Amelia Wilbourn | Amelia Wilbourn Mechanical horses help build your confidence and fine tune your performance as a rider. Amelia Wilbourn has over 25 years experience available to help you.
Sara Goodwin | Burgess Hill health & fitness coach
Barre Beautiful | Brighton & Hove – Inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates
Dance Academy School | RB Arts Academy | Uckfield RB Arts Academy Uckfield based Dance, Drama, Musical Theatre, Acro, Pilates, Clubbercise, Street Tots and Spirit Elite Cheer Squad.
Personal trainer | Balanced Life Fitness | Brighton England Balanced Life Fitness Offers Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates and Massage Services In Brighton and Hove. Get In Touch Today With Gareth Burnell At Balanced Life Fitness
Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic
Personal Trainer East Sussex | 1:1 training, group classes, and more Nationally accredited personal trainer in Ringmer, East Sussex, offering 1:2:1 personal training, group classes, pilates, weight loss & more.
Are you a health & wellbeing practitioner? The centre provides a beautiful space for health and wellbeing practitioners to hire. Are you a holistic therapist or teacher of personal development programmes/exercise classes? Do you have a passion for offering high quality health and wellbeing activities that really make a difference? The centre is looking to expand its activities and work in collaboration with established faciltators and therapists in the field of health, wellbeing and personal development. As a beautiful and tranquil space to hire it offers a number of services, including marketing through this website and collaboration with other health professionals through events. Please do get in touch to find out more. Please request a copy of the new members’ pack of information by emailing Sara at
Cart - Your purchase with Purple Turtle Therapy, Brighton, Hove and Sussex. Buy now online here. Contact us for advice and information on our services.