Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Edinburgh
Time Management 1 Day Training in Edinburgh
Event Planning 1 Day Training in Edinburgh
Complete VB.Net training course description A hands on introduction to programming in Visual BASIC .Net. What will you learn Build Visual BASIC applications. Build simple components Debug Visual BASIC programs. Examine existing code and determine its function. Complete VB.Net training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to program in Visual BASIC. Anyone wishing to build Windows based applications. Prerequisites: None although experience in another high level language would be useful. Duration 5 days Complete VB.Net training course contents Writing your first program Visual Studio, forms designer, running VB programs, the UI, properties, writing the code. Toolbox Controls Basic use, input controls, ActiveX controls. Menus and Dialog Boxes Menus, Dialog Box controls, event procedures. Visual Basic .NET variables and operators Variables, I/O, data types, constants, operators, Math Methods, precedence. Decision Structures and Loops and Timers Event-Driven programming, Ifâ¦Then, Select Case, Forâ¦Next Loops, Timer Control. Debugging Visual Basic .NET Programs Break Mode, watch & command windows. Structured Error Handling Try...Catch, Finally, Err Object, retry periods. Modules and Procedures Standard modules, public variables, procedures. Arrays and Collections to Manage Data Fixed-Size & dynamic Arrays, ReDim Preserve, object collections, Controls Collection. Text Files and String Processing Text Box object, Text String methods, sorting. Automating Office Applications Application objects, automation in VB, the Object Browser, the Process Component. Deploying Visual Basic .NET Applications Planning a deployment, ways to deploy an application, deployment projects, options. Managing Windows Forms Forms, positioning, manipulation, adding controls, organizing controls, Startup Object. Adding Graphics and Animation Effects System.Drawing namespace, coordinates, SystemPaint Event, animation, transparency. Inheriting Forms and Creating Base Classes Inheriting forms, inheritance picker, base classes and inheritance, classes in projects. Working with Printers PrintDocument class, Text Box object, Print Preview and Page Setup Dialog Boxes. Database programming with ADO.NET Databases, ADO.NET, Data Adapters, Datasets, Bound & Navigation Controls. Displaying database records, formatting DataGrid cells, updating the database. Displaying HTML Documents Using IE IE Object, Internet Controls, IE Events. Web Forms for Interactive Web Applications ASP.NET, Web Forms vs. Windows Forms, HTML controls, web applications, event procedures for web forms controls.
Complete VBA programming training course description This course helps you extend the capabilities of the entire Office suite using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Even if you have no programming experience, you'll be automating routine computing processes quickly using the simple, yet powerful VBA programming language. We start at the beginning to get you acquainted with VBA so you can start recording macros right away. You'll then build upon that foundation to utilize the full capabilities of the language in Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. What will you learn Record, write and run macros. Work with VBA Editor. Use the huge library of built-in functions. Create simple dialog boxes and complex forms. Customize Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Program the Office 2016 ribbon. Complete VBA programming training course details Who will benefit: Anyone looking to extend the capabilities of the entire Office suite using VBA. Prerequisites: None. Duration 5 days Complete VBA programming training course contents Macros and getting started in VBA VBA syntax, variables, constants, and enumerations, array variables, finding objects, methods, and properties. Working with VBA 1 VBA syntax, variables, constants, and enumerations, array variables, finding objects, methods, and properties. Decisions, loops and functions Built-in functions, creating your own functions, making decisions in your code, using loops to repeat actions. Using message boxes, input boxes, and dialog boxes Getting user input with message boxes and input boxes, creating simple custom dialog boxes, creating complex forms. Creating effective code Building modular code and using classes, debugging your code and handling errors, building well-behaved code, exploring VBA's security features. Programming the Office applications The Word object model and key objects, working with widely used objects in Word, the Excel object model and key objects, working with widely used objects in Excel, the PowerPoint object, model and key objects, working with shapes and running slide shows, the Outlook object model and key objects, working with events in Outlook, the Access object model and key objects, manipulating the data in an Access database via VBA, accessing one application from another application, programming the Office 2016 ribbon.
Complete JavaScript training course description A hands on course covering JavaScript programming. Core JavaScript is covered first, including the basics, arrays, functions, classes, modules and Regular expressions. Client side JavaScript is then covered including JavaScript in browsers, Scripting CSS, the jQuery library and HTML APIs. What will you learn Read JavaScript. Write JavaScript. Debug JavaScript. Complete JavaScript training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn JavaScript. Prerequisites: None. Duration 3 days Complete JavaScript training course contents CORE JAVASCRIPT Lexical structure: Character set, comments, literals, identifiers, and reserved words, optional semicolons.. Types, values and variables: Numbers, text, boolean values, null and undefines, the global object, wrapper objects, immutable primitive values and mutable object references, type conversions, variable declaration, variable scope. Expressions and operators: Primary expressions, object and array initializers, function definition expressions, property access expressions, invocation expressions, object creation expressions, operator overview, arithmetic expressions, relational expressions, logical expressions, assignment expressions, evaluation expressions, miscellaneous operators. Statements: Expression statements, compound and empty statements, declaration statements, conditionals, loops, jumps, miscellaneous statements, summary of JavaScript statements. Objects: Creating objects, querying and setting properties, deleting properties, testing properties, enumerating properties, property getters and setters, property attributes, object attributes, serializing objects, object methods. Arrays: Creating arrays, reading and writing array elements, sparse arrays, array length, adding and deleting array elements, iterating arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, array methods, FCMAScript 5 array methods, array type, array-like objects, strings as arrays. Functions: Defining functions, invoking functions, function arguments and parameters, functions as values, functions as namespaces, closures, function properties, methods and constructor, functional programming. Classes and modules: Classes and prototypes, classes and constructors, Java-style classes in JavaScript, augmenting classes, classes and types, object oriented techniques in JavaScript, subclasses, classes in ECMAScript 5, modules. Pattern matching and regular expressions: Defining regular expressions, string methods for pattern matching, the RegExp object. JavaScript subsets and extensions: JavaScript subsets, constants and scoped variables, destructuring assignment, iteration, shorthand functions, multiple catch clauses, E4X: ECMAScript for XML. Server-side JavaScript: Scripting Java with Rhino, asynchronous I/O with node. CLIENT SIDE JAVASCRIPT JavaScript in web browsers: Client side JavaScript, embedding JavaScript in HTML, execution of JavaScript programs, compatibility and interoperability, accessibility, security, client side frameworks. The Window object: Timers, browser location and navigation, browsing history, browser screen information, dialog boxes, error handling, document elements as window properties, multiple windows and frames. Scripting Documents: Overview of the DOM, selecting document elements, document structure and traversal, attributes, element content, creating, inserting and deleting nodes. Example: generating a table of contents, document and element geometry and scrolling, HTML forms, other document features. Scripting CSS: Overview of CSS, important CSS properties, scripting inline styles, querying computed styles, scripting CSS classes, scripting stylesheets. Handling events: Types of events, registering event handlers, event handler invocation, document load events, mouse events, mousewheel events, drag and drop events, text events, keyboard events. Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. HTMLS APIs: Geolocation, history management, cross-origin messaging, web workers, type arrays and ArrayBuffers, blobs, the filesystem API, client side databases, web sockets.
Advanced Java training course description A tour of the more advanced features of Java following on from the Introduction to Java course. JDBC and JavaBeans are covered in separate courses. What will you learn Use Java to implement OOA/D. Use within Java programs - Internationalisation - Object serialisation - Reflection - RMI - Swing - JAR files Write Servlets and Java Server Pages Advanced Java training course details Who will benefit: Those wishing to program in Java. Prerequisites: Introduction to Java programming Duration 5 days Advanced Java training course contents What you should already know OO features in Java Static initialisers, object destruction, finalisation, constructor chaining, shadowing, Abstract classes and interfaces, inner classes, nested classes, member classes, local classes, anonymous classes. Internationalisation Locales, Unicode, local customs, localising messages. Object Serialisation Simple and custom serialisation, class versioning. Reflection Obtaining class and member information. RMI Restrictions, RMI architecture, Stubs, skeletons, rmic, the registry server, The RMI API. Swing An overview, examples, comparison vs. AWT, data transfer cut & paste. Servlets Servlet API, Java Web server, The servlet life cycle, chaining servlets, Hybrid servlets. JAR files and signed applet JAR files and signed applet
Software development training course description This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-361, and build an understanding of these topics: Core programming, Object-Oriented programming, general software development, web applications, desktop applications, and databases. This course leverages the same content as found in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam. What will you learn Describe core programming. Explain Object Oriented programming. Describe general software development. Describe Web applications. Describe desktop applications. Explain how databases work. Software development training course details Who will benefit: Anyone looking to learn the fundamentals of software. Prerequisites: None. Duration 3 days Software development training course contents Core programming Computer storage and data types How a computer stores programs and the instructions in computer memory, memory stacks and heaps, memory size requirements for the various data storage types, numeric data and textual data. Computer decision structures Various decision structures used in all computer programming languages; If decision structures; multiple decision structures, such as Ifâ¦Else and switch/Select Case; reading flowcharts; decision tables; evaluating expressions. Handling repetition For loops, While loops, Do...While loops and recursion. Understand error handling Structured exception handling. Object-oriented programming Classes Properties, methods, events and constructors; how to create a class; how to use classes in code. Inheritance Inheriting the functionality of a base class into a derived class. Polymorphism Extending the functionality in a class after inheriting from a base class, overriding methods in the derived class. Encapsulation Creating classes that hide their implementation details while still allowing access to the required functionality through the interface, access modifiers. General software development Application life cycle management Phases of application life cycle management, software testing. Interpret application specifications Application specifications, translating them into prototypes, code, select appropriate application type and components. Algorithms and data structures Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists and sorting algorithms; performance implications of various data structures; choosing the right data structure. Web applications Web page development HTML, CSS, JavaScript. ASP.NET web application development Page life cycle, event model, state management, client-side versus server-side programming. Web hosting Creating virtual directories and websites, deploying web applications, understanding the role of Internet Information Services. Web services Web services that will be consumed by client applications, accessing web services from a client application, SOAP, WSDL. Desktop applications Windows apps UI design guideline categories, characteristics and capabilities of Store Apps, identify gestures. Console-based applications Characteristics and capabilities of console- based applications. Windows Services Characteristics and capabilities of Windows Services. Databases Relational database management systems Characteristics and capabilities of database products, database design, ERDs, normalisation concepts. Database query methods SQL, creating and accessing stored procedures, updating and selecting data. Database connection methods Connecting to various types of data stores, such as flat file; XML file; in-memory object; resource optimisation.
XML primer training course description This course has been designed for web and intranet developers who want to accelerate their learning of XML and its applications without the grind of book learning. Although a basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is assumed, it is also assumed you know very little about XML and how to use it. On completion of this course you should understand the benefits of using XML and be able to design XML solutions where applicable to your company's Internet/intranet requirements. The course will be particularly beneficial if you want to know how to communicate data to diverse applications over the Internet or company intranet. What will you learn Write XML. Debug XML. Examine existing code and determine its function. XML primer training course details Who will benefit: Anyone working with XML. Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals Duration 3 days XML primer training course contents The origins of XML Markup languages, SGML, document type definitions and validity, introducing XML, IE and XML, accessing content and adding style. Basic XML XML document structure, elements and attributes, grammar, well formed documents, other XML elements and references. Document Type Definition (DTDs) Creating a DTD, basic declaration, declaring elements, content definitions, entities, entity declarations, notations, defining attributes, attribute types, forcing inclusion or exclusion of DTD sections, validation. Namespaces Declaring namespaces, scoping, removing and changing namespaces, qualified names, attribute namespaces. An introduction to schemas Constructing schemas, defining the root element and its contents,<ELEMENTTYPE>, defining root element contents, adding attributes definitions, <ATTRIBUTETYPE>, <ELEMENT>, <ATTRIBUTE>. XML & the Document Object Model (DOM) What the DOM offers, DOM and W3C. Basic DOM concepts XML documents as trees, terminology of tree elements. Key DOM Objects: The document object and its creation, base objects, IE specifics, the XML node hierarchy. Programming DOM Viewing a DOM model as XML, getting the root element of a document, iterating nodes of a DOM, basic node properties, collection objects, searching for specific values, filtering a nodelist by tagname, more filtering methods, selecting nodes from their attributes. Amending Content and Structure Creating/saving a DOM as XML, changing content/structure, dynamically building a DOM. Using ASP and other techniques ASP techniques, HTTPREQUEST object, XSL, transforming and formatting XML. Formatting Using CSS. CSS And XML. XSL Transformations - XSLT Introduction, the XSL root element, applying XSL stylesheets to XML, XSL elements and operations, instructions - creating text nodes and applying templates, a 'drill-down' approach, simple output formatting, pattern filters - patterns based on position, the Match and Select attributes and their patterns, formatting output, creating new XML in output.
Join me for a full immersive day, online and in Edinburgh at the Art and Spirituality Centre, with theory and practice to discover: 🔍What Shamanism is and its origins 🔍How to journey for yourself and another person 🔍How to retrieve a gift 🔍Introduction to healing: extractions and soul retrieval 🔍Power dance Please have with you: 🌟 a blindfold 🌟 your favourite scarf to be used as a magic cloak 🌟 a notebook if you like Shamanism is a spiritual practice that goes beyond every beliefs and culture and is about trying to reach your full potential as you walk on planet earth, so connecting yourselves to the whole. Shamans were described as the first physicians, magicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual beings. But shamans are healers that make changes in invisible realms to help healing in the ordinary reality of the community. Shamans see in the darkness while connecting with the divine outside the time in an altered state of consciousness. The Powerful Benefits of Shamanic Drumming Shamanic drumming can: 🌿 Reduce stress 🌿 Improve concentration 🌿 Open the door to self-acceptance 🌿 Encourage healthier lifestyle choices 🌿 Support cardiovascular health 🌿 Boost your immune system 🌿 Promote deeper self-awareness by synchronizing brain activity and inducing alpha waves 🌿 Help release negative emotions and emotional trauma Lunch is not included Giada's Journey Creative explorer of the human well-being with twenty years’ experience running events, workshops and retreats. Co-author of a non-profit book with other 33 Italian women about their stories in different countries. She has been learning to heal herself supporting a Holistic connection between mind, body and spirit. She has been studying and practicing Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga in Nepal, India and Italy. Approached the imaginal world and dreams with the psychologist Elio Occhipinti and a regressive hypnosis journey with the vision of the psychiatrist Brian Weiss. Her studies and practice have helped her become: Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher with the two years formal training in Scotland and Teacher Training in Wales Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher, Ikigai Coach, Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy and part of the Italian-Swiss Association for Counselling and Coaching, Aiscon. Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of School of Shamanism creative and spiritual workshops, classes and therapies Founder of the Art and Spirituality Centre centre for creativity and well-being in Edinburgh By attending to our classes, workshops and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment Bookings are non-refundable. Disclaimer By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism and any business partners working with Invisible Caims from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales according to my current insurance. Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.