This course is ideal to give all members of staff basic fire training to increase awareness and cooperation in the event of a fire in the workplace.
Equality is everyone’s right and everyone’s responsibility’. This training promotes the requirements of the Equality and Diversity Act. This session will strengthen understanding of Equality & Diversity.
This course explores ‘What is diabetes’ and the basic anatomy and physiology of what happens to cause diabetes, management, short & long term complications, and caring for someone with diabetes.
Join John McGlone for an hour long session where we will provide insight into the Data Protection industries predominant Certification programme. In this session, we will run over some of the course content, show example exam questions and answer any burning questions you may have. All Webinar attendees will receive a full Practice Exam to give even further insight into what to expect on exam day. Certification Logo What's Included? 1 hour with John McGlone Free Practice Exam Questions and Answer session Who Should Attend? Anyone with an interest in IAPP training
PER (Practical Experience Requirements) or CPD Training Course for Accountancy Students: Overview It is a comprehensive practical accounting training program designed to build the bridge between knowledge and practical aspects of accounting and tax. With these accounting courses, many modules of tax and accounting are covered as well as Computerised Accounting & Payroll. Moreover, After completing the modules you will have the chance to get hands-on experience which will open the door for the lucrative Accounting, Tax & Payroll sector. Certificate of Attendance Advanced Excel Bookkeeping VAT Training - Preparation and Submission Personal Tax Return Company Accounting and Tax Training Sage 50 Accounting Training Content (Level 1) Sage Payroll Training Content(Level 1)
Onze studenten, alumni en docenten zijn ijzersterk in het bedenken van artistieke en creatieve concepten. Maar om van concept te gaan naar realisatie zijn er acht andere bouwstenen die even noodzakelijk zijn. Die bouwstenen vormen samen een business plan. Gelukkig is er met het Canvas Model van Alex Osterwalder een model dat je toelaat om die bouwstenen snel en accuraat te benoemen zodat je creatief concept geen volledig boekdeel nodig heeft om tot stand te komen. Deze webinar is bijzonder handig voor studenten en docenten die overwegen om een LUCAbreakoutsteun aan te vragen. Dit model wordt gebruikt in de beoordeling van de voorstellen.
What are the aims of this course? Define mental health Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction Understand key legislation relating to mental health Explain how mental health care has evolved over time Identify common signs and symptoms Understand common mental health disorders Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have Explain the concept of parity of esteem Know how to support people and offer advice
This course will explore what we mean when we say someone has dementia. The course will challenge you to think more about how we can best care for and support people with dementia.
This course discusses the care of indwelling male, female, and supra-pubic catheters in order to minimise the risks associated with indwelling catheters
This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of confidentiality and record keeping. Providing information on the importance of accurate and true record keeping.