Sign you up to various apps Assist with profile Advise on picture selection coaching on online dating tactics 40 mins dating advice session Tips for single life Dating advice for singles
Learning how to have a better relationship Introspection test Learn where you are going wrong Love language testing Learn about boundaries Establishing your relationship needs Address past negative relationship patterns Learn about boundaries Relationship facets relationship course 2-hour session relationship training and 1 phone call 30 mins Coaching and relationship skills education
Talk the argument through Ascertain the cause Analyse possible options and solutions Relationship conflict coaching support and mediation tips conclusion and emotional intelligence training tips 3 x 45 mins sessions
Relationship coaching Talk through emotions and needs Address fears and emotions Ascertain your fears and address them Teaching better relationship strategies Personal dating coaching for 2 months 1 hour per week Dating advice for singles
Get some single girl tips speak to your coach about dates or whatever you’re going through and we will also send you a single girls information pack Items inside the package: Hair accessories Single girl relationship advice guide Lipstick Biscuits Chocolate Eyeshadow set 2x 30-minute phone calls per week to talk about your situation. Dating advice for singles
Talk things through Give you support and dating advice Have your own Dating Coach for 4 days 30 mins a day Phone session Dating tips Relationship advice and guidance skills General life coaching How to date in modern society training Dating advice for singles
This package is for a couple Diffuse and calm down situation Speak to both parties separately Mediate situation Rationalise through the problems Address the area of contention Couples therapy Ascertain issues Advice on future communications Resolution 2 30min sessions with each party
M.D.D Psychotherapy session offers the following: Mental health treatment Therapy sessions Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) Psychodynamic therapy Mindfulness-based therapy Anxiety treatment Depression treatment Trauma therapy Personalized therapy Evidence-based therapy Non-judgmental therapy Safe therapy space Mental health recovery
£169.99 for 1 week of coaching Have you just broken up with your girlfriend/boyfriend? Or has one of your friends or colleagues broken up with someone recently send them a package to cheer them up The package includes: Breakup guide, Biscuits, Drink, Breakup quotes, Face mask, Chocolate Treat, 3 x 20 mins calls per week to talk about your situation