Catheters are used to help when someone has difficulty urinating, this course aims to provide the learner with the knowledge on what may cause these difficulties, what their role will entail, infection control, equiptment, risks and complications associated with a catheter.
Participants at this workshop will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills using a coaching style technique and practice these skills in a conducive manner during the session.
This workshop is aimed at practice managers who work in GP Practices and Health Centres or their equivalent. The purpose of this workshop is to equip practice managers with the tools and techniques they need to run a busy practice and/or team.
This is a two-day course designed for ward, department and team managers in healthcare. It is suitable for both aspiring ward, department and team managers and those already in post.
To enable learners to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to manual handling activities
The course will increase participants knowledge relating to how drugs work, potential risks and hazards associated with medicines, and provide an overview of the legal and professional aspects of medicines management.