Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and Voicemail Workplace Attendant Console and One-X Attendant Console One-X Portal and Video Soft phone / One X Communicator One-X Mobile/ Preferred Mobile IX Workplaces and Mobile App Agent and CMS Supervisor ASA – Avaya Site Administrator Tool AACC Administrator, Supervisor and Agent
Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and voicemail One X Communicator One-X Mobile IX Workplace Desktop and Mobile App Web Conferencing Collaboration System Administration Training up to Release 11 Voicemail Pro Administration Training ACCS Agent, Supervisor and Administration Training XIMA/CHRONICALL/ACR Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
Handset Training on Yealink & Fanvil handsets 3CX Web Client User Training 3CX Phone App iOS & Android Mobile Apps Voicemail User Receptionist/Switchboard Supervisor/Agent 3CX Web Client Admin Training (FREE/SMB/STARTUP) 3CX Management Console Admin Training (PRO/ENT) 3CX CFD (Call Flow Designer) **Coming soon! XIMA CCAAS on 3CX Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
78, 79, 88 and 99 series Handsets & Voicemail Cisco Call Manager (CCM) & Self Care Portal Jabber WebEx Meetings WebEx Training Centre WebEx Events Centre Attendant Console Standard and Advanced Console (ARC) UCCX/UCCE and Finesse Agent & Supervisor CUIC Reporting
All i-series handsets & 90 series handsets and Voicemail UCE/UCS Softphone UCE/UCS Mobile Apps iOS & Android iPECS ONE Softphone & Mobile Apps iOS & Android Phonelink User Web Portals (Cloud and UCP) Cloud Manager Web Portal/UCP Admin tool Cloud and UCP Attendant Consoles iCalls (Tollring) Call Centre product
Basic Python syntax and principles of Object Orientated Programming. Most attendees are in-work IT Professional. Private individuals are also very welcome. Evening courses also running. Our Style: Hands-on, Practical Location: Online, Instructor-led Download: anaconda.com Duration: 6 weeks, 1 evening per week, 6pm - 8pm Times: arrange a time for your time zone
Conflict management online course to understand how to deal with conflict