Understand the difference between objections and conditions and how you can prevent objections by qualifying early. Discover valuable questions to evaluate how prospects think, controlling mental focus. Anticipate and be ready for objections before your conversation. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between objections and conditions for not buying, Identify the challenge salespeople encounter with objections and conditions, Anticipate and plan for objections Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
When someone says they're not interested, determine if it's an informed or uninformed response. Educate prospects on what they need to know before ruling you out. Discover questions to ask a prospect or indifferent buyer with an objection. Determine if a price related concern is a condition or an objection and how to handle each. Learning Objectives Explain how to regain control of the conversation, Summarize multiple responses to seven common objections Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Explore ways to increase your currency power before negotiating to leverage buying power. We will guide you how to use ten effective behavioral traits of successful negotiators and how to apply six planning tactics. Learning Objectives Identify questions needing answers before negotiating, Define three types of currencies to negotiate, Explain how to increase your currency power, Apply six planning tactics Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Exploring alternatives is a problem-solving stage. Pinpoint areas of agreement and conflict and discover how to look for common ground and reassess positions. Understand how to encourage seeking an agreement that collaborates, but compromise if necessary. Discover a strategy to learn buyer price limitations. Learning Objectives Summarize how to pinpoint underlying needs, Determine buyer price limits, Describe how to work defensively with 'offensive' buyer gambits Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Discover the importance of fostering a team culture that can effectively withstand and overcome adversity. This involves developing strategies and practices to cultivate resilience among team members, such as promoting open communication, fostering mutual support, and providing resources for personal and professional development. By focusing on building trust, fostering collaboration, and empowering individuals to learn and grow from adversity, the goal is to create a resilient team capable of thriving amidst uncertainty and achieving collective success. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Explore why traits associated with resilience give teams a competitive advantage , Learn strategies for developing a fearless and adaptable team, Discover tips and strategies for finding opportunities in challenging situations Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals
Everything you do or say sends a message. Be aware of how your verbal, vocal and visual messages convey your intended meaning. We will guide you to present with vocal impact by controlling monotone, volume, rate of speech, and non-words. Understand how to control your posture, movement, eye contact, clothing and gestures. Learning Objectives Identify the challenges of ambiguous messages, Express your message with vocal and visual impact, Close your presentation with impactful results Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
We will share a tip how to focus on the message-not yourself, visualizing a successful outcome and build your confidence with perfect practice. How do you organize your presentation and quality control the material? We will guide you to be ready for the best presentation ever. Learning Objectives Apply steps for practicing your craft, Make minor adjustments that can make major differences, Coach your mindset for an effective presentation Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
We will show you how to engage audiences throughout your presentation by being interactive and keeping it conversational. Understand how to keep your verbal, vocal, and visual messages congruent to increase likeability, believability, credibility, and persuasiveness. Be prepared and think through the presentation from start to finish and anticipate any problems. Learning Objectives Define the new language in sales persuasion, Identify the three V's of communication, Select objectives for your presentation, Analyze your audience Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Often larger sales introduce innovative solutions, making its diffusion challenging and slow to accept. Understand the four elements of diffusion and the three dimensions of consequences. Discover three objectives for resolving concerns that will assist you and the four rules for resolving negative consequence issues. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between resolving concerns in small versus large sales, Reduce decision-making time, Explain how consequences and risk affect sales results, Explain consequence Red Flag Factors, Apply four rules for resolving major account concerns Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Negotiation is necessary when a buyer and seller can't agree. Understand the two strategies to negotiate and how to use a variety of techniques to increase your personal negotiating power. We will unpack each step of the negotiation process and guide you through all you need to know to master any negotiation. Learning Objectives Define key negotiation concepts, Explain how negotiations may be used to resolve conflict, Identify opportunities for negotiation, Apply two win-win negotiation strategies Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams