What is perinatal mental health and fathers? The term ‘perinatal’ refers to the period of time around childbirth. Interpretations of the timeframe of this period vary; in some cases, it includes the time before conception until two years after an infant has been born. In the UK, the First 1001 Days Movement raises awareness of the developmental significance of the first two and a half years of a child’s life. In the course we explain: High risk of suicide in new fathers. The impact on the partner and the development of the child. PTSD, Perinatal Anxiety and Depression in fathers. Signs, Symptoms and how to engage with fathers. Importance of bonding and attachment with father - baby. Biological risk factors
DATE: 25th January TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A Central Film School are delighted to invite Alexis Watkins to speak to our student body about the importance of mental wellbeing and the keys to mental safeguarding for both yourself and other students. Alexis has professional experience in the following roles: - Mental Health Practitioner & Data Analyst for BWW Mind - Chair of Central & North West London (CNWL) NHS Mental Health Ambassador Group - Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the WïSH Centre - National Lived Experience Partner for NHS England She has filmed with the CNWL and was recently part of a team nominated at the Health Service Journal awards for Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People award. She has also been a guest-speaker at The Listening Place, a charity focused on helping those with suicidal thoughts. She will be joining us to specifically discuss topics of isolation, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Even if you are fortunate enough not to be struggling with your mental health currently, it is always worth being aware of the signs and knowing how to help others, so please consider coming along to this event if you feel comfortable doing so.
DATE: 20th March TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A Central Film School are delighted to invite Alexis Watkins to speak to our student body about the importance of mental wellbeing and the keys to mental safeguarding for both yourself and other students. Alexis has professional experience in the following roles: - Mental Health Practitioner & Data Analyst for BWW Mind - Chair of Central & North West London (CNWL) NHS Mental Health Ambassador Group - Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the WïSH Centre - National Lived Experience Partner for NHS England She has filmed with the CNWL and was recently part of a team nominated at the Health Service Journal awards for Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People award. She has also been a guest-speaker at The Listening Place, a charity focused on helping those with suicidal thoughts. She will be joining us to specifically discuss topics of isolation, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Even if you are fortunate enough not to be struggling with your mental health currently, it is always worth being aware of the signs and knowing how to help others, so please consider coming along to this event if you feel comfortable doing so.
LPS was introduced in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and is designed to simplify the process of authorising the care and treatment of a person who lacks capacity to consent to it, where it constitutes a deprivation of liberty. The LPS system introduces new structures, roles, and responsibilities for organisations so it is essential that staff and managers understand the implementation of LPS.
This course will explore ways to support and enhance the quality of care provided to the individual approaching end of life, their families and their carers.
This is a one-day training event to help you: Develop your awareness of mental health issues in the workplace Enable you to act in a timely and constructive way to manage mental health issues that arise in the workplace Enable you to promote and maintain good mental health in your working environment It covers: Mental health statistical overview; most prevalent mental health problems, contributing factors, effects on productivity and the costs of mental ill-health Signs and symptoms of prevalent mental health conditions; 3 key indicators for all mental health problems Stigma; what it is and how it affects people Mental health legal and statistical overview: facts & figures, most prevalent mental health problems, aspects of the law, policy and procedural issues and guidelines for best practice Pro-active and constructive principles and strategies to manage mental health issues, to support colleagues who may be vulnerable to mental ill-health, and promote mental wellbeing This workshop will give you: Awareness of the key indications of mental ill-health Recognition of the prevalence and effects of stigma Knowledge of the wider picture; legal context Greater understanding and confidence to act constructively to support individuals who are vulnerable to mental ill-health The ability to take steps to actively promote mental-well-being in the workplace
This course covers the management of anaphylaxis and the use of auto-injectors for the initial treatment of anaphylaxis.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.
Safer recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for employing anyone who works with vulnerable groups, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing. It is crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including: advertising, application forms, selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented, and post-interview checks - including DBS checks - before making an offer of employment. Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.