When we're experiencing great levels of stress, we tend to tighten our muscles, but reflexology can help to relax that tension that you're harboring. This 3hr workshop teaches how to adapt your routine to target conditions such as low mood, depression and anxiety. We focus on the key areas association with these conditions. this course includes an online e-learning component for you t work through and then a 3hr practical session.
Catheters are used to help when someone has difficulty urinating, this course aims to provide the learner with the knowledge on what may cause these difficulties, what their role will entail, infection control, equiptment, risks and complications associated with a catheter.
Our 6 hour Emergency First Aid at Work course gives the participant the knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with with first aid incidents in the work environment. Employers can book this course for their employees in the knowledge that they are fulfilling their duty to provide quality first aid training to their employees.
The course is both theoretical and activity based in nature The participant will receive up to date research based information relating to Acquired Brain Injury and appropriate learning and behavioural & management strategies to use and coupled with person centred approaches can help promote recovery and positive self image.