behaviour matters
Behaviour Matters was founded by Becky and Leanne with a vision to help parents,
carers and teachers develop their skills to handle children’s behaviour in an
encouraging and respectful manner and, by doing so, promote positive
relationships in schools and at home. They work on a consultancy basis, as well
as offering a wide variety of training courses and workshops to Local
Authorities, School Staff and Parents. Becky and Leanne have been working with
Local Authorities for a number of years, providing a range of training courses.
They have worked with school staff and parents for many years. Inspired by the
positive effects the Restorative Approach can have on behaviour and
relationships within school communities, they have developed a package of
materials for schools around positive behaviour management, which includes the
following training: Restorative Approaches, Peer Mediation (for pupils),
Attachment Awareness, Managing Behaviour in the Classroom/Playground. We also
run workshops for parents, as well as work with parents on a one-to-one basis to
help them to manage their children's behaviour, support their children's
emotional regulation and manage anger.