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14968 Other courses delivered On Demand

Youth Work, Anti Social Behaviour & Social Worker

By Imperial Academy

3 QLS Endorsed Diploma | QLS Hard Copy Certificate Included | 10 CPD Courses | Lifetime Access | 24/7 Tutor Support

Youth Work, Anti Social Behaviour & Social Worker
Delivered Online On Demand

Freelance Writing Course

By iStudy UK

Course Description Freelance writing is the practice of writing for money, in its simplest state. Freelance writers produce whatever written text is needed by their clientele, generally at home in their own office, for money. If you want to be freelance writer or want to get the success keys, you are welcome to join Freelance Writing Course. You will gain the skills necessary to thrive in the freelance writing world. Learn the secret self-promotion tactics of a seasoned freelancer quickly. Feel motivated and full of self-belief in a new home based career. You will learn everything you need to know about magazine article and travel writing, ghost writing, genre fiction writing, nonfiction book writing, children's book writing, to effective copy writing, and much more. What's In the Course? Discover why I am the right teacher for you. Indeed, I may be the ONLY writing teacher out there who has actually made a good living from writing. Most teachers either live in dusty classrooms teaching theory, or are so called 'gurus' who have no real world experience and yet spout even more theory from behind a blog or a flashy website. Not me, I'm the real deal. I've been making a living from freelance writing for over 25 years, online and offline - so I know how it's done, how it works, and how to make a shed-load of money doing it. Let me show you the best attributes to develop to make your new career a certainty. Talk to me about your problems within the course and let me help you gain the right mindset, attitude, and motivation. I'll be candid and assist you as much as is humanly possible. Plus, I'll be upfront about the money you can make, which is sometimes a lot more than you'd think! The key to making freelance writing work is to create multiple streams of income, so that you're getting a constant flow of money coming in from all kinds of writing work: magazine articles, travel writing, ghosting writing, editing jobs, writing fiction and nonfiction, getting published by the trade AND/OR self publishing certain things. The trick is to diversify and not rely totally on just one form of income. I'll explain fully how that is done effectively at the beginning of the course. Many new writers don't fully appreciate how to run a lucrative business. Basically writing for a living is a business too - and you need to approach it like one. In one crucial set of videos I explain how to plan and strategize your success and use priorities and measurement of your activities to maximize your earning potential. Plus tips on how to reduce your taxes and properly manage your finances. Writing success is about managing your activities - daily - and responding to feedback. My course ensures you don't get caught in a rut and that you respond quickly to the demands that writing for a living will engender. Included are downloadable activity sheets that will help you identify the best paying jobs. More than any other freelance business, you are a product of your own destiny when it comes to writing. You decide on what you want. You decide what you want to do with your time. You are the master of your universe - and you reap the rewards of true independence. During the course I explain how your mindset is your best friend, your best asset, and your key to true success. It's what is in your heart that matters - and I explain why. After this master class in self management I then go on introduce the concept of Practical Cash Creation. This detailed module explains the reality of writing for a living and what it means, how it can impact your life and those around you, how making money changes your life - and your partner's - all for the good. There are more downloadable income to activity schedules and spreadsheets in these modules to help you chart your progress and track your journey to success. Finally we reach the actual meat and potatoes of the course - actual money making activities explained in detail: how actual cash is generated from a myriad of sources. The information in these videos will literally blow you away. Never in one place have so many secrets been laid bare, especially about an industry normally shrouded in secrecy. Now it's no longer necessary for you to learn the hard way - all by yourself and over a long period of time (years!) because I have done all that FOR YOU. All the information you need is here. All the right tips and tactics that work are ALL HERE. Just for you. Writing for Magazines is traditionally seen as the freelancers main income source and the subject receives its full attention from me. The fact is, magazine articles may only make up a small part of your overall income but everything you learn about pitching for work will help sharpen your freelance writing skills. In this series of lectures I help you with Sample Query letters, assistance choosing topics that can't fail to have an editor salivating and a market listing to die for. Non Fiction Writing is covered in a series of SEVEN videos that show you how to construct sure-fire submissions to publishers on all kinds of books: science, fashion, history, whatever you like. You see the thing is that you don't have to write entire books to get paid to write them. Better to pitch nonfiction ideas to publishers FIRST and then let them commission you to write them. This is how true professionals work - and I show you the exact method by which you can compete and win with ease. Again I include an up to the minute listing of nonfiction publishers who are desperate for new book ideas from you. Writing Genre Fiction for big money is the dream of almost all new authors. But how is this achieved? Look no further. Over EIGHT info packed videos and FOUR full-length e-books, I explain how to write effective romance, thrillers, fantasy, horror, science fiction and cross-genre fiction for the modern marketplace, whether you're targeting traditional publishers or you want to self publish on Amazon. This module alone is worth far more than the super low price I'm asking for this extraordinary course. You won't believe what you get! Writing for Children is another favorite choice among new authors who sense there is much money to be made from spinning short tales for kids. It is true that the children's market is huge and lucrative but, do you really have what it takes to be a winner in this field? This special SEVEN part lecture series will put you on the right track. Compiled with the help of a multi-published children's author, this section alone is super valuable to any writer's career. Includes great instruction on technique and comprehensive market listing of children's book publishers Writing for the Corporate World has always been a great fallback for me. If ever there's a market that's always hungry, it's the business world. But many people misunderstand how most companies go about attracting freelance writers... because mostly they don't. We writers often have to make the first move. This section gives you the foolproof strategy I have always used to get business work. It's quick, easy, and costs nothing - but the pay is out of this world! Learn the one trick I present in this eye-popping SIX part section and you'll always be wealthy! Travel Writing - the dream ticket. What could be more exotic and glamorous? Writing travel articles is a bit like being James Bond without the gun! But what do travel magazines really want? What do travel book publishers need? In this wonderful new section I give you the facts. Everything you need to know about writing compelling articles, plus advice on how to get holiday gigs, and how best to do research on location and take photos that will become your way into the big time! Includes a complete list of travel writing publishers and high paying magazine markets. Becoming a Ghost Writer is about getting it all: money without the hassle of being a touring author. Honestly, if you're looking for sure-fire income, there is never a shortage of people looking for ghost writers. And it's incredibly well paid. Your biggest hurdle is finding the right kind of clients, by which I mean the PAYING ones. Only one in ten ghost writing clients want to pay you - even though they will lie and tell you they'll pay you later, which they often won't. This section is all about using business skills to attract paying clients, how to construct ghost writing contracts and how to do a great job quickly AND get paid UPFRONT. Getting Rich as a Copywriter is an ambition like no other. As we speak it is possible to spend up to $2000 on a copywriting course ALONE. But here, within Secrets of a Freelance Writer, over EIGHT packed lectures, you get every piece of information on copywriting you'll ever need. Don't waste your money on hack copywriters who have to sell their overpriced courses to make their mortgage payments. Find out everything you need to know from me, a freelancer - and a nice guy - who has used advanced copywriting skills to build a million dollar empire over the last decade and a half. Get in the know - and quickly! Self Publishing Online is now a necessary skill for all new writers. You simply can't survive as a credible author these days without having an online presence and a means by which to sell you own books. Many traditional authors are making the switch to digital author simply because the royalties publishers pay are too low. Amazon pays 70% to 90%. Traditional publisher pay 10%. It's easy to see why the majority of new authors now CHOOSE self publishing over the long and often disappointing slog of getting an agent then a literary deal where you'll end up barely able to pay the rent and bills. Learn how to self publish online like a professional and watch the money come rolling in! What are you waiting for? Offline Self-Publishing too is still a valid way of making cash quickly - if you know how to do it properly. There are many pitfalls to vanity publishing and you don't want to do that. But if you're a teacher, a coach, or a speaker then publishing your own book in a limited POD run to can be earning money you would normally be leaving on the table. In this four part section, let me show you the best advice for self publishing offline in this digital age. Includes downloadable resources. Grants and Funding for Writers. Did you know there are individuals, government departments, and corporations who regularly give money to authors, writers and poets? Getting grants and funding can be a useful tool to helping your bank balance and your kudos rating but many artists struggle over where and how to begin with this minefield of possibilities. This special section takes the mystery out of getting grants and applying for art funding. Helping Other Writers is one major key to getting wealthy as an author. As the number of wordsmiths taking themselves seriously these days, the larger the market grows for people who need help, help only YOU can give. You may not have considered this as a market before. You may not have thought yourself good enough. No matter. This unique look at cash creation shows you, over TEN fact filled lectures exactly how to make a great living simply helping other writers to succeed. And it's easy to attract the work and keep getting gigs for as long as you like! Self Promotion is necessary but need not be hard. Many writers don't want to promote themselves and then are overwhelmed by all the possibilities, many of which are a waste of time. Let me show you the best ways to promote yourself - the ones that work - so you can save time and get on with what really matters: the writing. Over this extraordinary FIVE part section - the likes of which you've never seen - I'll give you the lowdown on promotion tactics that make money and make sure you benefit from your new career. In the Conclusion, we look at maintaining a freelance career, which is all about combining self belief and proper business practice with writing. The fact is you don't need to be the best writer in the world to make a living as an author, a copywriter, a ghost writer or even a magazine article writer. Your enthusiasm and your dedication will take you a lot further than your talent. Freelance Writing is a dream job where you are rich, independent and FREE. Come join me. Let me show you how it's done! As well as giving all the information about writing for a living you could ever need, this unique course presents a step-by-step, motivational program for personal writing success, whatever your level of expertise. All you need is your enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and you will begin a new life of independence and freedom within days of taking this fun and insightful study aid. GO FOR IT! Join me now. Introduction to Freelance Writing Am I The Right Teacher For You? You Betcha! FREE 00:01:00 What You Need To Succeed FREE 00:02:00 Your Key is Your Attitude FREE 00:02:00 How Much Money Are We Talking Here? FREE 00:01:00 Creating Multiple Streams of Income The Main Point of This Course 00:02:00 Strategy and Measurement 00:02:00 Setting Your Priorities 00:02:00 Mindset of the Freelancer Mindset 00:02:00 Heart of Gold, Pot of Gold 00:02:00 Acquiring The Very Best Attitude 00:02:00 Practical Cash Creation Practical Cash Creation 00:01:00 The Reality of Writing for a Living 00:02:00 Activity To Income Schedule 00:00:00 Your Daily Writing Activities 00:00:00 Tracking Your income Tracking Your Income ONE 00:02:00 Tracking Your Income TWO 00:01:00 Income Tracking Sheet 00:00:00 Freelancer Spreadsheet Template 00:00:00 Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines 00:02:00 Choosing Topics For Magazine Articles 00:01:00 Markets for Nonfiction Articles 00:00:00 Sample Magazine Query Letter 00:00:00 Writing Non Fiction For Publication and Sale Writing Non Fiction for Profit ONE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit TWO 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit THREE 00:01:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FOUR 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FIVE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SIX 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction For Money and Kudos Introduction to Writing Genre Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction TWO 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction THREE - Romance 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction FOUR - Thrillers 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction FIVE - Science Fiction 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction SIX - Horror 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction SEVEN - Fantasy 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction EIGHT - Cross Genre 00:01:00 Writing For Children Writing for Children ONE 00:01:00 Writing for Children TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Children THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Children FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Children FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Children SIX 00:02:00 Writing for Children SEVEN 00:02:00 Marketing Listing of Children Book Publishers 00:00:00 Writing for Corporate Companies Writing for Business ONE 00:01:00 Writing for Business TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Business THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Business FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Business FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Business SIX 00:02:00 Travel Writing Travel Writing ONE 00:02:00 Travel Writing TWO 00:02:00 Travel Writing THREE 00:02:00 Travel Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Travel Writing FIVE 00:01:00 Travel Writing SIX 00:01:00 Travel Writing Publishers 00:00:00 Ghost Writing Ghost Writing ONE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing TWO 00:02:00 Ghost Writing THREE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing FOUR 00:01:00 Ghost Writing FIVE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing Resources 00:00:00 The Art of Writing Ad Copy The Art of Writing Copy ONE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy TWO 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy THREE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FOUR 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FIVE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SIX 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SEVEN 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy EIGHT 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online Self Publishing Online ONE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online TWO 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online THREE 00:01:00 Self Publishing Online FOUR 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FIVE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online SIX 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online SEVEN 00:01:00 Self Publishing Offline Offline Publishing Advice ONE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice TWO 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice THREE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice FOUR 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Resources 00:00:00 Grants and Funding for Writers Grants and Funding ONE 00:02:00 Grants and Funding TWO 00:01:00 Grants and Funding THREE 00:02:00 Grants Currently Available to Writers 00:00:00 Getting Wealthy by Helping Other Writers Helping Other Writers ONE 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers TWO 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers THREE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FOUR 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FIVE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers Six 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers SEVEN 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers EIGHT 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers NINE 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers TEN 00:00:00 Self Promotion Self Promotion Advice ONE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice TWO 00:01:00 Self Promotion Advice THREE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FOUR 00:01:00 Self Promotion Advice FIVE 00:02:00 Self Belief and Your Career The End of the Course 00:01:00 Self Publishing - AGAIN 00:02:00 Maintaining a Freelance Career 00:02:00 Self Belief 00:02:00 Useful Websites for Self Publishing 00:00:00

Freelance Writing Course
Delivered Online On Demand2 hours 46 minutes

Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service QLS Endorsed Diploma

By Compliance Central

Recent studies show that the nexus of Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service has become increasingly vital in today's dynamic market landscape. With the rapid evolution of consumer preferences and technological advancements, businesses are seeking professionals who can adeptly navigate these realms. According to recent data from the Office for National Statistics, industries prioritizing customer service, efficient business management, and innovative entrepreneurial strategies have shown a significant uptick in growth, outpacing their counterparts. In response to these trends, our comprehensive Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service bundle equips learners with the essential tools and insights needed to excel in these interconnected domains. Embark on a transformative journey with our Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service QLS Endorsed Diploma , meticulously designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to thrive in diverse professional settings. Through a curated blend of QLS Endorsed Diplomas and CPD QS Accredited Courses, participants delve deep into the intricacies of customer service representation, entrepreneurship training, and advanced business management practices. With a focus on both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, learners gain a holistic understanding of how these disciplines intertwine to drive organisational success. QLS Endorsed Courses: Course 01: Certificate in Customer Service - Representative at QLS Level 3 Course 02: Diploma in Entrepreneurship Training at QLS Level 5 Course 03: Advanced Diploma in Business Management at QLS Level 7 CPD QS Accredited Courses: Course 04: Entrepreneurial Mindset Course 05: Advanced Pitching for Startups Course 06: Make Business Plans: Forecasting and Budgeting Course 07: Business Law Course 08: Financial Ratio Analysis for Business Decisions Course 09: Capital Budgeting & Investment Decision Rules Course 10: Business Management Course 11: Setting & Achieving Goals Take your career to the next level with our bundle that includes technical courses and five guided courses focused on personal development and career growth. Course 12: Career Development Plan Fundamentals Course 13: CV Writing and Job Searching Course 14: Networking Skills for Personal Success Course 15: Ace Your Presentations: Public Speaking Masterclass Course 16: Decision Making and Critical Thinking Seize this opportunity to elevate your career with our comprehensive bundle, endorsed by the prestigious QLS and accredited by CPD. It covers Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service QLS Endorsed Diploma. Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate proficiency in customer service principles and techniques at QLS Level 3. Apply entrepreneurial mindset strategies to identify and capitalise on emerging opportunities through Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service courses. Utilise advanced pitching techniques to effectively communicate business ideas and secure investments by Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service courses. Develop comprehensive business plans encompassing forecasting, budgeting, and financial analysis over Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service courses. Navigate legal frameworks and ethical considerations inherent in business operations. Employ critical thinking and decision-making skills to achieve strategic goals in Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service. In our Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service bundle, learners delve into an array of topics essential for success in today's competitive business landscape. Through QLS Endorsed Diplomas and CPD QS Accredited Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service Courses, participants gain comprehensive insights into customer service representation, entrepreneurship, and advanced business management strategies. From mastering the art of effective communication with customers to honing the skills necessary to lead and innovate within organisations, this Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service bundle provides a holistic approach to professional development. Participants in Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service courses will explore the principles and practices of customer service at QLS Level 3, equipping them with the knowledge and techniques required to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Additionally, they will delve into the nuances of entrepreneurship, learning to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Through advanced courses in business management, participants will develop proficiency in areas such as financial analysis, strategic planning, and decision-making, empowering them to drive organisational success and navigate the complexities of today's business environment. CPD 160 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? This comprehensive Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service package is designed for: Aspiring entrepreneurs keen on honing their entrepreneurial skills in Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service. Business professionals seeking to enhance their management capabilities in Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service. Customer service representatives aiming to elevate their service delivery. Students pursuing careers in business administration or Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service . Individuals transitioning into entrepreneurship from other industries. Professionals looking to expand their knowledge base in Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service and stay abreast of industry trends. Requirements You are warmly invited to register for this bundle. Please be aware that there are no formal entry requirements or qualifications necessary. This curriculum has been crafted to be open to everyone, regardless of previous experience or educational attainment. Career path This Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service bundle is beneficial for anyone looking to build their career as: Entrepreneur or startup founder Business manager or director Customer service manager Business consultant Project manager Sales manager Marketing manager Certificates 13 CPD Quality Standard Certificates Digital certificate - Included 3 QLS Endorsed Certificates Hard copy certificate - Included

Entrepreneurship, Business Management & Customer Service QLS Endorsed Diploma
Delivered Online On Demand4 days

Pharmacology Course


By Elearncollege

Description Pharmacology Diploma   Clinics, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities need to run smoothly, and this need has grown in necessity. You can be of great significance in this sector by receiving the appropriate training to offer your abilities to its development. Sign up for our Pharmacology Diploma course and join the healthcare sector to use your skills to help people in need and offer them relief. Elearncollege brings you a chance to hone your pharmaceutical skills through the diploma course in Pharmacology. In this Pharmacology Diploma course, you will learn the necessity of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. A course endorsed by Elearncollege, the Pharmacology Diploma, will teach you new skills to develop your profession. The Pharmacology Diploma course is comprehensive and detailed. The course will teach you all the basics of Pharmacology required by an employee in the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare. The Pharmacology Diploma course will help you become a skilled practitioner capable of dispensing the correct medication. The Pharmacology Diploma course from Elearncollege will help you progress in your pharmaceutical and healthcare career. Learn about the ideas and regulating organisations that help guarantee pharmacology is safe. You'll learn about drug administration methods, how medicines interact with the body, pharmacokinetics, how to measure pharmaceuticals safely, and drug action processes on the body's many receptors. What you will learn   1:The basics of pharmacology  2:Drugs for the nervous system  3: Medical terminologies  4:Cardiovascular and respiratory drugs  5:Drugs for GI and GU disorders  6:Hematologic and endocrine drugs  7:Psychotropic drugs  8:Drugs and the immune system and infection  9:Antineoplastic drugs  10:Drugs to balance fluids and electrolytes  Course Outcomes After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. Assessment Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. Accreditation Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Pharmacology Course
Delivered Online On Demand9 days

Anger Management Diploma Course


By Elearncollege

Description Anger Management Diploma Anger management is a training to keep your anger under control by learning the skills and techniques to remain calm and composed. Anger is considered as a negative emotion which results from frustration or in order to protect ourselves from other vulnerable feelings. Factors like stress, abuse, physical and mental taxing can all act as triggers of anger. Anger Management Diploma deals with anger management lessons so that people can lead a life free of anger and related negative emotions. Anger is an active emotion that urges the person to respond immediately and the response in most cases is unfavourable. Anger can lead to problems both to the instigator and instigated and that is why it is essential to keep it in control. There are many ways to prevent and control anger and in turn remove the unwanted and unpleasant reactions concerned with it. These anger-controlling techniques include ignoring it and forgiving the instigator. Getting adequate sleep, sufficient exercise and a balanced diet can sometimes act as tools to prevent anger. Relaxation, breathing exercises, cognitive restructuring and imagery are all examples of anger management techniques. Anger Management Diploma is helpful to all professionals like mental health counsellors, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists. People who have trouble managing anger will also benefit from Anger Management Diploma. What You Will Learn 1.Anger - The universal Emotion 2.When is Anger a Problem 3.Is Anger Poisoning your life 4.Taking Immediate Action 5.Speaking out in anger 6.Keeping your cool 7.Adopting a new perspective 8.Saying What you Feel 9.Confessing your Anger through Emotional Journaling 10.Becoming a Type B Course Outcomes After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. Assessment Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. Accreditation Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Anger Management Diploma Course
Delivered Online On Demand9 days

Eating Disorder Awareness Course


By Elearncollege

Description Eating Disorder Awareness Diploma All around the globe, health groups are working continuously to promote awareness of eating disorders among the populace. But the sad truth remains that common eating disorders are prevalent and is at its highest till date. Although the lives of the majority of people of all age groups are affected by eating disorders, they were given the recognition of being a genuine illness only recently. It is very difficult for an affected person to accept that they have an eating disorder. A greater challenge can be acquiring the courage to seek help for the problem. Regardless, those who know about eating disorders and have studied them thoroughly are trying to change the lives of affected people for the better, all around the world. A person who looks forward to becoming a professional in the field of diet and nutrition cannot neglect eating disorders and the enormous health implications that accompany it. This Eating Disorder Awareness Diploma is the best option for those who wish to understand better the causes, consequences and possible treatment methods available for common eating disorders. Study in detail about some reasons for eating disorders to manifest in a person along with the preventive measures that are most effective. Learn about bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and other eating disorders. Learn and understand how a positive impact is being made on the lives of many people who are battling eating disorders all around the world. What You Will Learn  1: Understanding Eating Disorders  2: Anorexia Nervosa  3: Bulimia Nervosa  4: Understanding Binge Eating Disorder  5: Eating Disorder Risk Factors  6: Looking At Recovery  7: Considering The Treatment Options  8: Finding The Treatment Approach Course Outcomes After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. Assessment Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. Accreditation Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Eating Disorder Awareness Course
Delivered Online On Demand9 days

Less Process, More Guidance: Tips for Effectively Scaling Great Teams

By IIL Europe Ltd

Less Process, More Guidance: Tips for Effectively Scaling Great Teams The lone genius is dead. EY reports that 90% of organisations are solving problems so complex that they need teams. Dom Price, Head of R&D and Work Futurist from Atlassian joins us to share his personal experiences in helping Atlassian scale over the last 5 years, and be more nimble, adaptive and relevant than ever before. He'll share why they decided to take on team work, how they did it, and even let us in on some of the pitfalls along the way. This isn't a session on theory. Dom will share practical insights from Atlassian and from over 100 other organisations where they've shared their way of working. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.

Less Process, More Guidance: Tips for Effectively Scaling Great Teams
Delivered Online On Demand30 minutes

Levers of Project Agility: Change Management

By IIL Europe Ltd

Levers of Project Agility: Change Management Levers of Project Agility: Change Management You may be using agile processes in your projects, even have extended the use of agile management practices into other areas of business. However, your ability to realize the expected benefits within the expected time horizons is only affected by the quality of your change management initiatives. In this talk, we will look at the models of change and current change management best practices to identify the critical success factors for integrating change management into project activities that will enable agility into benefit delivery. Your projects may be agile, but to achieve expected benefit delivery you need to integrate high quality change management initiatives into project activities. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.

Levers of Project Agility: Change Management
Delivered Online On Demand30 minutes

Learning From Agile Transformation Journey

By IIL Europe Ltd

Learning From Agile Transformation Journey In this talk, Evelyn will be sharing her experience and insights gained from her decade of experience supporting organizations to transform. Through Ericsson Global Transformation Support Centre, she grew internal coaching capabilities and helped organizations of different sizes to transform. She developed deep insights on agile transformation strategy, agile leadership and transformation tactics at different levels, through her hands-on coaching experience working with different technology, architecture, structure and culture.Some highlights of her talk include: agile transformation patterns, transformation strategy, internal organic transformation, importance of agile leadership and product ownership, and some other learnings that will surely lead to some concrete takeaway messages for you to advance you and your Agile transformation to the next level. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.

Learning From Agile Transformation Journey
Delivered Online On Demand30 minutes

NASM Virtual Coaching Specialist (VCS)


By Platinum Training Institute

The future of fitness is here. Be a part of it. The NASM Virtual Coaching Specialization’s immersive online experience will equip you with the skills, tools, and strategies necessary to launch, operate, or transition your current fitness or wellness business to a successful online coaching business. By doing so, you’ll open yourself to a whole new world of opportunities. You’ll also be able to help clients from around the world anywhere and anytime. It’s the ultimate flexibility as a trainer while also creating new revenue streams. As part of this specialization, you will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct and modify fitness assessments online, how to cue clients in an online environment, how to run your business digitally, effective sales and marketing strategies, and much more!

NASM Virtual Coaching Specialist (VCS)
Delivered Online On Demand