Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Estrategias de Reclutamiento Módulo Uno: Inicio 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Definir Y Conocer El Puesto 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estrategia De Reclutamiento Y Selección 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Atraer Excelentes Candidatos 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Filtrar A Los Aspirantes Para Entrevistar 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: La Entrevista (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: La Entrevista (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Proceso De Selección (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Proceso De Selección (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Hacer Una Oferta 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Finalizando 00:05:00 Construccion y Gerencia de un Equipo Virtual Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Armando su Equipo Virtual (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Tres: Armando su Equipo Virtual (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Cuatro: Reuniones del Equipo Virtual 00:30:00 Módulo Cinco: Comunicación (I) 00:20:00 Módulo Seis: Comunicación (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Siete: Mejorando la Confianza 00:30:00 Módulo Ocho: Problemas Culturales 00:30:00 Modulo Nueve: Tener Ãxito con un Equipo Virtual 00:20:00 Módulo Diez: Lidiando con Gente que no Sabe Jugar en Equipo 00:30:00 Módulo Once: Eligiendo las Herramientas Adecuadas 00:20:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Estrategias de Reclutamiento Módulo Uno: Inicio 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Definir Y Conocer El Puesto 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estrategia De Reclutamiento Y Selección 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Atraer Excelentes Candidatos 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Filtrar A Los Aspirantes Para Entrevistar 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: La Entrevista (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: La Entrevista (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Proceso De Selección (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Proceso De Selección (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Hacer Una Oferta 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Finalizando 00:05:00 Integracion (Onboarding) de Empleados Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Propósitos del Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Introducción 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Preparación para el Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Planilla de Control del Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Creando un Programa que Involucre 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Haciendo el Seguimiento con los Nuevos Empleados 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Estableciendo las Expectativas 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Resiliencia y Flexibilidad 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Asignando Tareas 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Proveyendo Comentarios y Opiniones 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Aprendizaje Social Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Estableciendo la Dinámica Grupal Correcta (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estableciendo la Dinámica Grupal Correcta (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Cuatro: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Cinco: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Seis: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (III) 00:15:00 Módulo Siete: Juego de Roles (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Ocho: Juego de Roles (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Nueve: Utilizando las Herramientas Correctas (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Diez: Utilizando las Herramientas Correctas (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Once: Aprendizaje por Modelado y Observacional 00:15:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Ciudadania Digital Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: ¿Qué es la CiudadanÃa Digital? 00:30:00 Módulo Tres: Ser un Buen Ciudadano 00:30:00 Módulo Cuatro: Prácticas Ãptimas para Compartir 00:30:00 Módulo Cinco: Tendido de Redes y Marca Personal (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Seis: Tendido de Redes y Marca Personal (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Siete: Seguridad Digital (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Ocho: Seguridad Digital (II) 00:20:00 Módulo Nueve: Lidiando con el Lado Oscuro 00:20:00 Módulo Diez: Etiqueta Digital (I) 00:20:00 Módulo Once: Etiqueta Digital (II) 00:20:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Seguridad en el Lugar de Trabajo Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Un Resumen 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Tipos de Peligros 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: El Rol de la Gerencia 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Entrenamiento 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Manejo del Estrés 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Violencia en el Lugar de Trabajo 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Identificando los Peligros de tu CompañÃa 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Abuso de Drogas y Alcohol 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Escribiendo el Plan de Seguridad 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Implementación del Plan 00:05:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Urbanidad en el Lugar de Trabajo Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Introducción 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Etiqueta Efectiva en el Trabajo 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Costos y Recompensas 00:15:00 Módulo Cinco: Resolución De Conflictos 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Llegando a la Causa 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Comunicación 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Negociación 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Identificando Necesidades 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Escribiendo una PolÃtica de Urbanidad 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Implementando la PolÃtica 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Indagacion Apreciativa Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Presentando la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Cambiando la Forma en la que Piensa 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Modelo de las Cuatro D 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Modelo de las Cuatro I 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Estilo de Entrevista de la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Realidad Anticipatoria 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: El Poder de las Imágenes Positivas 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Influenciando el Cambio a Través de la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Entrenamiento y Gerencia con Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Creando un Núcleo Positivo 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Gestion del Desempeno Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Conceptos Básicos (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Conceptos Básicos (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Establecimiento de Metas 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Establecer Metas de Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Comentarios y Opiniones en 360 Grados 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: El Ciclo de Aprendizaje De Kolb 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Motivación 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: El Registro Diario del Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Crear una Plan de Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Quality Guarantee: Promising training excellence, satisfaction gurantee Accredited by: CPD UK & Quality License Scheme Tutor Support: Unlimited support via email, till you complete the course Recognised Certification: Accepted by thousands of professional bodies Start Anytime: With 1 year access to the course materials Online Learning: Learn from anywhere, whenever you want Why Autobiography Writing Course right for you? Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this Autobiography Writing course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident autobiography writer and develop more advanced skills.This comprehensive Autobiography Writing course is the perfect way to kickstart your career in the field of autobiography writing. This course will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees.As one of the leading course providers and most renowned e-learning specialists online, we're dedicated to giving you the best educational experience possible. This course is crafted by industry expert, to enable you to learn quickly and efficiently, and at your own pace and convenience. Autobiography Writing Course Details Accredited by CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. Course Curriculum Module 01: Remembering Your Life Module 01: Remembering Your Life Module 02: Structure and Content Module 02: Structure and Content Module 03: Writing Your Autobiography Module 03: Writing Your Autobiography Module 04: Where to Now Module 04: Where to Now Who should take this course? This comprehensive Autobiography Writing course is suitable for anyone looking to improve their job prospects or aspiring to accelerate their career in this sector and want to gain in-depth knowledge of autobiography writing. Entry Requirements There are no academic entry requirements for this Autobiography Writing course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. As long as you are aged seventeen or over and have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol. Assessment Method On successful completion of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice assessment. The assessment will be evaluated automatically and the results will be given to you immediately. Certification Endorsed Certificate from Quality Licence Scheme After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. Certificate of Achievement from Lead Academy After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35. FAQs Is CPD a recognised qualification in the UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Are QLS courses recognised? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. When will I receive my certificate? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. Can I pay by invoice? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at for invoice payment. Can I pay via instalment? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. How to take online classes from home? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. Does age matter in online learning? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. When I will get the login details for my course? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via
Learn to make your raw images more beautiful and appealing with a few simple tricks and easy to follow instructions! This photo editing course aims at providing you with a complete guideline to edit photos in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and Adobe Lightroom CC. With this course, you will discover engaging lessons that incorporate Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Adobe Lightroom CC on a smartphone. Each and every topic of this course is presented in an easy to grasp manner. You will also develop your skills by learning a range of Photoshop techniques such as adjustment and white balance, vibrant and colour strength and many more. On completion, you will be able to manipulate images according to the need and create eye-catching photographs for branding and marketing. Work with this popular program to its full potential, whether you are using Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC or Lightroom on the smartphone! Who is the course for? This course is ideal for those wanting to improve their base skills in office administrative tasks This course would be ideal for people who want to start working as a receptionist, office administrator, office manager, administrative assistant or secretary Entry Requirement for this photo editing course: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. Career path This course opens a new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also gives you the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge along with required skills to become successful. You will be able to add our qualification to your CV/resume which will help you to stand out in the competitive job industry. Course Curriculum Module: 01 0 Lightroom Course Promo 00:02:00 0.1 Promo for Lightroom CC Course 00:02:00 0.1 Promo Video Lightroom Classic CC Course 00:02:00 1.1 Course Introduction 00:03:00 1.1 Into Video 00:02:00 1.1 Intro Video V2 00:04:00 Module: 02 2.1 Importing 00:08:00 2.2 Organizing with Collections 00:07:00 2.4 Face Tagging 00:03:00 Module: 03 3.1 Enhancing Eyes 00:06:00 3.1 Crop and Rotate in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 3.2 Whitening Teeth 00:03:00 3.2 Crop and Straighten 00:11:00 3.3 Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 3.3 Smoothing Skin 00:02:00 3.4 Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC 00:09:00 3.4 Removing Wrinkles 00:07:00 3.5 Enhancing Lips & Changing Lip Color 00:04:00 3.5 Presence Clarity and Saturation Jon 00:05:00 3.5 Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC 00:07:00 3.6 Cheek Enhancements and Face Contouring 00:05:00 3.6 Tone Curve 00:07:00 3.6 Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 3.7 Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 3.7 full portrait editing techniques 00:11:00 3.7 HSL 00:07:00 3.8 Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 3.9 Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 3.10 Removing Blemishes with the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC 00:08:00 3.11 Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 3.12 Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC 00:03:00 3.12 Calibrate Your Camera Profile 00:08:00 3.13 Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 3.13 Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Module: 04 4.1 Full Edit - Car 00:15:00 4.1 The Adjustment Brush 00:04:00 4.1 Using, Creating, and Importing Presets 00:05:00 4.2 Color Profiles 00:04:00 4.2 Full Edit - Starry Sky 00:10:00 4.2 Radial Filter 00:03:00 4.3 Full Edit - Woman and Dog 00:15:00 4.3 Graduated Filter 00:05:00 4.3 Speed Up Your Editing Workflow 00:04:00 4.4 Full Edit - Snowy Landscape 00:11:00 4.4 Panorama 00:04:00 4.4 Spot Healing Brush 00:05:00 4.5 Full Edit - Icy River 00:12:00 4.5 HDR 00:03:00 4.6 Automatically Fix Exposure & White Balance 00:02:00 4.6 Full Edit - Surfs Up 00:10:00 4.7 Full Edit - Wildlife Bird 00:15:00 4.8 Full Edit - Roses are Red 00:11:00 Module: 05 5.1 Enhance Eyes and Change Eye Color 00:08:00 5.1 Exporting Photos from Lightroom 00:09:00 5.2 Adding a Watermark Lightroom 00:04:00 5.2 Whitening Teeth 00:03:00 5.3 Smoothing Skin 00:02:00 5.4 Removing Wrinkles 00:05:00 5.5 Enhancing Lips & Changing Lipstick Color 00:03:00 5.6 Enhancing Cheeks _ Face Contouring 00:08:00 5.7 Full Portrait Edit 00:07:00 Module: 06 6.1 Moonscape 00:11:00 6.1 Portrait of a Woman 00:20:00 6.2 Landscape Editing 00:07:00 6.2 Night Edit 00:15:00 6.3 Long Exposure 00:14:00 6.3 Ocean Flash Portrait 00:09:00 6.4 Group Photo Edit 00:16:00 6.4 Product Photo 00:12:00 6.5 Nature 00:09:00 6.5 Portrait With No Flash 00:05:00 6.6 Action 00:08:00 6.6 Lightroom To Match Color For Corporate Branding Images 00:06:00 6.7 Landscape 00:12:00 6.8 Travel 00:13:00 6.9 Couples Portrait 00:18:00 6.10 Architecture Photo 00:18:00 6.11 Aerial Photo 00:09:00 6.12 Street Photo 00:14:00 6.13 Macro Photo 00:10:00 6.14 Pet Photo 00:10:00 6.15 Maternity Couple Photo 00:12:00 6.16 Interior Nursery 00:13:00 6.17 Portrait of a Man 00:19:00 6.18 Sports Photo 00:10:00 Module: 07 7.1 Intro To Lightroom Mobile 00:03:00 7.1 The Map Module 00:04:00 7.2 Syncing Lightroom Mobile 00:08:00 7.2 The Book Module 00:10:00 7.3 Edit Lightroom Mobile 00:09:00 7.3 The Slideshow Module 00:10:00 7.4 Lightroom Mobile Organizing and Sharing 00:05:00 7.4 The Print Module 00:08:00 7.5 The Web Module 00:06:00 Module: 08 8.1 Conclusion and Thank You 00:02:00 8.1 Using Lightroom Presets 00:04:00 8.2 Installing Lightroom Presets 00:03:00 Module: 09 9.1 Calibrate Your Monitor 00:03:00 9.2 Color Checker Passport 00:10:00 9.3 Tablets 00:08:00 9.4 Catalogues 00:11:00 9.5 Brighten and Whiten Teeth and Eyes 00:04:00 9.6 Remove Wrinkles in Lightroom 00:05:00 9.7 Create a Panorama in Lightroom 00:03:00 9.8 Remove Red-Eye 00:01:00 9.9 Soften Skin in Lightroom 00:03:00 9.10 Reduce Noise in Your Photos 00:05:00 Module: 10 10.1 Google NIK 00:17:00 Module: 11 11.1 full lightroom session workflow 00:07:00 Module: 12 12.1 Conclusion 00:01:00 Resources Resources - Complete Guide to Adobe Lightroom Classic CC & CC - Photo Editing Masterclass 00:00:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00
Office admin, the heart of an organization, plays a vital role in office administration. A good administrative skill enhances individual as well as organizational growth. Learn every single important aspect to kick-start your career in this field through our Office Admin and Customer Service Diploma course. The precise contents of the course teach you how to deal with administrative functions, different letter writing, documentation, reporting, recordkeeping, documentation. The course also teaches you how to manage customer, speak with them in a sound bite, and serve them with their demand. At the end of the course, you will become an efficient admin knowing all the lurid aspects of administrative procedures. Who is the course for? Professionals, employees or businessmen who want to improve the administration and customer service department of their company. People who want to know how administrative management and customer service work. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. Career path This course opens a new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also gives you the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge along with required skills to become successful. You will be able to add our qualification to your CV/resume which will help you to stand out in the competitive job industry. Course Curriculum Admin Support Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Getting Organized (I) 00:05:00 Module Three - Getting Organized (II) 00:05:00 Module Four - Managing Time 00:05:00 Module Five - Getting It All Done On Time 00:05:00 Module Six - Special Tasks 00:05:00 Module Seven - Verbal Communication Skills 00:05:00 Module Eight - Non-Verbal Communication Skills 00:05:00 Module Nine - Empowering Yourself 00:05:00 Module Ten - The Team of Two 00:05:00 Module Eleven - Taking Care of Yourself 00:05:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:05:00 Administrative Management Module One - Getting Started 00:05:00 Module Two - Why Your Office Needs Administrative Procedures 00:05:00 Module Three - Gathering the Right Tools 00:05:00 Module Four - Identifying Procedures to Include 00:05:00 Module Five - Top Five Procedures to Record 00:05:00 Module Six - What to Include in Your Binder (I) 00:05:00 Module Seven - What to Include in Your Binder (II) 00:05:00 Module Eight - Organizing Your Binder 00:05:00 Module Nine - What Not to Include in the Procedure Guide 00:05:00 Module Ten - Share Office Procedure Guide 00:05:00 Module Eleven - Successfully Executing the Guide 00:05:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:05:00 Organisational Skills Module One - Getting Started 00:05:00 Module Two - Remove the Clutter 00:05:00 Module Three - Prioritize 00:05:00 Module Four - Scheduling Your Time 00:05:00 Module Five - To Do Lists 00:05:00 Module Six - Paper and Paperless Storage 00:05:00 Module Seven - Organization in Your Work Area 00:05:00 Module Eight - Tools to Fight Procrastination 00:05:00 Module Nine - Organizing Your Inbox 00:05:00 Module Ten - Avoid the Causes of Disorganization 00:05:00 Module Eleven - Discipline is the Key to Stay Organized 00:05:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:05:00 Organisational Skills Course for Administrator- Activities 00:00:00 Customer Relations and Dealings Module One - Getting Started 00:05:00 Module Two - The Right Attitude Starts with You 00:05:00 Module Three - Stress Management (Internal Stressors) 00:05:00 Module Four - Stress Management (External Stressors) 00:05:00 Module Five - Transactional Analysis 00:05:00 Module Six - Why are Some Customers Difficult 00:05:00 Module Seven - Dealing with the Customer Over the Phone 00:05:00 Module Eight - Dealing with the Customer In Person 00:05:00 Module Nine - Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers 00:05:00 Module Ten - Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer 00:05:00 Module Eleven - Following up With a Customer Once You Have Addressed Their Issue 00:05:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:05:00 Customer Service: Telephone Etiquette Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Aspects of Phone Etiquette 01:00:00 Module Three - Using Proper Phone Language 01:00:00 Module Four - Eliminate Phone Distractions 01:00:00 Module Five - Inbound Calls 01:00:00 Module Six - Outbound Calls 01:00:00 Module Seven - Handling Rude or Angry Callers 01:00:00 Module Eight - Handling Interoffice Calls 01:00:00 Module Nine - Handling Voicemail Messages 01:00:00 Module Ten - Methods of Training Employees 01:00:00 Module Eleven - Correcting Poor Telephone Etiquette 01:00:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:30:00 Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management 00:10:00 What CRM Is and Who It Serves 00:15:00 Checklist for Success 00:15:00 Requirement Driven Product Selection 00:15:00 Considerations in Tool Selection 00:15:00 Strategies for Customer Retention 00:15:00 Building the Future 00:15:00 Homegrown vs. Application Service Provider 00:15:00 Evaluating and Reviewing Your Program 00:15:00 The Development Team 00:15:00 Microsoft Office Word Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Opening 01:00:00 Module Three - Working with the Interface 01:00:00 Module Four - Your First Document 01:00:00 Module Five - Basic Editing Tasks 01:00:00 Module Six - Basic Formatting Tasks 01:00:00 Module Seven - Formatting Paragraphs 01:00:00 Module Eight - Advanced Formatting Tasks 01:00:00 Module Nine - Working with Styles 01:00:00 Module Ten - Formatting the Page 01:00:00 Module Eleven - Sharing Your Document 01:00:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:30:00 Microsoft Office Powerpoint Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Opening PowerPoint 01:00:00 Module Three - Working with the Interface 01:00:00 Module Four - Your First Presentation 01:00:00 Module Five - Working with Text 01:00:00 Module Six - Formatting Text and Paragraphs 01:00:00 Module Seven - Adding Pictures 01:00:00 Module Eight - Advanced Formatting Tasks 01:00:00 Module Nine - Working with Transitions and Animations 01:00:00 Module Ten - Setting Up Your Slide Show 01:00:00 Module Eleven - Showtime! 01:00:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 00:30:00 Microsoft Office Excel Module One - Getting Started 00:30:00 Module Two - Opening Excel 01:00:00 Module Three - Working with the Interface 01:00:00 Module Four - Your First Worksheet 01:00:00 Module Five - Viewing Excel Data 01:00:00 Module Six - Building Formulas 01:00:00 Module Seven - Using Excel Functions 01:00:00 Module Eight - Using Quick Analysis 01:00:00 Module Nine - Formatting Your Data 01:00:00 Module Ten - Using Styles, Themes, and Effects 01:00:00 Module Eleven - Printing and Sharing Your Workbook 01:00:00 Module Twelve - Wrapping Up 01:00:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam- Office Admin and Customer Service Diploma 00:30:00 Final Exam Final Exam- Office Admin and Customer Service Diploma 00:30:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00
The Executive Mini MBA will teach you all those things you learn from an MBA course that too in a shorter period. From learning theories to implying it in practical life, the course plan carries all the important aspects. This beneficial program will help you to gain in-depth knowledge about Economics and business. The administrative and managerial aspects of the business will become clearer to you. The course will also familiarise yourself with a wide variety of topics such as strategy planning, marketing strategy, resource management, etc. Most importantly, the course will play a significant role to develop the required leadership skill to lead a business organisation. By completing this course, you will become efficient enough for securing a high position in a business organisation. Who is this Course for? This Executive Mini MBA course is suitable for anyone who want to gain extensive knowledge, potential experience and professional skills in the related field. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Method of Assessment: Upon completion of the course, you will be required to sit for an online multiple-choice quiz based assessment, which will determine whether you have passed the course (60% pass mark). The test will be marked immediately and results will be published instantly. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. Certification After successfully completing the course, you will be able to obtain the certificates. You can claim a PDF certificate by paying a little processing fee of £2. There is an additional fee to obtain a hardcopy certificate which is £9. Course Curriculum Module 1:- Business Planning and Analysis Business Planning Basics 01:00:00 Market Evaluation 01:00:00 Analyze Competition 01:00:00 Determine A Marketing Strategy 01:00:00 Decide What Extras You May Need Like Staff etc 00:30:00 The Dangers In Not Making A Business Plan 00:15:00 Module 2: -Business Administration and Branding Introduction 00:15:00 Make Yourself Well Recognised Before Your Customers 00:30:00 Wow Your Customers 00:30:00 Develop a Personal Style 00:30:00 Use Creative Imageries to Catch the Attention 00:30:00 Be a Traditionalist, Not a Fad Chaser 00:15:00 Bringing Out the Purple Cow in Your Business 00:30:00 Conclusion 00:15:00 Module 3: - Business Succession Planning Getting Started 00:30:00 Succession Planning Vs. Replacement Planning 01:00:00 Preparing for the Planning Process 01:00:00 Initiating Process 00:00:00 The SWOT Analysis 01:00:00 Developing the Succession Plan 01:00:00 Executing the Plan 00:30:00 Gaining Support 00:30:00 Managing the Change 01:00:00 Overcoming Roadblocks 01:00:00 Reaching the End 01:00:00 Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Module 4: -Business Development Budgeting Businesses Budgeting Basics 00:15:00 Steps To Better Business Budgeting 00:15:00 How And What To Consider When Preparing A Business Plan And Budget 01:00:00 The Ins And Outs Of Corporate Budgeting 00:15:00 Including Social Business Budgets In The Plan 00:15:00 Impacts Of Debts On Business Budgets 00:15:00 Managing Business Budgets And Finances Together 01:00:00 Module 5: -Management Introduction 01:00:00 How to Build Trust and Confidence 01:00:00 A Manager's Pitfalls 01:00:00 How to Build Team Spirit 01:00:00 Dealing with Problem Employees 01:00:00 Using Your Emotional Intelligence 00:30:00 Conclusion to Management 00:15:00 Module 6:- Business Management Skills Business Plan Basics 00:30:00 The Executive Summary 01:00:00 The Mission Statement 00:30:00 Exploring Financial Needs 00:30:00 Evaluating Competition 01:00:00 The Troubles You Can Run Into Without The Proper Business Plan 00:30:00 Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Module 7: Project Management Introduction 01:00:00 Can You Manage Yourself Out Of A Paper Bag? 00:30:00 Setting the Stage for a Successful Project 01:00:00 The Importance of Developing and Managing A Budget 00:30:00 Taking Action - Execution of the Plan 01:00:00 Rules to Manage The Projects 01:00:00 Your Personality and Project Management Style 01:00:00 The Cycle of Decision Making 01:00:00 Getting Your Project Back On Track 01:30:00 Keeping It Moving Forward 01:00:00 Problems and Solutions in Project Management 01:00:00 Module 8: HR and Leadership Management Leader and HR Management 00:30:00 Commitment and HR Management 01:00:00 Team Management 00:30:00 Build A Mastermind Group 02:00:00 People Recognition in HR Management 00:30:00 Performance, Goals and Management 00:30:00 Think Outside The Box 00:30:00 Be Passionate about Your Work 00:30:00 The Importance Of A Good Team Leader 00:30:00 Module 9: Business Systemization Introduction 00:30:00 The Idea of Systemizing Your Business 01:00:00 Why You Should Systemize Your Business 01:00:00 A Lesson Learned From The Book 'The E-Myth' 01:00:00 So, How Do I Create This Wonderful Business System? 01:00:00 Outsourcing As a Way of Systemizing Your Business 00:30:00 How to Keep It Growing: The Systemized Business 01:00:00 Some General Ideas To Consider As You Systemize Your Business 00:30:00 Conclusion 00:15:00 Module 10: - Business Ethics Fundamentals Getting Started To Business Ethics 00:15:00 What is Ethics? 01:00:00 Implementing Ethics in the Workplace 00:30:00 Employer/Employee Rights 01:00:00 Business & Social Responsibilities 01:00:00 Ethical Decisions 01:00:00 Whistle Blowing 00:30:00 Managerial Ethics 00:30:00 Unethical Behavior 00:30:00 Ethics in Business (I) 01:00:00 Ethics in Business (II) 00:30:00 Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Module 11: Sales Analysis and Sales What Is A Sales Funnel? 00:30:00 What is Internet Commerce 00:30:00 What Can I Sell 00:30:00 Clickbank 00:30:00 Drop Shipping 00:30:00 Affiliate Marketing 00:30:00 The Link Between Products, Key Words and Prospects 00:15:00 The Front-end and Back-end of Sales Funnels 00:30:00 Sales Funnel Success 00:30:00 Sales Funnel Planning 00:30:00 Putting Your Theory to Practice 00:30:00 Content Marketing 00:30:00 Article Marketing 01:00:00 Google's Adwords Program 00:30:00 Marketing Offline 00:30:00 Blogs 00:30:00 Social Media 00:30:00 Auto Responders 00:30:00 The Joint Venture 00:30:00 Measuring Success 00:30:00 Top Sales Funnel Products 00:30:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam- Executive Mini MBA 00:30:00 Final Exam Final Exam - Executive Mini MBA 00:20:00 Recommended Readings Recommended Readings - Executive Mini MBA 00:00:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00