oxford schools chaplaincy
The Oxford Schools Chaplaincy is a registered charity (no. 1140387) and a member
of the Evangelical Alliance. Since 2010 Oxford Schools Chaplaincy has been
working in schools around Oxford, expanding from 2015, through a programme of
working with and training volunteers in order to offer a wider range of
activities. In 2019, we delivered 50 lessons to 1,220 students; provided
assemblies to over 800 students, as well as supported Christian groups in 6
schools and organised teacher support events. We have 50 people who have
volunteered from 23 churches around Oxford. In 2020/21, we worked to support
teachers and students during lockdown, and Coronavirus restrictions. We were
able to offer online lessons and assemblies, support teachers in running online
Christian Unions, and offer practical and emotional support to teachers and
students grappling with the issues raised by the pandemic. Our trustees and
patrons invest in all aspects of education and are also involved with the River
Learning Trust, the Oxford Diocese and Oakhill College, as well as active in
their local churches. OSC has partnered with Wycliffe Hall, OCCA, Innovista, the
Oxford Diocese, BeSpace and Gideons in bringing the message of the Christian
faith to schools around Oxford. Our activities include: Bespoke lessons and
assemblies. Christian Unions. Bible Explorer Walk through the Bible. True Club
for Year 6 girls. Teacher Support events. Volunteer training sessions.