UNIX Virtualization and High Availability course description
This course covers administering UNIX enterprise-wide
with an emphasis on virtualization and high availability.
What will you learn
Manage Virtual Machines.
Manage containers.
Manage HA clusters.
Manage HA cluster storage.
UNIX Virtualization and High Availability course details
Who will benefit:
Enterprise-level UNIX professional.
UNIX professionals
working with virtualization and/or High availability.
Linux network administration 2 (LPIC-2)
5 days
UNIX Virtualization and High Availability course contents
Virtualization concepts and theory
Terminology, Pros and Cons of virtualization, variations of Virtual Machine monitors, migration of physical to VMs, migration of VMs between host systems, cloud computing.
Xen architecture, networking and storage, Xen configuration, Xen utilities, troubleshooting Xen installations, XAPI, XenStore, Xen Boot Parameters, the xm utility.
KVM architecture, networking and storage, KVM configuration, KVM utilities, troubleshooting KVM installations.
Other virtualization solutions
OpenVZ and LXC, other virtualization technologies, virtualization provisioning tools.
Libvirt and Related Tools
libvirt architecture, networking and storage, basic technical knowledge of libvirt and virsh, oVirt.
Cloud Management Tools
Basic feature knowledge of OpenStack and CloudStack, awareness of Eucalyptus and OpenNebula.
Containers versus VMs, Docker, Kubernetes.
Load balanced clusters
of LVS/IPVS, VRRP, configuration of keepalived, configuration of ldirectord, backend server network configuration. HAProxy, configuration of HAProxy.
Failover clusters
Pacemaker architecture and components (CIB, CRMd, PEngine, LRMd, DC, STONITHd), Pacemaker cluster configuration, Resource classes (OCF, LSB, Systemd, Upstart, Service, STONITH, Nagios), Resource rules and constraints (location, order, colocation), Advanced resource features (templates, groups, clone resources, multi-state resources), Pacemaker management using pcs, Pacemaker management using crmsh, configuration and management of corosync in conjunction with Pacemaker, other cluster engines (OpenAIS, Heartbeat, CMAN).
DRBD resources, states and replication modes, configuration of DRBD resources, networking, disks and devices, configuration of DRBD automatic recovery and error handling, management of DRBD using drbdadm. drbdsetup and drbdmeta, Integration of DRBD with Pacemaker, cLVM, integration of cLVM with Pacemaker.
Clustered File Systems
Principles of cluster file systems. Create, maintain and troubleshoot GFS2 file systems in a cluster, create, maintain and troubleshoot OCFS2 file systems in a cluster, Integration of GFS2 and OCFS2 with Pacemaker, the O2CB cluster stack, other commonly used clustered file systems.