First Aid Courses. These can be at your venue or our training centre.
Oral health is an important factor in health and social care that can often be missed, The CQC recommends that all staff have the relevent training so that they fully understand the importance of oral hygeine, their role as a carer, the risks and implications.
This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities, characteristics and behaviours and how they affect people. We will consider which learning & behavioural strategies are appropriate and how using a person centred approach to care will get the best results and ensure that needs of the individual are effectively met. We also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities
Why do young people increasingly turn to self harm as a way of dealing with stress? And what can caring adults do to respond to this mystifying behaviour? This workshop will explore the many variables which lead to self harm while exploring methods of healing distress through curiosity and compassionate understanding Hosted by Dr Leslie Lund Leslie is an Adolescent Psychotherapist and Family Therapist with nearly 30 years of experience. As a senior therapist, she supervises other private practice therapists, school counsellors and administrators within schools, as well as other psychological professionals within the wider community. She has a special interest in the mental health of young people within educational environments and supports the development of Wellbeing programmes in schools. We would like to thank the Ashcombe school for allowing us to use their facilities to run our training and workshops.
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.