This course aims to increase and enhance delegates’ understanding of the various cyber threats which impact upon them and the organisations, sectors and regions in which they operate and provide them with the tools necessary to mitigate those threats at both a personal and organisational level. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject but ensures through a high level of interactivity that delegates with any level of experience in the field will be able share and receive the collective knowledge of the group.
Java Webinar Course summary In this Java Webinar Course you will learn Java Basics and OOP Principles. Java Webinar Course description This Java Course is Online, instructor-led, practical attended via When we receive your booking, we email a connection invitation. This Java Course Webinar will allow you to learn flexibly and commute-free from home. There is no need for attending face-to-face, all advantages of the classroom in built-in and planned for during the delivery of this webinar. We teach online with excellent instruction and targetted well-planned practicals that will clearly illustrate techniques and accurately develop your skills. Question time is built in. Session 1: Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: Primitive types; Characters; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Type conversion and casting; Introduction to String class; Working with arrays Session 2: Operators and Expressions Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators; More in operators Session 3: Decision Making If statement; If - else statement; If- else if - else statement; Nested if - else; Switch Statements Session 4: Using Loops The while, do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements : break, continue; The return statement; Nesting loops; Using the for-each loop with Arrays Session 5: Methods Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters Session 6: Classes Creating an Object; Using an Object. Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this, static, super, final keywords More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion Java Access control: private, public and protected; Java Nested and inner classes; A stack class Session 7: Java Data structures Files, Streams, Collections. Session 8: Java Exception Handling Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; Finally Blocks Included in the Java Webinar Courses: Java Webinar Course Certificate on completion Java Webinar Course Manual Practical Java Webinar Course exercises, Java Webinar Code Samples/ Java Webinar Course Revision work After the course, 1 free session for questions online Java Webinar Course via Max group size, online and in classroom, on this Java Webinar Course is 4.
Java CrossOver Course for Coders 1-Day, 11am - 6pm Online, Instructor-led, Interactive, Practical Java Basics to coders who are converting to Java from a different coding language. You do not need much time to learn the syntax of Java, because you have done similar work in other programming languages Hands-on, Practical Course, Instructor-led Course. Online with 1 day, from 11am - 6pm. In classroom at on request only. Locations Java CrossOver Course description Overview of Java: This course covers Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Java Data Types and using Variables in Java: Here we learn to code using data types and variables of different data types: Primitives; Characters; Boolean; Variables and variable scope; String class; Type conversion and casting. Java Operators and Expressions: What are operators and how to use them; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators. Decision Making: The Java Syntax for the If-statement; If,else; If,else if,else; Nested if; Switch Statements; Using Loops: For loops, while loops, do while, Enhanced for loop; Nesting loops; break, continue; The return statement. Arrays: Working with arrays, 2-d arrays, iterating arrays. Using the for-each loop with Arrays Lists: Working with lists. Lists vs Arrays. Files,streams with Java: Open, Read and Write to CSV Files, txt files and bin files. Exception Handling: Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; The finally blocks Introduction to Classes and Objects: Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Naming conventions for class members. Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this keyword, the static keywords, the super keyword. Using Methods: Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters; More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion; Access control : private, public and protected; The final keyword. What is included PCWorkshops Course Certificate on completion Java Course Notes Java Code Examples Practical Java Course exercises, Java Course Revision work After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session Book the Java CrossOver Course About us Our experienced trainers are award winners. More about us FAQ's Client Comments
Overview Internal auditing is an independent and objective activity to evaluate an organisation's internal operations. You'll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and conduct audit activities, compile and distribute audit reports and complete follow-up activities. It is very important for the organisation to have a smooth flow of accounting as it plays a very important role in the development of the organisation. Financial Managers or any person who deals with Accounts need to see that the company accounts are very updated and are free from any risks that can become a problem during the time of Auditing. Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to: Efficiently dealing with senior leaders with confidence Effective Contribution and Strategically Analysing and Auditing towards business success Analysing and Evaluating as an effective internal audit leader How to manage key relationships with the audit committee Practical methods for managing the audit committee and senior management Describing the significance to help maximize the contribution to their organization
The Guitar Social has a recording studio and its yours to use for free (if you're a member) We've built it to be as simple as possible to operate and in this 90 minute session you'll learn alll you need to know about which dials do what and where to point your guitar to get the best sound. Anyone with a membership is welcome, but this induction goes well with our song writing course, or for anyone taking part in our live lounge events.
Java Threads Course Duration: 1 Day Who would find this course useful? Java coders Level: Not quite basics level. It specifically concentrates on Threads Principles (Threads) in Java. Download: Download Java JDK and Eclipse IDE. For classroom courses: Bring your own device. Java Threads Course description General Threads Concepts Java Threads Course Description General Threads Concepts Multithreading Cycle of a Thread Create a Thread by Implementing a Runnable Interface Create a Thread by Extending a Thread Class Major thread operations Processes and Threads, Thread Objects Thread Methods getName, getId, setName, etc Pausing Execution with Sleep Interrupts, Joins Thread Priorities Thread Pools Executors, Executor Interfaces, Thread Pools, Fork/Join Synchronozation What is thread synchronization? Thread Interference, Memory Consistency Errors, Synchronized Methods, Lock Objects, Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization, Handling interthread communication, Handling thread deadlock, Liveness, Starvation and Livelock, Atomic Access. Concurrent Collections Guarded Blocks, Immutable Objects. Strategy for Defining Immutable Objects, High Level Concurrency Objects, Java Threads Course, 1 Day What is included PCWorkshops Course Certificate on completion Java Threads Course Notes Java Threads Code Examples Practical exercises, Java Course Revision work After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session About us Our experienced trainers are award winners. More about us FAQ's Client Comments
The current global demand for clean energy has resulted in rapid growth in the renewable energy sector. As the renewable industry grows, so does the demand for talent to work within it, bringing lots of new career prospects. The industry is the perfect transition for individuals leaving the armed forces who will have benefitted from exposure to many of the skills and experience, as well as the work ethic, that are required to work within this exciting, fast-paced industry.