release progress Scaling Scrum Scrum of Scrums Scaling the product backlog Scaling across a program and business areas Distributed teams
Certified ScrumMaster® This course covers Scrum and the principles and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster. You will come away with a good understanding of the Scrum framework and the underlying principles required to make effective decisions regarding the application of Scrum to different situations. At the end of the course, you will receive membership to the Scrum Alliance for two years and, following completion of an online test, will become a Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster®. Our Certified Scrum Trainers pay the initial, two-year membership fee for each student who successfully completes our Certified ScrumMaster® course. This membership fee also covers the cost of the CSM Test. A link to the test will be sent to you following your course. The CSM test has a passing score of 37 out of 50 questions within a 60-minute timeframe. You will have two attempts within 90 days after you receive your welcome e-mail to pass the test at no cost. After two attempts or 90 days, you will be charged $25 for each additional attempt. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Provide a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of Scrum Use the principles, practices, and tools required to be an effective ScrumMaster Make effective decisions regarding the application of the Scrum framework to different situations, including: Practical, project-proven practices The essentials for getting a project off on the right foot How to write user stories and structure your product backlog How to help both new and experienced teams be more successful How to successfully scale Scrum Tips and tricks from the instructor's many years of using Scrum in a wide variety of environments Getting Started Introduction Course structure Course goals and objectives Agile Principles and Scrum Overview Agile Principles Lean Principles Process control models Incremental and Iterative development Shifting the focus on product management Overview of the Scrum process The Team Dedicated cross-functional teams T-shaped people Sprint Planning Team capacity Facilitating the Sprint Planning meeting The Sprint backlog Sprint Burndown chart Scrum Roles and Responsibilities The team and building effective teams ScrumMaster responsibilities Product Owner responsibilities The Scrum project community What happens to traditional roles in Scrum? Scrum Meetings Daily Scrum Reviews Retrospectives Product Backlog and User Stories Product backlog characteristics User stories Getting your first backlog Getting backlog items ready Slicing User stories Estimation for Forward Planning Why comparative estimation works Planning poker Affinity estimation Release Planning and Tracking Progress Velocity Release planning Tracking release progress Scaling Scrum Scrum of Scrums Scaling the product backlog Scaling across a program and business areas Distributed teams
Deep Dive into Agile and Scrum - The What, Why and How to Begin as User Tomorrow: On-Demand This is not your typical Agile and Scrum 101 course. This course is designed to spend 25% of the time on "What" and "Why" behind Agile and Scrum and 75% on the "How" you can actually start using it on your team tomorrow! What You Will Learn You'll learn how to: Practice all the core Scrum practices end-to-end Implement real-world creative techniques for estimating, story identification, and prioritization Use an end-to-end example project scenario for maximum learning retention! Use YOUR company project as our sample (for private courses) Walk away with valuable course material, handouts, resources, and cheat sheets that will support you on your projects Practice real-world techniques from an experienced Agile Coach Agile Introduction and Overview The Traditional Process What is Agile? Agile Methods The Agile Process and Roles Agile Benefits / Value The Agile Team Agile Team Characteristics Agile Roles and Expectations Agile Management and Stakeholder Roles Agile Team Workspace Agile Programs and Portfolio Teams The Agile Planning & Visioning The 6 Levels of Planning Agile Planning Lifecycle Release Planning and Iteration Agile Visioning Toolkit Establishing Product Vision Agile Modeling Techniques Creating the Backlog 5 Levels of Agile Requirements User Stories INVEST Model Non-Functional Stories Acceptance Criteria How to Break Down Large Stories Release Planning and Estimating What is Release Planning? Sample Release Plan Story Points Sizing Techniques Planning Poker Complexity Buckets Affinity Sizing Planning Using Velocity Release Planning Meeting Sample Release Burn-up Chart A Day in the Life of an Agile Team Planning Meeting Design Review Daily Standup Pre-Planning User Acceptance Testing Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Building Healthy Agile Teams Common Challenges Facing Teams Healthy Team Structure Team Maturity Stages The 5 Dimensions of Team Health Deep Dive into Clarity, Performance, Culture, Leadership, Foundation Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics Summary and Next Steps What did we learn and how can we implement this learning in our work environment?
Scrum Product Owner Exam Prep: In-House Training This workshop prepares you for the Scrum.org PSPO™ I certification. A voucher for the exam and the access information you will need to take the exam will be provided to you via email after you have completed the course. NOTE: If you have participated in any of IIL's other Scrum workshops, you can bypass this program and focus on reading/studying the Scrum Guide and taking practice exams from Scrum.org The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. The Product Owner must be knowledgeable, available, and empowered to make decisions quickly in order for an Agile project to be successful. The Product Owner's key accountability is the Product Backlog. Managing, maintaining, and evolving the Product Backlog involves: Establishing a clear vision that engages the Development Team and stakeholders Clearly expressing Product Backlog items Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve the vision and goals Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all Working with the Development Team throughout the project to create a product that fits the customer's need The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I) certificate is a Scrum.org credential that enables successful candidates to demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSPO I credential holders demonstrate an intermediate understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They will exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Scrum.org does not require that you take their own sponsored or any preparatory training. However, training can facilitate your preparation for this credential. And this course is based on IIL's Scrum Product Owner Workshop, which is aligned with The Scrum Guide™. It will provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and IIL will make the arrangements for your online exam. You will be provided with an exam code and instructions, so that you can take the exam at your convenience, any time you are ready after the course. Passwords have no expiration date, but they are valid for one attempt only. See additional exam details on the next page. What you will Learn You'll learn how to: Successfully prepare for the Scrum.org PSPO I exam Identify the characteristics of a successful Product Owner Create a powerful vision statement Apply techniques to understand your customers and the market Manage and engage stakeholders Write effective user stories with acceptance criteria Utilize techniques to visualize and prioritize the Product Backlog Participate in the 5 Scrum events as the Product Owner Understand the Product Owner's role in closing a Scrum project Getting Started Introductions Workshop orientation Exam prep preview Fundamentals Recap Agile Manifesto, values, and mindset Product Owner characteristics Good vs. great Product Owner Product Ownership Product ownership Project vision Understand your customers and market Personas Stakeholder management and engagement The Product Backlog User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Preparing User Stories for a Sprint The Product Backlog Visualizing the Product Backlog Product Backlog Prioritization Technical Debt Sprint Planning and Daily Standups Sprint Planning Planning Poker Team Engagement Daily Standups Sprint Review, Retrospectives, and Closing Sprint Reviews Key Agile Patterns Retrospectives Closing the Project Summary and Next Steps Review of course goals, objectives, and content Exam prep next steps
Scrum Product Owner Exam Prep This workshop prepares you for the Scrum.org PSPO™ I certification. A voucher for the exam and the access information you will need to take the exam will be provided to you via email after you have completed the course. NOTE: If you have participated in any of IIL's other Scrum workshops, you can bypass this program and focus on reading/studying the Scrum Guide and taking practice exams from Scrum.org The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. The Product Owner must be knowledgeable, available, and empowered to make decisions quickly in order for an Agile project to be successful. The Product Owner's key accountability is the Product Backlog. Managing, maintaining, and evolving the Product Backlog involves: Establishing a clear vision that engages the Development Team and stakeholders Clearly expressing Product Backlog items Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve the vision and goals Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all Working with the Development Team throughout the project to create a product that fits the customer's need The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I) certificate is a Scrum.org credential that enables successful candidates to demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSPO I credential holders demonstrate an intermediate understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They will exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Scrum.org does not require that you take their own sponsored or any preparatory training. However, training can facilitate your preparation for this credential. And this course is based on IIL's Scrum Product Owner Workshop, which is aligned with The Scrum Guide™. It will provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and IIL will make the arrangements for your online exam. You will be provided with an exam code and instructions, so that you can take the exam at your convenience, any time you are ready after the course. Passwords have no expiration date, but they are valid for one attempt only. See additional exam details on the next page. What you will Learn You'll learn how to: Successfully prepare for the Scrum.org PSPO I exam Identify the characteristics of a successful Product Owner Create a powerful vision statement Apply techniques to understand your customers and the market Manage and engage stakeholders Write effective user stories with acceptance criteria Utilize techniques to visualize and prioritize the Product Backlog Participate in the 5 Scrum events as the Product Owner Understand the Product Owner's role in closing a Scrum project Getting Started Introductions Workshop orientation Exam prep preview Fundamentals Recap Agile Manifesto, values, and mindset Product Owner characteristics Good vs. great Product Owner Product Ownership Product ownership Project vision Understand your customers and market Personas Stakeholder management and engagement The Product Backlog User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Preparing User Stories for a Sprint The Product Backlog Visualizing the Product Backlog Product Backlog Prioritization Technical Debt Sprint Planning and Daily Standups Sprint Planning Planning Poker Team Engagement Daily Standups Sprint Review, Retrospectives, and Closing Sprint Reviews Key Agile Patterns Retrospectives Closing the Project Summary and Next Steps Review of course goals, objectives, and content Exam prep next steps
Scrum Product Owner Exam Prep: In-House Training: Virtual In-House Training This workshop prepares you for the Scrum.org PSPO™ I certification. A voucher for the exam and the access information you will need to take the exam will be provided to you via email after you have completed the course. NOTE: If you have participated in any of IIL's other Scrum workshops, you can bypass this program and focus on reading/studying the Scrum Guide and taking practice exams from Scrum.org The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. The Product Owner must be knowledgeable, available, and empowered to make decisions quickly in order for an Agile project to be successful. The Product Owner's key accountability is the Product Backlog. Managing, maintaining, and evolving the Product Backlog involves: Establishing a clear vision that engages the Development Team and stakeholders Clearly expressing Product Backlog items Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve the vision and goals Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all Working with the Development Team throughout the project to create a product that fits the customer's need The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I) certificate is a Scrum.org credential that enables successful candidates to demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSPO I credential holders demonstrate an intermediate understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They will exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Scrum.org does not require that you take their own sponsored or any preparatory training. However, training can facilitate your preparation for this credential. And this course is based on IIL's Scrum Product Owner Workshop, which is aligned with The Scrum Guide™. It will provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and IIL will make the arrangements for your online exam. You will be provided with an exam code and instructions, so that you can take the exam at your convenience, any time you are ready after the course. Passwords have no expiration date, but they are valid for one attempt only. See additional exam details on the next page. What you will Learn You'll learn how to: Successfully prepare for the Scrum.org PSPO I exam Identify the characteristics of a successful Product Owner Create a powerful vision statement Apply techniques to understand your customers and the market Manage and engage stakeholders Write effective user stories with acceptance criteria Utilize techniques to visualize and prioritize the Product Backlog Participate in the 5 Scrum events as the Product Owner Understand the Product Owner's role in closing a Scrum project Getting Started Introductions Workshop orientation Exam prep preview Fundamentals Recap Agile Manifesto, values, and mindset Product Owner characteristics Good vs. great Product Owner Product Ownership Product ownership Project vision Understand your customers and market Personas Stakeholder management and engagement The Product Backlog User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Preparing User Stories for a Sprint The Product Backlog Visualizing the Product Backlog Product Backlog Prioritization Technical Debt Sprint Planning and Daily Standups Sprint Planning Planning Poker Team Engagement Daily Standups Sprint Review, Retrospectives, and Closing Sprint Reviews Key Agile Patterns Retrospectives Closing the Project Summary and Next Steps Review of course goals, objectives, and content Exam prep next steps
The aim of this course is to provide project managers, project engineers and project support staff with a toolkit they can use on their projects. The tools range from the simple that can be used on all projects to the advanced that can be used where appropriate. This programme will help the participants to: Identify and engage with stakeholders Use tools for requirements gathering and scope management Produce better estimates using a range of techniques Develop more reliable schedules Effectively manage delivery DAY ONE 1 Introduction Overview of the programme Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 Stakeholder management Using PESTLE to aid stakeholder identification Stakeholder mapping The Salience model Stakeholder engagement grid 3 Requirements management Using prototypes and models to elucidate requirements Prioritising techniques Roadmaps Requirements traceability 4 Scope management Work breakdown structures Responsibility assignment matrix 5 Delivery approaches Sequential Agile 6 Estimating Comparative estimating Parametric Bottom-up Three-point estimating Delphi and Planning Poker Creating realistic budgets DAY TWO 7 Scheduling Critical path analysis Smoothing and levelling Timeboxing Team boards Monte Carlo simulations Probability of completion 8 People management Situational Leadership The Tuckman model Negotiation Conflict management Belbin 9 Monitoring and control Earned value management 10 Course review and action planning Identify actions to be implemented individually Conclusion PMI, CAPM, PMP and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Agility has become a prized business attribute. Although Agile methods were once most associated with software development, they are now applied in a host of different areas. Agile continues to find new applications because it is primarily an attitude. This programme delivers a solid grounding in both the Agile mindset and Agile methods. It covers three methods, illustrates the benefits of each and shows how they can be integrated. It includes practical techniques as well as background knowledge. By the end of the session, participants will be able to: Apply Agile concepts to self-manage their work Understand the roles people take on in Agile teams Use a variety of techniques to help deliver customer satisfaction Focus on delivering against priorities Employ a range of estimating techniques 1 Introduction Overview of the programme Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 The basics of Agile What makes Agile different Agile Manifesto and Principles Using feedback to deliver what is needed 3 Agile teams Multi-disciplinary teams Team size and empowerment Agile values 4 Agile at the team level - Scrum Scrum roles Scrum 'events' Scrum 'artifacts' 5 Agile for teams juggling multiple demands - Kanban Taking control of the work Improving throughput Dealing with bottlenecks 6 Agile in projects - AgilePM The phases of an Agile project Managing change requests Delivering on time 7 Estimating T-shirt / Pebble sizing Yesterday's weather Planning poker 8 Pick 'n' mix - some useful techniques The daily stand-up User stories Retrospectives Work-in-process limits Burndown charts Minimum viable product A / B testing 9 Review and action planning Identify actions to be implemented individually Conclusion