Overview Strategic Financial Management and Effective Budget Execution also called Strategic Financial Management provide the important elements for attaining a comprehensive budget preparation and effective execution system. This course focuses on the risks and challenges likely to obstruct the operation of management and financial accounting processes and evaluates the techniques and tools needed to tackle them. It will highlight what constitutes strategic financial management and effective budget execution within the context of achieving their strategic and operational objectives.
Complete Python training course description Python is an agile, robust, expressive, fully objectoriented, extensible, and scalable programming language. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. This course covers Python from the very basics of 'hello world!' through to object oriented programming and advanced topics such as multi threading. Hands on follows all the major sections in order to reinforce the theory. What will you learn Read Python programs. Write Python programs. Debug Python programs. Use Python's objects and memory model as well as its OOP features. Complete Python programming training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn Python. Prerequisites: None. Duration 5 days Complete Python programming training course contents Welcome to Python: What is Python? Origins, features. Downloading and installing Python, Python manuals, comparing Python, other implementations. Getting started: Program output, the print statement, "hello world!", Program input, raw_input(), comments, operators, variables and assignment, numbers, strings, lists and tuples, dictionaries, indentation, if statement, while Loop, for loop. range(), list comprehensions. Files, open() and file() built-in functions. Errors and exceptions. Functions, Classes, Modules, useful functions. Python basics: Statements and syntax, variable assignment, identifiers, basic style guidelines, memory management, First Python programs, Related modules/developer tools. Python Objects: Other built-in types, Internal Types, Standard type operators, Standard type built-in functions, Categorizing standard types, Unsupported types. Numbers: Integers, Double precision floating point numbers, Complex numbers, Operators, Built-in and factory functions, Other numeric types. Sequences: strings, lists, and tuples: Sequences, Strings, Strings and operators, String-only operators, Built-in functions, String built-in methods, Special features of strings, Unicode, Summary of string highlights, Lists, Operators, Built-in functions, List type built-in methods, Special features of lists, Tuples, Tuple operators and built-in functions, Tuples special features, Copying Python objects and shallow and deep copies. Mapping and set types: Mapping Type: dictionaries and operators, Mapping type built-in and factory functions, Mapping type built-in methods, Dictionary keys, Set types, Set type operators, Built-in functions, Set type built-in methods. Conditionals and loops: If, else and elif statements, Conditional expressions, while, for, break, continue and pass statements, else statement . . . take two, Iterators and iter(), List comprehensions, Generator expressions. Files and input/output: File objects, File built-in functions [open() and file()], File built-in methods and attributes, Standard files, Command-line arguments, File system, File execution, Persistent storage modules. Errors and exceptions: What are exceptions? Detecting and handling exceptions, Context management, Exceptions as strings, Raising exceptions, Assertions, Standard exceptions, Creating Exceptions, Why exceptions, Exceptions and the sys module. Functions: Calling, creating and passing functions, formal arguments, variable-length arguments, functional programming, Variable scope, recursion, generators. Modules: Modules and files, Namespaces, Importing modules, Module import features, Module built-in functions, Packages, Other features of modules. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, Class attributes, Instances, Instance attributes, Binding and method invocation, Static methods and class methods, Composition, Sub-classing and derivation, Inheritance, Built-in functions for classes, and other objects, Customizing classes with special methods, Privacy, Delegation, Advanced features of new-style classes (Python 2.2+), Related modules and documentation. Execution environment: Callable and code Objects, Executable object statements and built-in functions, Executing other programs. 'Restricted' and 'Terminating' execution, operating system interface. Regular expressions: Special symbols and characters, REs and Python, Regular expressions example. Network programming: Sockets: communication endpoints, Network programming in Python, SocketServer module, Twisted framework introduction. Internet client programming: What are internet clients? Transferring files, Network news, E-mail. Multithreaded Programming: Threads and processes Python, threads, and the global interpreter lock, The thread and threading Modules. GUI programming: Tkinter and Python programming, Tkinter Examples, Brief tour of other GUIs. Web programming: Web surfing with Python: creating simple web clients, Advanced Web clients, CGI: helping web servers process client data, Building CGI applications, Using Unicode with CGI, Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers. Database programming: Python database application programmer's interface (DB-API), ORMs. Miscellaneous Extending Python by writing extensions, Web Services, programming MS Office with Win32 COM, Python and Java programming with Jython.
C++ training course description A hands on introduction to programming in the C++ language. The course concentrates on aspects that will be new to experienced C programmers and so is not suitable for those without C knowledge. What will you learn Write C++ programs Debug C++ programs. Examine existing code and determine its function. Use classes, function overloading, operator overloading, inheritance and virtual functions within C++ programs. C++ training course details Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. Prerequisites: C programming foundation. Duration 5 days C++ training course contents The origins of C++ C++ as a better C, C++ and Object Oriented Programming, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance. C++ standards. Getting started Simple C++ programs. Classes Basics, constructor and destructor functions, member and friend functions. Using objects. Default, copy and conversion constructors. A better C Arrays, pointers and references, new and delete. Improved safety with smart pointers, Resource Acquisition in Initialization (RAII). Functions in C++ Function overloading, default arguments, inline functions, Lambda functions. Templates Template classes and functions. Standard Library Containers, Iterators, algorithms, function objects. Operator overloading Basics, binary operators, the this pointer, relational operators, unary operators. Members versus friends. Inheritance Base class access control, protected members, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes. More I/O Manipulators, customising inserters, extractors. File I/O. Virtual functions Pointers to derived classes, run time polymorphism. Exception handling Throwing errors, trying code and catching errors.
Complete C programming training course description A hands-on introduction to programming in the ANSI C programming language. The course initially moves at a fast pace in order to spend as much time as possible on the subject of pointers - the area which cause the most bugs in C programs. What will you learn Write ANSI C programs Use the C libraries Debug C programs Examine existing code and determine its function. Complete C programming training course details Who will benefit: Programmers wishing to learn C. Programmers wishing to learn C++ or Java. Prerequisites: None, although experience in another high level language would be useful. Duration 5 days Complete C programming training course contents Getting started The compilation process, comments, main(), statement blocks, printf(). C data types and operators char, int, float and double, qualifiers, arithmetic and assignment operators, precedence, Associativity. Basic I/O C libraries, stdin and stdout, getchar(), putchar(), printf() formatting. Flow control if else, dangling elses, else if, while and for loops. switch statements, the null statement, break, continue and gotos. Functions Function calls, arguments and return types, function declarations (prototypes), function definitions, scope of variables. The preprocessor Preprocessor actions, macros, #include. Libraries and their relationship with header files. Conditional compilation. More data types and operators Logical, bitwise and other operators, type conversion, casting, typedefs and access modifiers. Arrays Declaring and handling arrays, common gotchas, multidimensional arrays. Pointers What are pointers? Why they are so important, declaring and using pointers,The three uses of the *,pointer example - scanf, pointers as arguments. More pointers Golden rules of pointers and arrays, pointers to arrays, pointer arithmetic, arrays of pointers, multiple indirection. Character/string manipulation Arrays of characters, string definition, working with strings, String library. Program arguments argc and argv, example uses,char *argv[] versus char ** argv. Program structure and storage classes Globals (externals), multi source programs, the look of a C program. Structures Declaration, the . and - operators, unions and bitfields. Library functions File handling, fopen and fclose, reading from and writing to files, fseek().calloc() and malloc()
Hyper V for engineers training course description This five day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement Microsoft Server Virtualization solutions using Hyper-V and System Center. Please note that due to the nature of the lab / environment build delegates may be required to work in pairs. What will you learn Install and configure the Hyper-V server role. Create virtual machines, create and manage virtual hard disks and work with snapshots. Create and configure virtual machine networks in a Hyper-V environment. Provide high availability for Hyper-V environment by implementing failover clustering. Use System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. Create and manage virtual machines by using VMM. Hyper V for engineers training course details Who will benefit: Anyone designing, implementing, managing and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure. Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server 2012 Duration 5 days Hyper V for engineers training course contents Evaluating the environment for virtualization Overview of Microsoft virtualization, Overview of system center 2012 R2 components, Evaluating current environment for virtualization, Extending virtualization to the cloud environment. Selecting the appropriate virtualization method, Assessing the environment by using MAP. Installing and configuring the Hyper-V role Installing the Hyper-V role, Managing Hyper-V, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Hyper-V Host storage and networking, Installing the Hyper-V server role, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Accessing and managing Hyper-V remotely. Creating and managing virtual hard disks, virtual machines, and checkpoints Creating and configuring virtual hard disks, Creating and configuring virtual machines, Installing and Importing virtual machines, Managing virtual machine checkpoints, Monitoring Hyper-V, Designing virtual machines for server roles and services, Creating and managing virtual hard disks, Creating and managing virtual machines, Importing virtual machines and working with checkpoints monitoring Hyper-V. Creating and configuring virtual machine networks Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches, Advanced Hyper-V networking features, Configuring and using Hyper-V network virtualization, Creating and using Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V virtual switches, Configuring and using advanced virtual switch features, Configuring Hyper-V Network virtualization. Virtual machine movement and Hyper-V replica Providing high availability and redundancy for virtualization, Implementing virtual machine movement, Implementing and managing Hyper-V replica, Moving Hyper-V storage and virtual machines, Configuring and managing Hyper-V replica. Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V Overview of failover clustering, Configuring and using shared storage, Implementing and managing failover clustering with Hyper-V, Creating a Hyper-V failover cluster, Managing a Hyper-V failover cluster. Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 virtual machine manager Integrating system center and server virtualization, Overview of VMM, Installing VMM, Adding hosts and managing host groups, Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 VMM, Managing hosts and host groups. Managing the Networking and storage infrastructure in System Center 2012 R2 VMM Managing networking infrastructure managing storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates, Implementing a network infrastructure, Implementing a storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates. Creating and managing VM using MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM VMM tasks in VMM, Creating, cloning, and converting VMs, Overview of VM updating, Creating a VM and modifying it's properties, Cloning a VM. Configuring and managing the MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM library and library objects Overview of the VMM library, Working with profiles and templates, Configuring and managing the VMM library, Creating and managing profiles and templates. Managing clouds in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM Introduction to clouds, Creating and managing a cloud, Working with user roles in VMM, Creating a cloud, Working with user roles, Deploying VMs to a private cloud. Managing services in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM and app controller Understanding services in VMM, Creating and managing services in VMM, Using app controller Creating a service template, Deploying a service and updating a service template, Configuring app controller, Deploying a VM in app controller. Protecting and monitoring virtualization infrastructure Overview of backup and restore options for VM, Protecting virtualization Infrastructure using DPM, Using Operations Manager for monitoring and reporting, Integrating VMM with Operations Manager, Implementing MS System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager agents, Configuring Operations Manager monitoring components, Configuring Operations Manager integration with System Center 2012 R2 VMM.
Perl training course description A hands on introduction to programming in Perl. What will you learn Write Perl programs. Use Perl modules. Debug Perl programs. Examine existing code and determine its function. Perl training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn Perl. Prerequisites: None although experience in another high level language would be useful. Duration 5 days Perl training course contents Introduction to Perl What is Perl? When to use Perl, downloading Perl, installing Perl, documentation, perldoc, running Perl, the Perl environment. Perl under UNIX, Perl under Windows. "Hello world". Variables Scalars, data types, $_, strings and numbers, assignment, constants, strict, scope, STDIN. Operators Number operators, string operators, precedence and associativity, converting numbers and strings, shortcut operators. Flow control Blocks, if, else, elseif, unless, foreach, while, for do, until. Regular expressions What are regular expressions? Pattern matching, Perl as a filter, file editing. Strings Comparing strings, concatenating, substrings, chomp, chop, formatting, string manipulation. Subroutines Comparing strings, concatenating, substrings, chomp, chop, formatting, string manipulation. Arrays and hashes Working with arrays, element access, push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), <STDIN> as an array, associative arrays, hashes of arrays, hash references, arrays of hashes, hashes of hashes. Files Simple file handling, open, close, <FILEHANDLE>, <>, file tests, directory access, directory handles, database access, packing and packing binary data. I/O STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR, Command line arguments,@ARGV. Perl debugging The built in debugger, running the debugger, debugger commands, graphical debuggers. Script syntax errors, single stepping, breakpoints, watches. Packages and modules CPAN, Finding modules, installing modules, using modules, scope. Report formatting Formats, defining a format, invoking a format, field holders. Process management System interaction, system(), exec(), signals. Security issues.
Network automation course description This course is not a soft skills course covering the concepts of DevOps but instead concentrates on the technical side of tools and languages for network DevOps. Particular technologies focussed on are ansible, git and Python enabling delegates to leave the course ready to starting automating their network. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. More detailed courses on individual aspects of this course are available. What will you learn Evaluate network automation tools. Automate tasks with ansible. Use git for version control. Use Python to manage network devices. Use Python libraries for network devices. Network automation course details Who will benefit: Network engineers. Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. Duration 5 days Network automation course contents What is DevOps Programming and automating networks, networks and clouds, AWS, OpenStack, SDN, DevOps for network operations. Initial configuration Configuring SSH, ZTP, POAP. Hands on Initial lab configuration. Getting started with ansible The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. The architecture, Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Installing ansible, running ad hoc commands. Ansible playbooks ansible-playbook, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Playbook variables. Register module, debug module. Hands on Running playbooks. Ansible Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, hosts, groups, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Inventory variables, external variables. Limiting hosts. Hands on Static inventories, variables in inventory files. Ansible modules for networking Built in modules, custom modules, return values. Core modules for network operations. Cisco and/ or Juniper modules. ansible_connection. Ansible 2.6 CLI. Hands on Using modules. Ansible templating and roles Configuration management, full configurations, partial configurations. The template module, the assemble module, connection: local, Jinja2 templates, variables, if, for, roles. Hands on Generating multiple configurations from a template. Network programming and modules Why use Python? Why use ansible? alternatives, ansible tower, Linux network devices. Programming with Python Scripting versus application development, Python interactive mode, Python scripts, Python 2.7 vs Python 3. A simple Python script. Variables, loops, control statements, operators. PEP style guide. Python IDEs. Hands on Simple Python programs. More Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip install, Hands on Python programming with pyping. Git Distributed version control, repositories, Git and GitHub, Alternatives to GitHub, Installing git, git workflows, creating repositories, adding and editing files, branching and merging, merge conflicts. Hands on working with Git. Python and networking APIs, Sockets, Telnetlib, pysnmp, ncclient, ciscoconfparse. Paramiko SSH and Netmiko Integrating Python and network devices using SSH. Netmiko, Netmiko methods. Hands on Netmiko. PyEZ Juniper, NETCONF, installing PyEZ, a first pyEZ script, pyEZ configuration management. Hands on Juniper configuration management with pyEZ. NAPALM What is NAPALM, NAPALM operations, getters, Replace, merge, compare, commit, discard. Hands on Configuration with NAPALM. Integrating ansible and NAPALM. Python and REST REST APIs, enabling the REST API. Accessing the REST API with a browser, cURL, Python and REST, the request library. Hands on Using a REST API with network devices.
CCNP (ENARSI) training course description The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) v1.0 gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network. This course covers advanced routing and infrastructure technologies, expanding on the topics covered in the Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course. This course helps prepare for the exam, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (300- 410 ENARSI), which leads to the new CCNP What will you learn Gain the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network. Qualify for professional-level job roles in advance routing and services Prepare for the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services Exam (300-410 ENARSI). CCNP (ENARSI) training course details Who will benefit: Enterprise network engineers, System engineers, System administrators, Network administrators. Prerequisites: CCNP core Duration 5 days CCNP (ENARSI) training course content Course Objectives Configure classic Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) and named EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6 Optimize classic EIGRP and named EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6 Troubleshoot classic EIGRP and named EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6 Configure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)v2 and OSPFv3 in IPv4 and IPv6 environments Optimize OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 behaviour Troubleshoot OSPFv2 for IPv4 and OSPFv3 for IPv4 and IPv6 Implement route redistribution using filtering mechanisms Troubleshoot redistribution Implement path control using Policy-Based Routing (PBR) and IP Service Level Agreement (SLA) Configure Multiprotocol-Border Gateway Protocol (MPBGP) in IPv4 and IPv6 environments Optimize MPBGP in IPv4 and IPv6 environments Troubleshoot MPBGP for IPv4 and IPv6 Describe the features of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Describe the major architectural components of an MPLS VPN Identify the routing and packet forwarding functionalities for MPLS VPNs Explain how packets are forwarded in an MPLS VPN environment Implement Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS) Dynamic Multipoint VPNs (DMVPNs) Implement Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Describe the tools available to secure the IPV6 first hop Troubleshoot Cisco router security features Troubleshoot infrastructure security and services Course Outline Implementing EIGRP Optimizing EIGRP Troubleshooting EIGRP Implementing OSPF Optimizing OSPF Troubleshooting OSPF Configuring Redistribution Troubleshooting Redistribution Implementing Path Control Implementing Internal Border Gateway Protocol (IBGP) Optimizing BGP Implementing MP-BGP Troubleshooting BGP Exploring MPLS Introducing MPLS L3 VPN Architecture Introducing MPLS L3 VPN Routing Configuring Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)-Lite Implementing DMVPN Implementing DHCP Introducing IPv6 First Hop Security Securing Cisco Routers Troubleshooting Infrastructure Security and Services Troubleshooting with DNA Center Assurance. Lab outline Configure EIGRP Using Classic Mode and Named Mode for IPv4 and IPv6 Verify the EIGRP Topology Table Configure EIGRP Stub Routing, Summarization, and Default Routing Configure EIGRP Load Balancing and Authentication Troubleshoot EIGRP Issues Configure OSPFv3 for IPv4 and IPv6 Verify the LinkState Database Configure OSPF Stub Areas and Summarization Configure OSPF Authentication Troubleshoot OSPF Issues Implement Routing Protocol Redistribution Manipulate Redistribution Manipulate Redistribution Using Route Maps Troubleshoot Redistribution Issues Implement PBR Configure IBGP and External Border Gateway Protocol (EBGP) Implement BGP Path Selection Configure BGP Advanced Features Configure BGP Route Reflectors Configure MP-BGP for IPv4 and IPv6 Troubleshoot BGP Issues Configure Routing with VRF -Lite Implement Cisco IOS DMVPN Obtain IPv6 Addresses Dynamically Troubleshoot DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 Issues Troubleshoot IPv4 and IPv6 Access Control List (ACL) Issues Configure and Verify Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) Troubleshoot Network Management Protocol Issues: Lab 1 and 2
Supporting Windows 10 course description This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 10 PCs and devices in a Windows Server domain environment. These skills include understanding of Windows 10 features, how they can be used in an Active Directory environment and how to troubleshoot them. What will you learn Troubleshoot startup issues and operating system services on a Windows 10 PC. Troubleshoot issues related to network connectivity. Troubleshoot client configuration failures and GPO application issues. Troubleshoot issues related to application installation and operation. Recover a PC running Windows 10. Supporting Windows 10 course details Who will benefit: Anyone supporting users running Windows 10 personal computers within a medium to large enterprise. Prerequisites: None. Duration 5 days Supporting Windows 10 course contents Implementing a Troubleshooting Methodology Overview of Windows 10, Introduction to the EDST Job Role, Overview of the Troubleshooting Steps & Tools. Hands on Implementing a Troubleshooting Methodology. Hands on Using Troubleshooting Tools for Windows 10. Troubleshooting Startup Issues Overview of the Windows 10 Startup Recovery Environment, Troubleshooting Startup Settings & Operating System Services Issues, Recovering BitLocker-Protected Drives. Hands on Troubleshooting Startup Issues. Hands on Recovering BitLocker-Encrypted Drives, Creating a New BitLocker Password. Troubleshooting Hardware and Device Drivers Troubleshooting Device Driver Failures & Physical Failures, Overview of Hardware Troubleshooting, Monitoring Reliability, Configuring the Registry. Hands on Troubleshooting Device Driver Issues, Resolving Hardware Issues, Adding a Missing Device Driver to a Driver Store, Reverting a Problematic Device Driver. Hands on Troubleshooting Hardware Issues, Diagnosing Memory, Troubleshooting and Repairing Failed Disk Redundancy Synchronizing Settings, Accessing Data on a Foreign Volume. Troubleshooting Remote Computers Using Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance, Remoting with Windows PowerShell Hands on Troubleshooting Remote Computer by using Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance. Hands on Troubleshooting Remote Computer by using Windows PowerShell. Resolving Network Connectivity Issues Determining Network Settings, Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues, Troubleshooting Name Resolution. Hands on Resolving Network Connectivity Issues. Hands onResolving Name Resolution Issues. Troubleshooting Group Policy Overview of Group Policy Application, Resolving Client Configuration Failures and GPO Application Issues. Hands on Troubleshooting Group Policy Application Issues. Hands on Resolving Group Policy Issues. Hands on Installing and Sharing a Printer. Troubleshooting User Settings Troubleshooting Sign In Issues, Troubleshooting the Application of User Settings. Hands on Troubleshooting Sign in Problems. Hands on Troubleshooting the Application of User Settings, Resolving Folder Redirection Problem, Resolving Roaming User Profile Problem. Troubleshooting Remote Connectivity Troubleshooting VPN Connectivity Issues & DirectAccess. Hands on Troubleshooting VPN Connectivity Lab : Configuring and Troubleshooting DirectAccess Configuring and Verifying, DirectAccess Client-Side Settings, Troubleshooting DirectAccess. Troubleshooting Resource Access Within a Domain & File Permissions Issues, Recovering Files Encrypted by EFS, Troubleshooting Printer Access Issues. Lab : Troubleshooting File Access Issues Lab : Troubleshooting Access to Encrypted Files. Hands on Troubleshooting Printer Access Issues Troubleshooting Resource Access for Non Domain Member Clients Configuring and Troubleshooting Device Registration, Configuring and Troubleshooting Work Folders, Configuring and Troubleshooting OneDrive Access. Hands on Troubleshooting Resource Access for Clients that are not Domain Members. Troubleshooting Device Registration, Work Folders and OneDrive for Business. Troubleshooting Applications Troubleshooting Desktop App Installation Issues, Desktop Apps, Managing Windows Store Apps, Troubleshooting Access to Company Web Applications. Hands on Troubleshooting Desktop Apps, AppLocker Policy Application & Application Compatibility issue. Hands on Troubleshooting Access to Company Web Applications, Internet Explorer Issue & Microsoft Edge. Maintaining Windows 10 Managing & Troubleshooting Windows Activation, Troubleshooting Performance, Applying Applications. Hands on Monitoring and Troubleshooting Performance. Recovering Data and Operating System File Recovery in Windows 10, Recovering an OS. Hands on Recovering Data, Recovering Data from Azure Backup, Recovering Deleted File by Using File History. Hands on Provisioning Computer to Comply with Company Standards, Provision Computer to Comply with Company Standards.
Network DevOps course description This course is not a soft skills course covering the concepts of DevOps but instead concentrates on the technical side of tools and languages for network DevOps. Particular technologies focussed on are ansible, git and Python enabling delegates to leave the course ready to starting automating their network. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. More detailed courses on individual aspects of this course are available. What will you learn Evaluate network automation tools. Automate tasks with ansible. Use git for version control. Use Python to manage network devices. Use Python libraries for network devices. Network DevOps course details Who will benefit: Administrators automating tasks. Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation Duration 5 days Network DevOps course contents What is DevOps Programming and automating networks, networks and clouds, AWS, OpenStack, SDN, DevOps for network operations. Initial configuration Configuring SSH, ZTP, POAP. Hands on Initial lab configuration. Getting started with ansible The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. The architecture, Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Installing ansible, running ad hoc commands. Ansible playbooks ansible-playbook, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Playbook variables. Register module, debug module. Hands on Running playbooks. Ansible Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, hosts, groups, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Inventory variables, external variables. Limiting hosts. Hands on Static inventories, variables in inventory files. Ansible modules for networking Built in modules, custom modules, return values. Core modules for network operations. Cisco and/or Juniper modules. ansible_connection. Ansible 2.6 CLI. Hands on Using modules. Ansible templating and roles aConfiguration management, full configurations, partial configurations. The template module, the assemble module, connection: local, Jinja2 templates, variables, if, for, roles. Hands on Generating multiple configurations from a template. Network programming and modules Why use Python? Why use ansible? alternatives, ansible tower, Linux network devices. Programming with Python Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip instal. Hands on Python programming with pyping. More Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip install. Hands on Python programming with pyping. Git Distributed version control, repositories, Git and GitHub, Alternatives to GitHub, Installing git, git workflows, creating repositories, adding and editing files, branching and merging, merge conflicts. Hands on working with Git. Python and networking APIs, Sockets, Telnetlib, pysnmp, ncclient, ciscoconfparse. Paramiko SSH and Netmiko Integrating Python and network devices using SSH. Netmiko, Netmiko methods. Hands on Netmiko. NAPALM What is NAPALM, NAPALM operations, getters, Replace, merge, compare, commit, discard. Hands on Configuration with NAPALM. Integrating ansible and NAPALM. Python and REST REST APIs, enabling the REST API. Accessing the REST API with a browser, cURL, Python and REST, the request library. Hands on Using a REST API with network devices.