Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs This session focuses on one way of achieving curricular coherence: fostering big pictures of the past. The work of multiple practitioners will be drawn upon to exemplify different ways in which this can be done, including how to use of narrative to foster coherent big pictures. The content from this session will support curriculum design for new specifications. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/q9rG5Hiynr Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs At the end of this session, participants will be introduced to an optional small-scale action research project. This project will prompt reflection on a specific aspect of participants’ practice, which will be explored and reviewed through the webinar series. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/q9rG5Hiynr Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs This session will open with an overview of coherence and provide a rationale for this series webinars. It will explore why sequencing is so important at Key Stage 4, and how Key Stage 3 can be used to develop a coherent Key Stage 4, which will be vital to consider ahead of choosing a new GCSE specification. It will also consider how to plan for pupils’ encounters with knowledge across Key Stage 4. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/q9rG5Hiynr Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs This session will consider how a curriculum can be conceptually coherent. It will explore the manifestations of interplay between substantive and disciplinary knowledge across multiple units, providing useful guidance ahead of planning for delivery of new specifications. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/q9rG5Hiynr Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Dale Banham This webinar will explore a range of proven strategies for helping students remember more at GCSE. This includes: How to avoid cognitive overload by maintaining an explicit focus on key takeaways How to use recent research from cognitive science and the 2024 International Revision Census to make those key takeaways stick How to apply the theory of ‘desirable difficulties’ to structuring schemes of work that regularly revisit previous learning How to help students visualise what is expected of them in the exam so that they remember exam technique tips To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/bdNUSwLNrL Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Gemma Hargraves and Kate Wright This session will offer practical strategies teachers can use to support and challenge neurodivergent students at GCSE. Covering the importance of scaffolding and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, Kate Wright will offer a SENDCo’s perspective on how best to support GCSE historians. From Frayer models and graphic organisers to explicitly teaching key concepts and vocabulary, the session will outline how to achieve clarity in lessons, resources and homework. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/e/bdNUSwLNrL Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)
This Level 4 practitioner award encourages individuals in or working towards a leadership role (this could be an IT or technical based-role), and you want to demonstrate modern leadership behaviours to nurture a high-performing team, especially during a time of organisational change.
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