Handset Training on Yealink & Fanvil handsets 3CX Web Client User Training 3CX Phone App iOS & Android Mobile Apps Voicemail User Receptionist/Switchboard Supervisor/Agent 3CX Web Client Admin Training (FREE/SMB/STARTUP) 3CX Management Console Admin Training (PRO/ENT) 3CX CFD (Call Flow Designer) **Coming soon! XIMA CCAAS on 3CX Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and voicemail One X Communicator One-X Mobile IX Workplace Desktop and Mobile App Web Conferencing Collaboration System Administration Training up to Release 11 Voicemail Pro Administration Training ACCS Agent, Supervisor and Administration Training XIMA/CHRONICALL/ACR Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
All i-series handsets & 90 series handsets and Voicemail UCE/UCS Softphone UCE/UCS Mobile Apps iOS & Android iPECS ONE Softphone & Mobile Apps iOS & Android Phonelink User Web Portals (Cloud and UCP) Cloud Manager Web Portal/UCP Admin tool Cloud and UCP Attendant Consoles iCalls (Tollring) Call Centre product
Polycom Handsets and Voicemail Soft Client Horizon Collaborate Desktop and Mobile App Receptionist Console Integrator Agent Client Supervisor Client Akixi Reporting Horizon Contact Agent Horizon Contact Supervisor Horizon Contact Admin User Web Portal User Admin Portal
Basic Python syntax and principles of Object Orientated Programming. Most attendees are in-work IT Professional. Private individuals are also very welcome. Evening courses also running. Our Style: Hands-on, Practical Location: Online, Instructor-led Download: anaconda.com Duration: 6 weeks, 1 evening per week, 6pm - 8pm Times: arrange a time for your time zone
Conflict management online course to understand how to deal with conflict