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10 Educators providing Motivation courses in Marlow

Cleverclogs Tutoring

cleverclogs tutoring


Regular Classes Progress is not tracked. No mentoring or motivation. Once the lesson finishes, the learning is over. Quality is not always guaranteed, because it depends on which tutors live in your area. Time and energy wasted travelling to and from classes. Teacher usually talks through the lesson and the students predominately listen. Lesson resources are not shared. Assessments are not regular. Not always one-to-one or small group classes. CleverClogs, the online tutoring company Parents and students have instant 24/7 access to the CC Progress Space. Tutors record observations after every lesson. Free monthly mentoring for each student, to ensure that pupils are motivated and enthused about their learning journey. Lessons are recorded and are accessible 24/7, for revision. Where you live does not affect your access to the best possible tutors. CleverClogs guarantees that each tutor is a subject expert. You can access the world’s best tutors from the comfort of your home. Interactive and enjoyable lessons, focused on school curriculums, with progress at the forefront of each activity. All resources and assessment transcripts are saved in each student’s private CC Progress Space. Monthly assessments are completed to ensure that students understand all topics covered and show clear improvements. One-to-one and small group classes encourage students to ask lots of questions and for confusions to be addressed immediately, hence no pupil is left behind.

Alistair Smith Learning

alistair smith learning

Old Amersham

UK’s leading trainer in modern learning methods. I am an independent learning consultant. My expertise is in the design and delivery of learning and development experiences for high-performing individuals, teams and organisations. Popularity, Purpose, Preparation. I have been described as the ‘UK’s leading trainer in modern learning methods.’ I’ve delivered well over 1,800 training and development events in a twenty-five-year career. I would place myself amongst the more experienced developers in the UK. Any popularity I may have earned has been as a consequence of lots and lots of preparation and treating each piece of work as unique. I’ve never done the same presentation twice. Now I’ve adapted as more and more of my deliveries are on-line. I’ve delivered to large audiences – 3,000 medics from around the world in the Congress Hall in Prague – and small. I became good at speaking to groups when, as a young man, I had to take museum tours for visitors day after day. Many had come just to get out of the rain. I had to understand their motivation in order to connect with them. Presenting I became very skilled at presenting. Along the way I built successes in facilitating groups and helping manage the learning process. I enjoy taking a project through to a conclusion. I’m very thorough and always practical. I bring an understanding of the ‘science’ of learning to the ‘art’ of teaching. I take pride in modelling the methods I promote. I do presentations to different audiences and on different topics. Here’s one I did for the Do Lectures in a steamy tent in West Wales!

Herschel Grammar School

herschel grammar school


Herschel is a selective, co-educational secondary school serving Slough and its surrounding areas. In our latest inspection the school was deemed outstanding in all categories by Ofsted. Herschel has a warm and vibrant atmosphere built on an ethos of mutual trust, high academic standards and a commitment to nurturing and developing every individual pupil. We provide the very best opportunities to ensure every child achieves their potential. ‘Pupils thrive in the school’s academic, yet very caring and secure environment’ (Ofsted) And our pupils don’t just achieve very good examination results. Their progress between Year 7 and Year 11 places the school in the top 11% of schools nationally. The school’s success is built on genuine collaboration and partnership between governors, staff, pupils and parents; a partnership which has great aspirations for every child. Teachers have high expectations and work very hard to provide challenge and support. As Ofsted said in their verbal feedback the teachers are ‘enthusiastic, passionate and inspirational’. Pupils themselves have positive attitudes to learning and work well together. They take responsibility for their own behaviour and have strong emotional intelligence and empathy. As a result our young people leave us as responsible, active citizens ready to contribute confidently to university, the workplace and their communities. There is a wealth of information on the website that I hope will help you to increase your understanding of the school and to serve as a first point of information.

Brunel University London

brunel university london


In 2016, Brunel celebrated 50 years as a university. However, our history can be traced back much further to 1798 through our predecessor colleges of Borough Road College, Maria Grey College, Shoreditch College and the West London Institute of Higher Education and as well as through Acton Technical College then Brunel College. Our rise since 1966 has been impressive and our reputation grows year on year. Now a university of 12,746 students – 3,309 students engaged in postgraduate and research study – our special approach is to combine academic rigour with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The decision to be named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel was taken after much discussion. Rather than name the new College after a location, Dr Topping, the first Vice Chancellor of Brunel University (and former Principal of Brunel College) pleaded that the name should be a well-known person preferably an engineer or scientist associated in some way with Middlesex or Acton. Agreement was reached in March 1957 that person would be Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) is one of the great British engineers of the 19th century. Isambard was born into an industrious family in 1806, with his mother Sophia Kingdom working for the Royal Navy and father Marc Brunel being a prominent French engineer. Isambard took on formal training as an engineer and went on to build twenty-five railways lines, over a hundred bridges, including five suspension bridges, eight pier and dock systems, three ships and a pre-fabricated army field hospital.To add to this he was a keen social engineer, building housing estates, churches and hospitals. In order to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his legacy, visit the following links: Bristol University Brunel Collection - IKB's letters, sketchbooks, etc Brunel200 - projects, competitions, debates, media programmes and talks to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel Museum of the Great Western Railway SS Great Britain - surviving in the dry dock that had been built specifically for her design and construction in Bristol There is also extensive Brunel information on the BBC's History pages

Courses matching "Motivation"

Show all 133

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring

By Dickson Training Ltd

Based on our extensive work and experience with leaders, both in the private and public sectors, this ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring programme has been designed to develop the capability of leaders to positively impact the performance of individuals and teams. We are experts at unlocking peak performance. Coaching and mentoring improves relationships, performance and engagement. This programme has been created to sharpen a leader's skills - enabling them to balance control, commitment and empowerment through productive conversations with individuals and teams. Scroll down to find out more about this ILM Level 5 qualification, or use the buttons below to jump straight to the scheduled course dates and prices. All of our ILM Programmes are provided in partnership with The BCF Group, which is the ILM Approved Centre we deliver under. Course Syllabus The syllabus of the ILM Level 5 Qualification in Business Coaching and Mentoring is comprised of six modules, covering the following: Module OneIntroduction 1.1) Explore the myths 1.2) What is coaching and mentoring? 1.3) What is business coaching? 1.4) Thoughts and perceptions 1.5) 7 competencies of a coach 1.6) Definitions - Mentoring / Consulting / Coaching / Therapy / Counseling Module TwoModels and Practice 2.1) The Wheel of Life 2.2) Johari's Window 2.3) KASH - Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits of an effective coach 2.4) STAR / GROW model 2.5) Effective use of Paradigm cards 2.6) Practice and feedback Module ThreeBuilding the Relationship 3.1) Self-management 3.2) How motivation works 3.3) Personality & behavioural traits 3.4) Rapport and trust Module FourCommunication and Practice 4.1) Non-verbal communication 4.2) Effective communication 4.3) Questioning through 2nd/3rd/4th level questioning 4.4) Building a bank of coaching questions 4.5) Practice and feedback Module FiveStructure 5.1) Introduction 5.2) The coaching cycle 5.3) How to give feedback 5.4) The COMET model 5.5) Executive coaching 5.6) Psychometrics 5.7) Closing the coaching session Module SixWell-Formed Outcomes 6.1) Challenge and focus steps 6.2) Coaching goals 6.3) Establishing the gap analysis 6.4) Using diagnostic tools 6.5) SMART objectives 6.6) Designing & planning focus steps 6.7) Gaining commitment 6.8) Practice and feedback Who is it for? Business coaching is the skill to have in today's rapidly changing business climate. People and team development through business coaching is fast, efficient and cost effective, and will get you measurable results. The ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring are highly accessible and have been designed for all tiers of director, management and supervisory level, or indeed anyone involved in people development. With a business-relevant, tried-and-tested approach, we encourage participants to bring live business issues and case histories with them on the course. Accreditation Upon completion of this programme all attendees will receive the 'ILM Endorsed Programme in Business Coaching & Mentoring' certificate. Participants will also be eligible to receive ILM letters after their name; either AMInstLM (Affiliate/Associate Member Institute Leadership & Management) or MInstLM (Member Institute Leadership & Management). As with all ILM Accredited Programmes, participants will need to complete the post-programme activity in order to achieve their full 'ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring in Management' certificate. These elements have been designed in order to show to the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) that you are able to put the skills and techniques learned on the programme into practice. Full support and guidance is provided for completing these final elements. Required Activities Pre-Course We ask you to come prepared with issues which you are currently experiencing that you would be happy to discuss and be coached on. We also send out a short document containing questions and exercises which will help our coaches understand you better and work with you in order to receive the best training. Post-Course To achieve this ILM qualification, participants will have to complete the following post-course activities: 3 x work-based assignments need to be completed within 1 year from attendance and registration. Embedded in the assignments, the Certificate will require delegates to complete 18 hours of coaching or mentoring activity with 2-3 people. The Diploma will require delegates to complete 54 hours of coaching or mentoring with 4-9 people. Tutor guided learning will take on the format of book and video reviews with ongoing tutor guidance and support via phone, Skype or face-to-face. Optional: Self-initiated 2 x 45 min executive coaching sessions per delegate to offer a coaching best practice view. Course Material Each participant will be issued with a workbook to assist them both during and after the course, which will contain information, guidance and forms to assist with the coaching sessions. Participants will also complete a Paradigm psychometric report and receive a year's membership with the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). In-House & Classroom Courses Available Online We have developed an alternative to traditional face-to-face training that continues to provide a full learning experience, and allows delegates to learn effectively whilst self-isolating from home. This is how it looks: Delegates booked on Classroom and In-House courses will continue to have access to their trainer online throughout the days that the course is booked to run. Prior to a delegate's course start date, they will be enrolled on our e-learning platform (in partnership with BCF Group) for the course they are booked on to. They will also be given contact information for their trainer, and details of how to access the online workshops. Delegates will not require any special IT equipment. A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or a mobile phone with internet and audio capability is all that is required. Delegates taking ILM Qualifications will then proceed to the book review, video review and work based assignments with 12 months tutor support as appropriate, and in line with our previous arrangements. We hope you agree that this blended learning experience represents the safest way to continue supporting our clients and delegates during the Coronavirus disruption. Scheduled Courses Classroom Course - Nottingham (NG12 4DG) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. In addition to the 2 days in the classroom, delegates will need to undertake self-directed learning and 3 work-based assignments. As a guide, this is estimated to take 3 hours per week for 12 months. Diploma: £2,195 + vat | Certificate: £1,895 + vat 03-04 October 2023 22-23 February 2024 Classroom Course - Reading (RG41 5QS) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. In addition to the 2 days in the classroom, delegates will need to undertake self-directed learning and 3 work-based assignments. As a guide, this is estimated to take 3 hours per week for 12 months. Diploma: £2,195 + vat | Certificate: £1,895 + vat 14-15 September 2023 14-15 December 2023 14-15 March 2024 Zoom™ Course Attending a course via Zoom videoconferencing gives you all of the benefits of classroom training without the need to leave your home or office. You still benefit from a real tutor facilitating the programme, and the content is exactly the same. The only difference is that we split the course into four half-day sessions to make it easier on your eyes! Diploma: £1,795 + vat | Certificate: £1,495 + vat September 2023 - 25th Sep (morning), 25th Sep (afternoon), 26th Sep (morning), 26th Sep (afternoon) November 2023 - 6th Nov (morning), 6th Nov (afternoon), 7th Nov (morning), 7th Nov (afternoon) January 2024 - 11th Jan (morning), 11th Jan (afternoon), 12th Jan (morning), 12th Jan (afternoon) March 2024 - 11th Mar (morning), 11th Mar (afternoon), 12th Mar (morning), 12th Mar (afternoon) May 2024 - 14th May (morning), 14th May (afternoon), 15th May (morning), 15th May (afternoon) July 2024 - 9th Jul (morning), 9th Jul (afternoon), 10th Jul (morning), 10th Jul (afternoon Dickson Training Ltd Founded in 1985 in Yorkshire, we have built an impressive and loyal client base. Our partnerships are built by consistently delivering outstanding development solutions and working in close collaboration with our clients, resulting in us becoming a leading UK and international training provider.

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Business Coaching and Mentoring
Delivered in person or Online
£1,495 to £2,195

Emotional intelligence 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

By Mangates

Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

Emotional intelligence 1 Day Training in Windsor Town
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

The Art of Staying Calm: Anger Management in Action 1 Day Workshop in Windsor Town

By Mangates

Anger Management 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

The Art of Staying Calm: Anger Management in Action 1 Day Workshop in Windsor Town
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Windsor Town

By Mangates

Event Planning 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Windsor Town
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

By Mangates

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Windsor Town

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Windsor Town
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley

By Mangates

Event Planning 1 Day Training in Bracknell

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Time Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell

By Mangates

Time Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell

Time Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Public Speaking 1 Day Training in Slough

By Mangates

Public Speaking 1 Day Training in Slough

Public Speaking 1 Day Training in Slough
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Bracknell

By Mangates

Event Planning 1 Day Training in Bracknell

The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning - 1 Day Workshop in Bracknell
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell

By Mangates

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Bracknell
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795