This course enables providers and their staff to develop an understanding of the responsibilities and duties around the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). This essential training is for workers involved in the care, treatment and support of adults who may lack capacity in making life decisions. This training offers vital support for social care providers, so they comply with the Mental Capacity Act and Care Quality Commission requirements and promote human rights.
In this webinar, Bev Clough and Laura Pritchard-Jones will introduce their new edited collection, Mental Capacity Law, Sexual Relations, and Intimacy (Bristol University Press). Questions as to the mental capacity of an individual to consent to sex are an increasingly important aspect of legal scholarship and professional practice for those working in care. The Supreme Court judgment in Re JB added new layers of complexity, requiring that a person must be able to understand that the other person needs to consent and can withdraw that consent. While this has been welcomed for asserting the importance of the interpersonal dynamics of sex, it has significant implications for practice and for the day-to-day lives of people with cognitive impairments. We will give an overview of what prompted the collection, and reflect on the themes that emerge through the chapters. We will also reflect on how law has developed since the decision in Re JB and some of the remaining problems this poses.
The course is aimed at everyone working in health and social care that makes decisions for people who may lack capacity and who require a knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and, specifically, the issue of deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLS).
Aim To increase the confidence and knowledge of participants to support adults with learning disabilities in terms of their sexual health and sex and relationships rights. Outcomes By the end of the training participants will have: -had an update around the law, mental capacity act and capacity to consent to sexual relationships and CQC guidance - considered how to support patients with their sex and relationships rights -more knowledge of current easy read and other resources and organisations available to support our work Agenda Welcome, introductions and working agreement The law, capacity to consent and CQC guidance Rights of people with learning disabilities to sex and relationships Resources and organisations Close Suitable for Anyone supporting adults with learning disabilities as a care worker or social worker.
This one-day course equips you to fully understand your role in the consenting process and matters that you need to take into consideration in order for the consent to be valid.
LPS was introduced in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and is designed to simplify the process of authorising the care and treatment of a person who lacks capacity to consent to it, where it constitutes a deprivation of liberty. The LPS system introduces new structures, roles, and responsibilities for organisations so it is essential that staff and managers understand the implementation of LPS.
Relationships and sex education for learning disability nurses.
This course is for all those working in healthcare. Participants will gain a greater understanding of Clinical Negligence within UK law. The purpose of the session is to raise awareness of the legal framework that applies to healthcare