Duration 3.5 Days 21 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages. Overview Learn how Python works and what it's good for. Understand Python's place in the world of programming languages Learn to work with and manipulate strings in Python. Learn to perform math operations with Python. Learn to work with Python sequences: lists, arrays, dictionaries, and sets. Learn to collect user input and output results. Learn flow control processing in Python. Learn to write to and read from files using Python. Learn to write functions in Python. Learn to handle exceptions in Python. Learn to work with dates and times in Python. In this Python training course by Webucator, Inc, students learn to program in Python. Python Basics Running Python Hello, World! Literals Python Comments Data Types Variables Writing a Python Module print() Function Named Arguments Collecting User Input Getting Help Functions and Modules Defining Functions Variable Scope Global Variables Function Parameters Returning Values Importing Modules Math Arithmetic Operators Modulus and Floor Division Assignment Operators Built-in Math Functions The math Module The random Module Seeding Python Strings Quotation Marks and Special Characters String Indexing Slicing Strings Concatenation and Repetition Common String Methods String Formatting Built-in String Functions Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets Definitions Sequences Unpacking Sequences Dictionaries The len() Function Sets *args and **kwargs Flow Control Conditional Statements The is and is not Operators Python's Ternary Operator Loops in Python The enumerate() Function Generators List Comprehensions File Processing Opening Files The os and os.path Modules Exception Handling Wildcard except Clauses Getting Information on Exceptions The else Clause The finally Clause Using Exceptions for Flow Control Exception Hierarchy Dates and Times Understanding Time The time Module The datetime Module Running Python Scripts from the Command Line The sys Module sys.argv
Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for Anyone who is preparing to build and run Kubernetes clusters Overview By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Build, test, and publish Docker container images Become familiar with YAML files that define Kubernetes objects Understand Kubernetes core user-facing concepts, including pods, services, and deployments Use kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI, and become familiar with its commands and options Understand the architecture of Kubernetes (Control plane and its components, worker nodes, and kubelet) Learn how to troubleshoot issues with deployments on Kubernetes Apply resource requests, limits, and probes to deployments Manage dynamic application configuration using ConfigMaps and Secrets Deploy other workloads, including DaemonSets, Jobs, and CronJobs Learn about user-facing security using SecurityContext, RBAC, and NetworkPolicies This four-day course is the first step in learning about Containers and Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations. Through a series of lectures and lab exercises, the fundamental concepts of containers and Kubernetes are presented and put to practice by containerizing and deploying a two-tier application into Kubernetes. Course Introduction Introductions and objectives Containers What and Why containers Building images Running containers Registry and image management Kubernetes Overview Kubernetes project Plugin interfaces Building Kubernetes Kubectl CLI Beyond Kubernetes Basics Kubernetes objects YAML Pods, replicas, and deployments Services Deployment management Rolling updates Controlling deployments Pod and container configurations Kubernetes Networking Networking within a pod Pod-to-Pod Networking Services to Pods ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer Ingress controllers Service Discovery via DNS Stateful Applications in Kubernetes Stateless versus Stateful Volumes Persistent volumes claims StorageClasses StatefulSets Additional Kubernetes Considerations Dynamic configuration ConfigMaps Secrets Jobs, CronJobs Security Network policy Applying a NetworkPolicy SecurityContext runAsUser/Group Service accounts Role-based access control Logging and Monitoring Logging for various objects Sidecar logging Node logging Audit logging Monitoring architecture Monitoring solutions Octant VMware vRealize Operations Manager Cluster Operations Onboarding new applications Backups Upgrading Drain and cordon commands Impact of an upgrade to running applications Troubleshooting commands VMware Tanzu portfolio overview
Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This is an introductory-level systems administration course geared for Systems Administrators and users who wish to learn how to how to install, configure and maintain an Enterprise Linux system in a networked environment. Overview This course is about 50% lab to lecture ratio, combining expert instructor-led discussions with practical hands-on skills that emphasize current techniques, best practices and standards. Working in this hands-on lab environment, guided by our expert practitioner, attendees will explore Installing the Linux operating system and configuring peripherals Performing and modifying startup and shutdown processes Configuring and maintaining basic networking services Creating and maintaining system users and groups Understanding and administering file permissions on directories and regular files Planning and creating disk partitions and file systems Performing maintenance on file systems Identifying and managing Linux processes Automating tasks with cron Performing backups and restoration of files Working with system log files Troubleshooting system problems Analyzing and taking measures to increase system performance Configuring file sharing with NFS Configuring Samba for file sharing with the Windows clients Setting up a basic Web server Understanding the components for setting up a LAMP server Implementing basic security measures Linux System Administration is a comprehensive hands-on course that teaches students how to install, configure and maintain an Enterprise Linux system in a networked environment. This lab-intensive class explores core administrative tasks such as: creating and managing users, creating and maintaining file systems, determining and implementing security measures and performing software installation and package management. Linux networking topics include installing and supporting SSH, NFS, Samba and the Apache Web server. Students will explore common security issues, as well as several tools, such as the PAM modules that help secure the operating system and network environment. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be prepared to maintain Linux systems in a networked business environment. Although the course includes installing and configuring a CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 Linux system, much of the course content also applies to Oracle, Ubuntu, Scientific and other current versions of mainstream Linux distributions. Labs include user and group maintenance, system backups and restoration, software management, administration tasks automation, file system creation and maintenance, managing remote access, working with cron, and configuring basic file sharing and Web services, as well as working with system logging utilities such as rsyslog and much more. System Administration Overview UNIX, Linux and Open Source Duties of the System Administrator Superusers and the Root Login Sharing Superuser Privileges with Others (su and sudo Commands) TCP/IP Networking Fundamentals Online Help Installation and Configuration Planning: Hardware and Software Considerations Site Planning Installation Methods and Types Installation Classes Partitions Logical Volume Manager - LVM File System Overview Swap Partition Considerations Other Partition Considerations The Linux Boot Loader: grub Software Package Selection Adding and Configuring Peripherals Printers Graphics Controllers Basic Networking Configuration Booting to Recovery Mode Booting and Shutting Down Linux Boot Sequence The systemd Daemon The systemctl Command Targets vs. Run Levels Modifying a Target Service Unit Scripts Changing System States Booting into Rescue Mode Shutdown Commands Managing Software and Devices Identifying Software Packages Using rpm to Manage Software Using yum to Manage Software Installing and Removing Software Identifying Devices Displaying Device and System Information (PCI, USB) Plug and Play Devices Device Configuration Tools Managing Users and Groups Setting Policies User File Management The /etc/passwd file The /etc/shadow file The /etc/group file The /etc/gshadow file Adding Users Modifying User Accounts Deleting User Accounts Working with Groups Setting User Environments Login Configuration Files The Linux File System Filesystem Types Conventional Directory Structure Mounting a File System The /etc/fstab File Special Files (Device Files) Inodes Hard File Links Soft File Links Creating New File Systems with mkfs The lost+found Directory Repairing File Systems with fsck The Journaling Attribute File and Disk Management Tools Linux File Security File Permissions Directory Permissions Octal Representation Changing Permissions Setting Default Permissions Access Control Lists (ACLs) The getfacl and setfacl commands SUID Bit SGID Bit The Sticky Bit Controlling Processes Characteristics of Processes Parent-Child Relationship Examining Running Processes Background Processes Controlling Processes Signaling Processes Killing Processes Automating Processes cron and crontab at and batch System Processes (Daemons) Working with the Linux Kernel Linux Kernel Components Types of Kernels Kernel Configuration Options Recompiling the Kernel Shell Scripting Overview Shell Script Fundamentals Bash Shell Syntax Overview Shell Script Examples System Backups Backup Concepts and Strategies User Backups with the tar Command System Backup Options The xfsdump and xfsrestore Commands Troubleshooting the System Common Problems and Symptoms Troubleshooting Steps Repairing General Boot Problems Repairing the GRUB 2 Boot Loader Hard Drive Problems Restoring Shared Libraries System Logs and rsyslogd Basic Networking Networking Services Overview NetworkManager Introduction Network Configuration Files Locations and Formats Enabling and Restarting Network Services with systemtcl Configuring Basic Networking Manually Configuring Basic Networking with NetworkManager LAMP Server Basics LAMP Overview Configuring the Apache Web Server Common Directives Apache Virtual Hosting Configuring an Open Source Database MySQL MariaDB PHP Basics Perl CGI Scripting Introduction to System Security Security Overview Maintaining System Security Server Access Physical Security Network Security Security Tools Port Probing with nmap Intrusion Detection and Prevention PAM Security Modules Scanning the System Maintaining File Integrity Using Firewalls Introduction to firewalld The Samba File Sharing Facility Configure Samba for Linux to Linux/UNIX File Sharing Configure Samba for Linux to Windows File Sharing Use the smbclient Utility to Transfer Files Mount/Connect Samba Shares to Linux and Windows Clients Networked File Systems (NFS) Using NFS to Access Remote File Systems Configuring the NFS Server Configuring the NFS Client Exporting File Systems from the NFS Server to the NFS Client
Four weeks of revision exercises, study stories and feedback exchange for flash fiction authors.
Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for This is an introductory-level C++ programming course designed for developers with experience programming in C or other languages. Practical hands-on prior programming experience and knowledge is required. Overview This 'skills-centric' course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture, designed to train attendees in basic coding with C++, coupling the most current, effective techniques with the soundest industry practices. Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current 'on-the-job' experience into every classroom. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn: Writing procedural programs using C++ Using private, public and protected keywords to control access to class members Defining a class in C++ Writing constructors and destructors Writing classes with const and static class members Overloading operators Implementing polymorphic methods in programs Writing programs using file I/O and string streams Using manipulators and stream flags to format output Using the keyword template to write generic functions and classes Writing programs that use generic classes and functions Writing programs that use algorithms and containers of the Standard Library Apply object-oriented design techniques to real-world programming problems Using algorithms and containers of the Standard Library to manipulate string data Understand how C++ protects the programmer from implementation changes in other modules of an application Using try() blocks to trap exceptions Using catch() blocks to handle exceptions Defining exceptions and using throw to trigger them Introduction to C++ Programming / C++ Essentials is a skills-focused, hands-on C++ training course geared for experienced programmers who need to learn C++ coupled with sounds coding skills and best practices for OO development. Students will leave this course armed with the required skills to put foundation-level C++ programming skills right to work in a practical environment. The central concepts of C++ syntax and style are taught in the context of using object-oriented methods to achieve reusability, adaptability and reliability. Emphasis is placed on the features of C++ that support abstract data types, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn to apply the process of data abstraction and class design. Practical aspects of C++ programming including efficiency, performance, testing, and reliability considerations are stressed throughout. Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency Moving from C to C++ (Optional) New Compiler Directives Stream Console I/O Explicit Operators Standard Libraries Data Control Capabilities Handling Data New Declaration Features Initialization and Assignment Enumerated Types The bool Type Constant Storage Pointers to Constant Storage Constant Pointers References Constant Reference Arguments Volatile Data Global Data Functions Function Prototypes and Type Checking Default Function Data Types Function Overloading Problems with Function Overloading Name Resolution Promotions and Conversions Call by Value Reference Declarations Call-by-Reference and Reference Types References in Function Return Constant Argument Types Conversion of Parameters Using Default Initializers Providing Default Arguments Inline Functions Operator Overloading Advantages and Pitfalls of Overloading Member Operator Syntax and Examples Class Assignment Operators Class Equality Operators Non-Member Operator Overloading Member and Non-Member Operator Functions Operator Precedence This Pointer Overloading the Assignment Operator Overloading Caveats Creating and Using Objects Creating Automatic Objects Creating Dynamic Objects Calling Object Methods Constructors Initializing Member consts Initializer List Syntax Allocating Resources in Constructor Destructors Block and Function Scope File and Global Scope Class Scope Scope Resolution Operator :: Using Objects as Arguments Objects as Function Return Values Constant Methods Containment Relationships Dynamic Memory Management Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation Static, Automatic, and Heap Memory Free Store Allocation with new and delete Handling Memory Allocation Errors Controlling Object Creation Object Copying and Copy Constructor Automatic Copy Constructor Conversion Constructor Streaming I/O Streams and the iostream Library Built-in Stream Objects Stream Manipulators Stream Methods Input/Output Operators Character Input String Streams Formatted I/O File Stream I/O Overloading Stream Operators Persistent Objects Introduction to Object Concepts The Object Programming Paradigm Object-Orientated Programming Definitions Information Hiding and Encapsulation Separating Interface and Implementation Classes and Instances of Objects Overloaded Objects and Polymorphism Declaring and Defining Classes Components of a Class Class Structure Class Declaration Syntax Member Data Built-in Operations Constructors and Initialization Initialization vs. Assignment Class Type Members Member Functions and Member Accessibility Inline Member Functions Friend Functions Static Members Modifying Access with a Friend Class Templates Purpose of Template Classes Constants in Templates Templates and Inheritance Container Classes Use of Libraries Strings in C++ Character Strings The String Class Operators on Strings Member Functions of the String Class Inheritance Inheritance and Reuse Composition vs. Inheritance Inheritance: Centralized Code Inheritance: Maintenance and Revision Public, Private and Protected Members Redefining Behavior in Derived Classes Designing Extensible Software Systems Syntax for Public Inheritance Use of Common Pointers Constructors and Initialization Inherited Copy Constructors Destructors and Inheritance Public, Protected, Private Inheritance Exceptions Types of Exceptions Trapping and Handling Exceptions Triggering Exceptions Handling Memory Allocation Errors C++ Program Structure Organizing C++ Source Files Integrating C and C++ Projects Using C in C++ Reliability Considerations in C++ Projects Function Prototypes Strong Type Checking Constant Types C++ Access Control Techniques Polymorphism in C++ Definition of Polymorphism Calling Overridden Methods Upcasting Accessing Overridden Methods Virtual Methods and Dynamic Binding Virtual Destructors Abstract Base Classes and Pure Virtual Methods Multiple Inheritance Derivation from Multiple Base Classes Base Class Ambiguities Virtual Inheritance Virtual Base Classes Virtual Base Class Information The Standard Template Library STL Containers Parameters Used in Container Classes The Vector Class STL Algorithms Use of Libraries
Learn more about entering the exciting field of Clinical Research, and how you can quickly start or grow your career! Tuesday, August 27 · 1 - 2am GMT+1 Join us to learn about Clinical Research--a growing field that offers a variety of career opportunities--and how you can acquire the skills to work in Clinical Research! Ask questions of experts working in the field. Discover the PCC Clinical Research program. In this 6 month, part-time class, you learn the foundational terms, concepts, and elements of designing and implementing clinical research, preparing you for a great job for an in-demand role. Most positions offer starting hourly rates ranging between $23-$36 per hour, and typically include benefits. Clinical research skills and knowledge are used in research sites such as medical centers and hospitals, pharmaceutical, device or biotechnology companies, or in contract research organizations. PCC's Foundations of Clinical Research curriculum was developed in partnership with local Oregon healthcare leaders including OHSU, Kaiser Permanente, Providence Health & Services, and Legacy Health. In the Foundations of Clinical Research non-credit certificate program at PCC's Institute for Health Professionals, you will learn will ethical, regulatory, historical and operational, recruitment, reporting, and other principles that support successful clinical trials. Seeking a new opportunity in a growing field? Already a CNA or Nurse and looking to transition to a role that doesn't have you running ragged all day? Check out PCC's IHP Clinical Research program!
Getting Started The BSc in Health and Social Care is a comprehensive undergraduate program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the healthcare and social services sectors. This programme covers essential health, well-being, and social support topics, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for fulfilling careers in these vital fields. Anglia Ruskin University offers the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care program, a highly regarded undergraduate degree providing students with a deep understanding of the dynamic and crucial health and social care sectors. This program is tailored to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential for excelling in various roles within these sectors. The curriculum strongly emphasises integrating theory and practice, enabling students to develop the essential competencies required for effective healthcare and social work delivery. A standout feature of this program is its strong emphasis on real-world experience through placements and practical training, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to tackle the challenges within the healthcare and social care sectors. Additionally, Anglia Ruskin University's distinguished reputation in healthcare education and research enhances the value of this program, making it an excellent choice for individuals aspiring to make a meaningful impact in these critical fields. The programme comprises two phases; the first is the Qualifi Level 4 and 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care, awarded by Qualifi and delivered by the School of Business and Technology London. The second phase is the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Top Up, awarded and delivered 100% online by Anglia Ruskin University. At Anglia Ruskin University, you will study through Canvas, a world-class online Learning Management System (LMS), accessed from your phone, pc or tablet at home or on the move. Canvas provides instant access to study materials, forums, and support from tutors and classmates, as well as enabling easy submission of your assignments. After successfully completing your studies, you'll be invited to attend a graduation ceremony on campus at Anglia Ruskin University. If attending the ceremony in person is not possible, we'll arrange to send your certificate to you. School of Business and Technology London partners with Chestnut Education Group to promote this programme. About Awarding Body Anglia Ruskin University began in 1858 as the Cambridge School of Art founded by William Beaumont. It was then merged with the Cambridge shire College of Arts and Technology and the Essex Institute of Higher Education and was renamed Anglia Polytechnic. It was then given university status in 1992 and renamed Anglia Ruskin University in 2005. The university has campuses in the UK (Cambridge, Chelmsford, London and Peterborough), as well as they are partnered with institutions around the world including Berlin, Budapest, Trinidad, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Assessment Assignments and Project No examinations Entry Requirements A Level or Equivalent Minimum 1 Year of Health and Social care work experience Further, candidates are also required to demonstrate their English language proficiency. Learners must request before enrolment to interchange unit(s) other than the preselected units shown in the SBTL website because we need to make sure the availability of learning materials for the requested unit(s). SBTL will reject an application if the learning materials for the requested interchange unit(s) are unavailable. Learners are not allowed to make any request to interchange unit(s) once enrolment is complete. Structure Phase 1 - Qualifi Level 4 and 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care Programme Structure Level 4 - Modules The QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Health and Social Care comprises 120 credits, equating to 1200 hours of TQT and 600 hours of GLH. The diploma requires six mandatory units at Level 4. Academic Study skills Reference No: T/505/9498 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 The primary objective of this unit is to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective higher education study, fostering the development of reflective and critical thinking abilities necessary for reaching their maximum learning potential and potentially advancing to the Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care. Communicating in Health and Social Care Reference No: H/505/9495 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 This unit aims to cultivate the learner's understanding of the various modes of communication utilised in health and social care settings and underscore their importance in ensuring efficient service delivery. An Introduction to Healthcare Policy Reference No : F/505/9505 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 This unit seeks to enhance the learner's awareness of the diverse factors influencing healthcare and their impact on policy development. Evaluating healthcare policies will enable learners to scrutinise the crucial contemporary concerns facing policy-makers, service providers, and support recipients. Reflective Practice Reference No : F/505/9519 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 Introducing learners to reflective practice in all its forms is the focus of this unit. Reflecting on and in practice holds significance in health and social care, promoting self-development and linking theoretical concepts to practical application. Managing people in Health and Social Care Reference No : L/505/9507 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 The primary objective of this unit is to provide learners with an understanding of the processes involved in the recruitment, management, and development of personnel in the health and social care workplace. Learners will investigate the procedures governing the management of individuals in this sector and explore how to instigate organisational change. Sociology: Concepts in Health and Social Care Reference No : M/505/9502 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 This unit aims to impart to learners an understanding of sociological concepts related to health and illness and their practical application in health and social care. It will enable learners to comprehend the nature of contemporary society and its influence on the perception of health and illness. Learners will delve into the structural aspects of culture, such as age, gender, ethnicity, social class, family, and households, and their impact on health and well-being. Level 5 - Modules The Level 5 Diploma is made up of 120 credits, which equates to 1200 hours of TQT and includes 500 hours of GLH. The Diploma requires five mandatory units at Level 5. Principles Underpinning Health and Social Care Reference No : K/505/9496 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 Health and social care professionals must adhere to specific ethical and professional standards. This course module is designed to foster comprehension of the principles, theories, and regulations that form the foundation of health and social care practice. It also explores the various tools and systems in place to uphold high standards of practice within the industry. The Management of Quality in Health and Social Care Reference No : A/505/9521 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 Quality plays a significant role in the realm of health and social care. In this unit, students will acquire insight into diverse viewpoints concerning the quality of health and social care services and the methods used to evaluate them. This knowledge aims to empower and involve service users in the process. Research Project Reference No : H/505/9500 Credit: |40| TQT: 400 The primary objective of this unit is to enhance students' research abilities, encouraging them to conduct a concise pilot study that directly pertains to their higher education program or career advancement. This endeavour aims to cultivate independent inquiry and critical analysis skills. Partnership working in Health and Social Care Reference No : A/505/9499 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 In this unit, students will grasp the significance of establishing favourable professional relationships in health and social care. The module will delve into the concept of partnership on three distinct levels: Collaboration with service users. Cooperation among health and social care practitioners. Engagement with organisations. Understanding these aspects will empower individuals to make informed choices and advocate for autonomy. Working with Service users with Complex Needs Reference No : T/505/9520 Credit: |20| TQT: 200 This course module aims to equip learners with insights into matters concerning health, disability, and illness. It further enables them to recognise effective strategies for assisting individuals with intricate physical and mental health requirements in their roles as healthcare professionals. Phase 2 - BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Programme Structure Leadership Practice in Health and Social Care Evaluating Research for Evidence-Based Practice Strategic Management in Health and Social Care Undergraduate Major Project Delivery Methods The programme comprises two phases; the first is the Qualifi Level 4 and 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care, awarded by Qualifi and delivered by the School of Business and Technology London. The School of Business and Technology London offers flexible learning methods, including online and blended learning, allowing students to choose the mode of study that suits their preferences and schedules. The program is self-paced and facilitated through an advanced Learning Management System. Students can easily interact with tutors through the SBTL Support Desk Portal System for course material discussions, guidance, assistance, and assessment feedback on assignments. School of Business and Technology London provides exceptional support and infrastructure for online and blended learning. Students benefit from dedicated tutors who guide and support them throughout their learning journey, ensuring a high level of assistance. The second phase is the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Top Up, awarded and delivered 100% online by Anglia Ruskin University. At Anglia Ruskin University, you will study through Canvas, a world-class online Learning Management System (LMS), accessed from your phone, pc or tablet at home or on the move. Canvas provides instant access to study materials, forums, and support from tutors and classmates, as well as enabling easy submission of your assignments. After successfully completing your studies, you'll be invited to attend a graduation ceremony on campus at Anglia Ruskin University. If attending the ceremony in person is not possible, we'll arrange to send your certificate to you. School of Business and Technology London partners with Chestnut Education Group to promote this programme. Resources and Support School of Business & Technology London is dedicated to offering excellent support on every step of your learning journey. School of Business & Technology London occupies a centralised tutor support desk portal. Our support team liaises with both tutors and learners to provide guidance, assessment feedback, and any other study support adequately and promptly. Once a learner raises a support request through the support desk portal (Be it for guidance, assessment feedback or any additional assistance), one of the support team members assign the relevant to request to an allocated tutor. As soon as the support receives a response from the allocated tutor, it will be made available to the learner in the portal. The support desk system is in place to assist the learners adequately and streamline all the support processes efficiently. Quality learning materials made by industry experts is a significant competitive edge of the School of Business & Technology London. Quality learning materials comprised of structured lecture notes, study guides, practical applications which includes real-world examples, and case studies that will enable you to apply your knowledge. Learning materials are provided in one of the three formats, such as PDF, PowerPoint, or Interactive Text Content on the learning portal. How does the Online Learning work at SBTL? We at SBTL follow a unique approach which differentiates us from other institutions. Indeed, we have taken distance education to a new phase where the support level is incredibly high.Now a days, convenience, flexibility and user-friendliness outweigh demands. Today, the transition from traditional classroom-based learning to online platforms is a significant result of these specifications. In this context, a crucial role played by online learning by leveraging the opportunities for convenience and easier access. It benefits the people who want to enhance their career, life and education in parallel streams. SBTL's simplified online learning facilitates an individual to progress towards the accomplishment of higher career growth without stress and dilemmas. How will you study online? With the School of Business & Technology London, you can study wherever you are. You finish your program with the utmost flexibility. You will be provided with comprehensive tutor support online through SBTL Support Desk portal. How will I get tutor support online? School of Business & Technology London occupies a centralised tutor support desk portal, through which our support team liaise with both tutors and learners to provide guidance, assessment feedback, and any other study support adequately and promptly. Once a learner raises a support request through the support desk portal (Be it for guidance, assessment feedback or any additional assistance), one of the support team members assign the relevant to request to an allocated tutor. As soon as the support receive a response from the allocated tutor, it will be made available to the learner in the portal. The support desk system is in place to assist the learners adequately and to streamline all the support process efficiently. Learners should expect to receive a response on queries like guidance and assistance within 1 - 2 working days. However, if the support request is for assessment feedback, learners will receive the reply with feedback as per the time frame outlined in the Assessment Feedback Policy.
Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is ideal for developers, engineers and others including: Cloud solution architects Cloud administrators Customer sales engineers DevOps engineers Sales engineers Systems engineers Technical solutions architects Overview After taking this course, you should be able to: Describe what clouds are supported and how to configure clouds for Cost Optimizer Examine the Cost Optimizer snapshots of costs incurred by the various clouds installed for an organization This course, Mulitcloud Cost Optimization with Cisco CloudCenter Suite (CLDCO) v1.0, teaches you how the reporting and analysis of consumption the cost optimizer provides, functions within a Cisco© CloudCenter Suite. The cost optimizer works together with two other primary mechanisms: a workload manager that helps users deploy applications and manage governance policies, and an action orchestrator that provides seamless integration and workflow automation. Through lessons and hands-on experiences, you will learn the functionality of the CloudCenter cost optimizer Implementing Cisco CloudCenter Suite Cost Optimizer Cisco CloudCenter Suite Cost Optimizer Examining Cost Optimizer Inventory, Reports, Rightsizing, and Troubleshooting Configure Cost and Inventory Reports in the User Interface Lab outline Create Users, User Roles, and Cloud Permissions Create Cost Group and Billing Unit Use Cisco CloudCenter Suite Cost Optimizer Representational State Transfer (REST) API Additional course details: Nexus Humans Cisco Multicloud Cost Optimization with Cisco CloudCenter Suite (CLDCO) v1.0 training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Cisco Multicloud Cost Optimization with Cisco CloudCenter Suite (CLDCO) v1.0 course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.
Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is designed for The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functional consultant. The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functional consultant is a key resource that designs and configures apps to meet the requirements for a customer. The functional consultant analyzes business requirements and translates those requirements into fully realized business processes and solutions that implement industry-recommended practices. The functional consultant specializes in one or more of the following feature sets of Dynamics: finance, manufacturing, or supply chain management. They partner with architects, developers, administrators, and other stakeholders to deliver solutions that meet or exceed the needs of their customers. Overview Configure the most important Dynamics 365 Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functionalities. Process most of the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management transactions. Explain to others how Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management features and functionalities works. This course is designed to build your foundation in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management application knowledge. This course will cover the most important features and functionalities needed by Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functional consultant including: The product information and how to configure, create, and manage your product and inventory. Supply chain management configuration and processing. The transportation management features, and the warehouse management features. Quality management and quality control functionalities. Master planning configuration and processing. This course includes lectures and several hands-on exercises. The exercises will be introduced to you on a form of a case study presented to a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functional consultant. Each exercise will be bases on a business scenario followed by a question or discussion then a step-by-step guidance to perform the system related steps. Implement product information management Create and manage products Configure products for supply chain management Manage inventory pricing and costing Implement inventory management Configure Inventory management Manage and process inventory activities Implement and manage supply chain processes Implement Procurement and sourcing Implement common sales and marketing features Using Microsoft Guides Implement warehouse management and transportation management Configure warehouse management Perform warehouse management processes Implement transportation management Configure and manage quality control and quality management Configure quality control and quality management Manage quality control and quality management Implement master planning Configure master planning and forecasting Run master plans and manage planned orders Implement additional master planning features
Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for To ensure success, students will need to be familiar with using personal computers and should have experience using a keyboard and mouse. Students should also be comfortable working in the Windows 10 environment and be able to manage information on their computers. Overview Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to understand Office 365 and leverage its tools to increase productivity and collaboration within your organization. This course is intended for students who wish to gain the foundational understanding of Office 365. This course aims to provide an introduction to 365, its applications and tools. Getting Started with Office 365 An Introduction to Office 365 Navigate the Online User Interface Your Account, Personal Profile, Apps Use Help Personal Communications Outlook, Calendar and People Outlook Online Essentials Online location of Outlook features, signatures etc. Online Calendar Essentials Shared and Sharing Calendars People Online Essentials Searching, Groups and Lists Information and File Sharing OneDrive for Business File Management and File Sharing SharePoint Online Sites, Libraries and Lists Team Communications Skype for Business Yammer Collaboration Creating and Co-authoring Online Online vs Desktop Excel Online Word Online PowerPoint Online OneNote Online Other Apps Additional course details: Nexus Humans Office 365 - Essentials training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Office 365 - Essentials course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.