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Nutritional Therapy Diploma

By Plaskett International

The prevalence of ill health is real. Become an expert practitioner in treating individuals using a truly holistic approach. A MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR The great need for practitioners is emphasised today, not only by the prevalence of well-established diseases, but also by the appearance of quite new conditions which are not necessarily regarded as being nutritional illnesses. In fact many students come to Nutritional Therapy after experiencing and their own health problems and seek to help others with similar difficulties. We know that nutrition lies at the very heart of these problems and it is our absolute intention to share that knowledge with you. Every person's nutritional needs differ and our courses teach students to recognise this at the outset - there is no haphazard approach. We are absolutely certain that you will find this a fascinating course as you train to become a practitioner of the highest degree. DR. LAWRENCE PLASKETT Course Duration 3 years Study Hours 3,000 hours Course Content 14 folders Course Fee £1,995 Course Overview The Plaskett Professional Diploma in Nutritional Therapy is the most scientific and advanced practitioner level course that we offer. Nutritional Therapy is a form of therapy that uses food, supplementary nutrients and cleansing procedures to alleviate or prevent chronic health problems and this course will train you to practise as a Nutritional Therapist of the highest degree. You will: Receive a training which is truly holistic in nature Be presented with the unique teachings of Dr. Lawrence Plaskett whose long experience working in the borderlands between nutrition and medicine enables him to offer a synthesis between many fields that are not often brought together: nutrition, pathology, biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, cell biology, naturopathy and homoeopathy Develop the professional skills and specific diagnostic insight to be able to apply nutrition to health effectively, a training for successful practice that should be applicable anywhere in the world Be trained to offer help with a wide range of conditions, the majority of which are not necessarily regarded in conventional medicine as being nutritional illnesses. These encompass an extremely wide range of chronic conditions, including most diseases and a vast array of symptoms - physical, emotional, mental - which can frequently be experienced outside the range of conventional medical diagnostic 'labels'. Develop the necessary expertise in nutrition which is often lacking in other fields of complementary or alternative medicine. Any programme of nutritional supplements and diet needs to be matched exactly to individual needs by a well-trained practitioner BREAKDOWN OF THE COURSE SECTIONS The Nutritional Therapy Diploma includes the following 14 folders: FOLDER 1 THE HOLISTIC MODEL OF HEALTH CARE This Folder starts with a suggested programme of study and some simple hints on how to make best use of your study time. It then teaches an understanding of basic principles that underpin your entire grasp of nutrition as a biological process. The naturopathic emphasis is upon freeing the body tissues of toxins and the damaged cell components that drag them down to the chronic level.  The Folder looks closely at the nature of toxins and their sources. It looks at their behaviour and effects when they enter the body, the character and mechanisms of the damage they do and, above all, the mechanisms by which they can be removed and the damage repaired.  These are no flights of fancy, as orthodoxy would often have us believe. Rather they are strongly supported by medical science, as the course material will demonstrate. In order to develop a grasp of these processes they have to be visualized as they really happen, on the cellular level.  A Side Book is included covering the structure and life of the cell. Areas Covered Study skills Looking after the body The Life Force Stopping the rot and starting to recover Movements of toxins within and around the body Our relationship to medical orthodoxy The nature of natural and unnatural chemical toxins The concept of toxin-free food Organic growing and water purification Free radicals and anti-oxidants Routes of toxin entry and elimination Damage caused by toxins lying in the tissues Detoxification The relationship between toxic burden and toxic damage The energy reserve role of fat The lipoproteins of the blood FOLDER 2 MINERALS AT WORK IN NUTRITION - PART 1 The minerals come forward as the strongest contenders for pride of place among the nutrient classes because they are so critically vulnerable to deficiency and imbalance in today’s western world.  “Get the minerals right before anything else” is a penetrating summary of their necessary priority. You will learn how the bulk minerals (those we need in greatest amount) depend upon each other and how the micro minerals cannot fulfil their function correctly without a correct balance of the bulk ones.  This Folder takes “first things first” by laying the soundest possible foundation for the study and management of the bulk metals – sodium, potassium, calcium, with magnesium to follow in Folder 5.  We believe that few course providers deal as thoroughly with this absolute cornerstone of nutrition as we do. The effects of these mineral balances permeate the entire subject of nutrition. You will look at many aspects of the subject that affect health. Areas Covered Composition of the human body Overview of macro minerals Sources of nutritional minerals Biological concentration of minerals Micro minerals as catalysts Toxic minerals Digestion, absorption and storage Mineral/mineral antagonisms Sodium and potassium balance Symptoms of sodium and potassium excess or deficiency The sodium pump Sodium and potassium in foods Potassium administration in therapy Calcium in the human skeleton and teeth Calcium in body fluids Hormonal control of calcium Osteoporosis and disputes over calcium requirements Calcium in foods Calcium “mishandling” Calcium in supplement Side Book: The Chemistry of Nutrition Whilst it is possible to teach nutrition to some degree without studying the chemical nature of the nutrients, it is much better that you have at least a superficial understanding. Folder Two therefore includes a side book on Chemistry for those who are new to the subject. However, no one expects you to become highly informed on chemical structures. Access to the facts and to an explanation is what is important. This side-book will free you, as a future practitioner, from the need to manipulate the nutrients without understanding them as many others try to do. Elements, compounds and molecules Valency Ions, acids and salts Combining proportions and moles Carbon compounds and functional groups Oxidation and reduction Calculating the vitamin or mineral content of supplements FOLDER 3 THE BULK NUTRIENTS – PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATE, LIPIDS AND ENERGY These nutrients provide both the fuel and the building materials for the body. Orthodox nutrition teaches these topics very thoroughly. As to the structures of the compounds, we teach the same things they do.  However, all three main classes of bulk nutrients have their distinctive “wrinkles” when examined from an alternative viewpoint.  With the proteins this has to do with avoiding excesses and, to some degree eschewing animal sources for naturopathic and other reasons.  With the carbohydrates it involves recognizing at a sensitive level the long-term harm that can be done by free sugars and the crucial importance of blood sugar maintenance and control. Orthodox treatments may claim to do these things but there is a vast difference of emphasis and effect.  Among the lipids the “wrinkles” have to do with intricate management of the balance among the essential fatty acids and the importance of the phospholipids in the diet.  You will also learn about the propensity of fats to form toxins and the need to moderate fat intake. All of these so-called alternative “wrinkles” have weighty scientific support, which you will have explained for you.  The chemical nature of these bulk nutrients is fully presented for those who wish it, with a “faster track” through for those who do not. Areas covered Different kinds of proteins The amino acids in proteins The structure of proteins Proteins in foods The essential amino acids and protein quality Nitrogen balance and protein metabolism Proteins in therapeutic policy The simple sugars and sugar derivatives Di, tri and polysaccharides Transformations of carbohydrate Sugars and starch in diets Blood sugar control Metabolic energy The make-up of fats Different kinds of fatty acids Essentiality of omega 6 and omega 3 Lipids and coronary thrombosis Cholesterol, Inc. blood cholesterol levels Fats in western diets Toxins from fats by chemical damage Lecithin and other phospholipids Quantifying energy – units of measurement Energy content of foods and fuels Human expenditures of energy Basal metabolic rate FOLDER 4 FOODS AND FOOD CLASSES Properties, Composition and Naturopathic Effects The merits and disadvantages of wheat, milk and meat are carefully analysed and exposed from the standpoint of both scientific and also naturopathic considerations.  There will be much here to ponder, whilst the scientific evidence leaves little to doubt. You will look rather exhaustively at the merits, nature and composition of vegetables and fruits, not only as groups but also as sub-groups and down to the individual plants.  You will find yourself in a position, when it comes to prescribing, to be directive when necessary about which individual fruits and vegetables it will be best to use.  The groups of pulses, nuts, seeds, fish, shellfish and other seafood’s, as well as beverages, will be closely examined for their composition and suitability for prescription in treatment diets.  Acidity and alkalinity in foods is carefully examined. This Folder is “all about food” but it is also food for thought from beginning to end. Areas covered The wheat grain and its milled fractions Types of bread Nutritional problems of wheat and wheat allergy Sprouted wheat and wheat grass Barley, oats and rye The composition of milks Milk as infant feed The variety of dairy products Nutritional and health problems associated with milk Milk allergy and intolerance Hidden milk in foods Vegetable mineral content and vitality Eliminatory effect of vegetables Composition of 49 different vegetables Potential hazards of plant foods Composition and nature of pulses, nuts and seeds The composition of different meats Naturopathic negatives associated with meat The composition of different fish types Fish as an omega 3 source Shell fish and crustacea Nutritional problems of tea and coffee The composition of fruits Strongly eliminative properties in fruits Acid and alkali-forming foods Using the food composition tables FOLDER 5 MINERALS AT WORK IN NUTRITION - PART 2 Each and every member of the micro minerals group will prove a fascinating area of study and will face you at times almost with disbelief that such minute amounts of substance can exert such extraordinarily powerful effects upon the way the body works and therefore upon health.  Each micro mineral displays its own particular pattern of effects arising from either deficiency or excess. This is almost like a personal signature of the mineral. These will be learnt now but employed later in diagnosis to help determine the likely patterns of micro mineral imbalances in your patients. The role of all-important magnesium is examined together with the principles of using magnesium in therapy. This element plays a key macro mineral role and exerts decisive control over naturopathic elimination.  Areas covered Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, iodine, silicon, fluorine, vanadium For each of the microminerals where appropriate: Body content; physiology functions; effects of deficiency or excess; toxicity; factors promoting retention or loss; occurrence in foods; different chemical forms; associated diseases; the use of the appropriate supplements Roles of magnesium in the body Magnesium in foods Effects, diseases and symptoms of magnesium deficiency Naturopathic expectations from magnesium therapy FOLDER 6 THE VITAMINS AT WORK IN NUTRITION The vitamins are mostly micro catalysts just as the micro minerals are. Sixteen of them are the subjects of this Folder.  We first explain their known effects in the body and then go on to set out the ways that they may be used, either for direct therapeutic effect, or in support of other components of nutritional therapy.  As in the cases of all the other nutrients, there will be both scientific and naturopathic evidence presented. Good reference material will be provided. Areas covered For each of the vitamins and vitamin-like substances where appropriate: Body content; precursors; physiology functions; effects of deficiency or excess; toxicity; factors promoting retention or loss; occurrence in foods; different chemical forms; associated diseases; the use of the appropriate supplements. Vitamin A; beta-carotene; Vitamins B: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, B12, folic acid, choline, inositol; Vitamin C, Vitamins D1 and D2; tocopherols (Vitamin E); Vitamin K. FOLDER 7 BOWEL FLORA AND THE MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH It is possible to manage and manipulate the bowel flora – the bacteria that inhabit the intestines – so as to produce optimal benefits to health.  Antibiotics and certain dietary errors appear to work in the opposite direction and encourage a flora that will generate more toxins. This Folder deals with both scientific and naturopathic facts and technique and explains how to harness the potential that resides here for bringing better health or maintaining health. It is a crucially important area of nutritional management. Every case you will treat will need the possible prescription of bowel flora products to be reviewed. The other part of this Folder is about the maintenance of health. We provide a general round-up of this pre-clinical part of the course with an overview of nutritional requirements and wise practice in the design of those diets that may be intended to be “healthy” but not necessarily therapeutic.  It includes examination of the special needs of vulnerable groups. You can expect, of course, to meet patients of all ages and conditions and, often enough, you will be asked merely to provide guidance upon what type of diet will best maintain their health.  It also reviews the production of toxin-free food and the hazards posed by the industrialization of food. Finally, there is an approach to the use of supplements for health maintenance and a discussion of strategies for on-going cleansing and toxin avoidance so as to assist in maintaining good health. Areas covered The naturopathic view of the benefits of bowel flora Effect of diet on the bowel flora The putrefactive bacteria Balancing lactose fermenters with other types Toxic amines Benefits of the acid producing species Negatives associated with antibiotics Breast feeding and the bowel bacteria Bowel flora products Overview of the British diet Nutrient requirements for the population Higher requirements for the health conscious Special needs of children and the elderly Special needs of vegetarians and vegans The requirements of pregnancy and lactation Organic growing Industrial food processing and food additives Maintenance supplements Maintenance cleansing FOLDER 8 DIAGNOSIS This Folder is divided into two parts. The first gives a detailed understanding of the basis of diagnosis, while the second gives direct instruction in performing diagnoses.  These two parts, taken together, comprise a major step in your induction as a naturopathic nutritionist. The induction into technique and approach is an essential step, but even more than that, the moulding of your thought process is so very important.  You have to move into the particular “observer” position, mentally, from which the diagnosis is best carried out. The first part of the Folder both provides the “nuts and bolts” of nutritional diagnosis but it also provides the mental positioning to enable you to carry it out with confidence and expertise.  The diagnosis requires understanding of the “constitution”, defined both naturopathically and genetically. An optional side book covers both the miasms and the Chinese 5 elements in respect of their bearing upon diagnosis within nutritional therapy. Fundamental to the practical aspect is the technique for taking case histories and then interpreting them along combined naturopathic and scientific lines.  This logically leads onto the next stage – treatment – in a rational sequence. This Folder contains five “demonstration” case histories. FOLDER 9 TREATMENT This is in many ways the crux of the whole course.  However, being released into nutritional treatments – with their full power – without having made the most thorough preparation, would be most unwise.  Absolutely every topic that has been covered before is required in one way or another at this point. It is here that the interpretation of the case history becomes translated into a prescription of diet and supplements that is honed in a sensitive way to the patient as an individual.  We outline a number of “levels” of the diagnosis that feed into the treatment decisions. There is a “whole person” level, a “weak organ” level, a “metabolic imbalances” level, a “nutritional deficiencies” level and, finally, the lowest in the hierarchy, a “named diseases” level. We also introduce here the profound concepts of intensity, direction and level as they apply to the very basis of Nutritional Therapy prescriptions. All these contributions must converge to provide the best overall treatment.  The focus at this point is on defining the dietary guidelines and the careful orchestration of the essential minerals and vitamins that are to be used.  However, this is also the point at which various named treatments are considered, including bowel cleansing procedures, bowel flora treatment and some of the contributions towards Candida treatment.  These options are set out here and then developed more in the later Folders of Part Two. Special approaches such as the liver cleanse are also considered here along with amino acid therapy, antioxidant therapy and the anti-inflammatory prescription.  We also provide guidelines on how detailed analysis of the composition of diets, and the design of special diets based on such analysis, can contribute to treatment. This Folder provides the “core” of all this, with various modulations and variations being available from the subsequent Folders for “fine tuning”. FOLDER 10 STUDY OF CASE HISTORIES There is nothing quite like practice where case histories are concerned. To be able to study them with great facility and insight and then discern the routes by which they lead towards exact treatment – that is to be your aim here. The Folder provides the challenge of “interpreting” a number of case histories, with help and with feedback. This is an approach that can lead you towards confidence and competence in this task, which is at the centre of practitioners’ daily work. Approaches and solutions are presented. This Folder gives 11 abridged case histories and 20 fully detailed case histories for analysis by the student, 31 case histories in all. These are selected to provide a variety of different types of treatment situation including some that are special or unusual. FOLDER 11 ADDED OR SPECIAL NUTRIENTS AND HERBS In covering the prescribing of supplement programmes in Folder 9, you will have been focused primarily upon those that rank in orthodox nutrition as “essential nutrients”, particularly minerals and vitamins.  However, Nutritional Therapy is enormously enriched by a wide range of other biochemicals that cannot be classified as “essential”. Life does not stop without them, yet they can be extremely helpful, especially to individuals with compromised health.  These are more often metabolic intermediates than recognised nutrients, but they can be extraordinarily valuable for organ-directed therapy. Many of these involve up-to-the minute discoveries.  We teach about phytonutrients in foods (eg carotenoids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, isothiocyanates, organic sulphides and curcuminoids) and about the possibilities, when necessary, to provide them in supplement form. Herbs are covered too in their special role of support-therapy to Nutritional Therapy, usually in an organ-directed or system-directed role. Echinacea, silymarin, aloe, ginkgo, bromelain and St John’s Wort are just examples of these herbs.  We also teach the use of herbal combinations for specific purposes. This wide choice of “extra” items is the subject of specific instruction in this Folder. FOLDER 12 TREATING NAMED MEDICAL CONDITIONS - PART 1 Folder 9 makes it plain that, because this is a holistic discipline, the named medical condition is generally low on the hierarchy of treatment criteria.  Although that is generally the case, the extent to which it holds good may depend upon how advanced is the particular disease condition. At all events, the practitioner does need a degree of disease-related training, which is provided in this Folder and the next.  Some 180 different medical conditions or classes of conditions, mostly chronic, are addressed. Special space is provided to cover fully selected topics that are of key importance in an alternative medicine practice, such as obesity, alcoholism, allergies and the menopause.  We also provide you with specific treatment guidance with the proviso that whole-person treatments and organ-system related treatments either take priority or are provided alongside.  Where appropriate some insights are given into the prior allopathic treatments and environmental and social conditions that may cause or exacerbate the listed conditions.  This provides for the patient’s circumstances and lifestyle to be adjusted in rather specifically apt directions. The main categories in this Folder are: circulatory, rheumatic and digestive diseases, along with obesity, alcoholism and immunity states including autoimmunity and allergies.  All the disease conditions addressed are closely studied from the standpoint of orthodox pathology as well as their Nutritional Therapy treatment.  Hence Folders 12 and 13 in their own right amount to a course in the medical science of pathology and this represents a substantial expansion over earlier versions of the course.  These Folders will constitute invaluable reference material for use when you have set up in practice. FOLDER 13 TREATING NAMED MEDICAL CONDITIONS - PART 2 This Folder continues the work started in Folder 12.  Here included are diseases of the nervous system and brain, skin, reproductive system, urinary system, endocrine system, liver/gallbladder, respiratory system, eye, ear, mouth, nose and bone. Also included are psychological and systemic diseases (including ME), infectious diseases and some directly nutritional diseases. The detailed attention to pathology is maintained throughout. During the course of Folders 10-14 inclusive, students undertake no less than 12 cases on their own, covering full data-collection, analysis and interpretation, with prescription of diet and supplements.  Together with the 36 case histories studied in earlier Folders this gives 48 case histories studied FOLDER 14 MONITORING TREATMENT, THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Having got the treatment going, there is a need for specific instruction in the on-going task of monitoring the patient’s condition and reacting accordingly with adjustments to the therapy.  Patient and practitioner alike have to be aware that the first prescription is likely to be just the start of a process. Reading the signs of change looms large in this instruction and familiarization. Responding to them is the second part. Here there is a need to understand the terms “intensity” and “direction” in therapy. “Intensity” refers to the degree of healing and naturopathic pressure being applied and “direction” refers to the aims of the particular choice of treatment being applied.  You will learn to distinguish between situations that call only for a change of “level” and those that call upon you to rethink and change “direction” when the patient’s progress levels off as this may then initiate a new burst of healing changes.  Another way to break out from the “plateau” situation is to assess the exact nutrient composition of the whole diet – an action that is too detailed and time-consuming to do with every patient and usually not needed.  A part of the Folder is about drugs, when and when not to encourage their use, and how to manage the drug-dependent patient. You need to acquire at least a passing familiarity with the main classes of prescription drugs, which are explained in this Folder. This Folder also provides information on Laboratory testing procedures that may be recommended to patients. Finally we offer subjects of crucial importance to working practitioners, namely a study of “The Therapeutic Relationship” and “Practice Management – Running The Practice as a Business”. TESTIMONIALS Here's what students have to say about the course Grace Kingswell, Nutritional Therapist UK "I was recommended Plaskett by my own functional medicine practitioner. I knew that if she was recommending it, it would be worthwhile. I wanted a full body overview and not a “match the supplement to the symptom” approach, and that is certainly what the Plaskett Dip;oma in Nutritional Medicine course delivered. I wanted to be qualified to run my own business as a practitioner afterwards, and it is the most complete and highest level course that the Plaskett College offer. My knowledge of naturopathy and nutritional medicine was pretty solid before I started due to personal experience, but I’ve really built on this now and feel confident that I know how to help others. I’ve also learnt a lot more of the biochemistry behind the science too. The study experience was really good, but it’s a lot of self-motivation, and if you don’t have that then it might be touch to finish it, as it’s completely self-driven". Ben C Alberts, Director South African Institute of Behavioural Nutrition South Africa The Plaskett Nutritional Therapy Diploma was one of the most rewarding programmes of my life. Apart from the media hype around healthy living it is only after the completion of a proper programme that one truly start to understand the intricacy of the human body and what healthy living really is. Within the Plaskett programme the combination of nutrition, pure science and a naturopathic view provided me with a completely new perspective on health management. Against a fairly orthodox background it took me some time within the programme to understand the true principles, and once realized fundamentally changed the way I view personal health management. Throughout the programme the support from my tutor was phenomenal with concise and very valued feedback, and certainly at exceptional detail. The course content was of a high standard and must not be underestimated in both volume and complexity. For me personally, the programme delivered immense value and I will recommend it to any of my peers and clients. Diane Brough, Nutritional Therapist Canada When I first started thinking about taking a course in nutrition, I was living in Botswana, in Africa. I was looking for a college that would offer me the support and guidance that is so important for long distance learning. I’m probably one of the college’s longest registered students because my family moved to five different countries during my studies! I am very thankful for the college’s patience and continued support. Plaskett College impressed me with their personal approach to the course and the fact that all modules were composed by Dr. Lawrence Plaskett, a medical research biochemist and the college’s Founder and Principal. I studied the Diploma in Nutritional Medicine because my plan was to have my own practice. I practised at a herbal clinic as a Nutritional Therapist and Iridologist after I completed my diploma, but then decided to study massage therapy, so put my practice aside while at school. I recently established Revitalife Therapeutics and offer massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, nutritional therapy and iridology. Vittoria Viglietti, Nutritional Therapist & Founder of Nutriwild Namibia I chose Plaskett College because I really wanted to make a difference where natural medicine was concerned. After losing my father to Cancer, and experiencing malpractice with all the orthodox medicine we followed, this pushed me even more to pursue an in-depth education in nutritional medicine. I chose Plaskett College’s, Nutritional Medicine Course, because I found this to be very informative for anyone interested in perusing a future in the field of Natural medicine and Nutritional Therapy. My studies have been such a memorable journey for me. I started studying just over 2 months, after losing my father. A very difficult time in my life. The course I chose to do with Plaskett would take me 4 years to complete. I am in my 5th year (nearly my 6th year), doing this particular course and I have only experienced encouragement, understanding of my situation and support from the college to continue to complete the course in my time. I could not show more gratitude towards them for this. I did not expect that after losing my father my life would hit lots unforeseen hurdles, causing my study time to suffer greatly. Yet, through all this, Plaskett College only showed me more support and encouragement to persist with my studies.

Nutritional Therapy Diploma
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£125 to £1,995

Accredited Diploma in Pregnancy Massage (Private 121)

By Renew Therapies Wellbeing Centre & Training Acdemy

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body goes through a multitude of physical changes and adaptations, mentally and emotionally there are usually changes too and this all happens whilst she is not only the process of growing her baby, but preparing to delivering it into the world. Our 1-day diploma course for will prepare you to understand these processes and to safely treat your pregnant clients with nurturing and healing massage through all stages of their pregnancy, and to ease the common discomforts associated with pregnancy.

Accredited Diploma in Pregnancy Massage (Private 121)
Delivered in Harrogate + 2 more or OnlineFlexible Dates

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Massage Therapy Bundle - QLS Endorsed Training

By Imperial Academy

10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Massage Therapy | 10 Endorsed Certificates Included | Lifetime Access

Massage Therapy Bundle - QLS Endorsed Training
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Chair Massage Therapy


By Course Gate

Embark on a journey to master chair massage therapy with our comprehensive online course. Learn specialized techniques, client assessment, and safety protocols, perfect for massage therapists, spa employees, and healthcare professionals.

Chair Massage Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand3 hours 3 minutes

Massage Therapy: Techniques and Benefits


By John Academy

Discover the art and science of massage therapy with our comprehensive course. From Swedish to deep tissue techniques, delve into anatomy, pathology, and specialized applications for spa and wellness. Learn the benefits, contraindications, and professional practices essential for a rewarding career in holistic health. Enroll now for a transformative journey into the world of massage therapy.

Massage Therapy: Techniques and Benefits
Delivered Online On Demand2 hours

Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified


By Apex Learning

Overview: Get Hard Copy + PDF Certificates + Transcript + Student ID Card worth £160 as a Gift - Enrol Massage Therapy Now Reveal the secrets of healing through massage therapy with our Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified. This course is designed to equip you with essential techniques for reducing pain, stress, and anxiety, enabling you to master the art of providing effective therapy. Whether you are considering a career as a massage therapy expert or aspiring to start your own therapy business, this program will provide the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for success. The course introduces you to deep tissue massage therapy, detailing how to deliver targeted treatments that yield significant results. You’ll learn a variety of massage strokes and techniques tailored for different areas of the body, including the face, neck, back, and legs. This comprehensive training ensures that you are well-prepared to address the diverse needs of your clients through effective massage therapy. Additionally, the curriculum covers complementary therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, and reflexology, which are essential for promoting both physical and mental well-being. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to bring calmness and relief to those in need, positioning you for a rewarding career in the growing field of massage therapy. Enrol today to start your journey toward becoming a qualified massage therapist! This Massage Therapy Bundle Consists of the following Premium courses: Course 01: Training on Professional Massage or Bodywork Business Course 02: Reflexology - Acupressure and Foot Reading Course 03: Become an Expert Reflexologist Course 04: Baby Massage Course 05: Physiotherapy Assistant Course 06: Hydrotherapy Course 07: Positive Mental Health Course 08: Nutrition Level 2 Course 09: Customer Relationship Management Course 10: Ayurveda Healing Certificate Course 11: Personal Hygiene So, enrol now in our Massage Therapy bundle & start learning and explore an exciting career! Key Features of the Course: FREE Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified CPD-accredited certificate Get a free student ID card with Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified training (£10 applicable for international delivery) Lifetime access to the Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified course materials The Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified program comes with 24/7 tutor support Get instant access to this Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified course Learn Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified training from anywhere in the world The Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified training is affordable and simple to understand The Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified training is entirely online Learning Outcomes Learn how to set up a therapy studio with necessary tools and equipment Know the do's and don'ts or providing massage therapy Master acupuncture techniques and identify body parts to offer therapy Learn massage start sequence in providing deep tissue massage therapy Gain an in-depth understanding of reflexology from a therapeutic overview Understand human anatomy and physiology provide massage therapy Perform facial, neck, back, full-body massage, and a range of massage therapy The Massage Therapy bundle incorporates basic to advanced level skills to shed some light on your way and boost your career. Hence, you can strengthen your Massage Therapy expertise and essential knowledge, which will assist you in reaching your goal. Moreover, you can learn Massage Therapy from any place in your own time without travelling for classes. Course Curriculum Course 01: Training on Professional Massage or Bodywork Business Introduction Before Taking Clients Scheduling Appointments Home Studio Clients Achieving an Online Presence Client Retention Free and Affordable Advertising Taking Credit Card Payments Mobile Massage Couples Massage The detailed curriculum of the massage therapy bundle is given in the resources section How will I get my Massage Therapy Certificate? After successfully completing the Massage Therapy course you will be able to order your CPD Accredited Certificates (PDF + Hard Copy) as proof of your achievement. PDF Certificate: Free (Previously it was £6*11 = £66) Hard Copy Certificate: Free (For The Title Course: Previously it was £10) CPD 110 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? Please note: This Massage Therapy course doesn't entitle you to practice as a professional in this specific field. Rather, this course will assist you in understanding the fundamentals so that you can improve your knowledge in the relevant field. Requirements No requirements to enrol this Massage Therapy Diploma Career path Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified Aromatherapist Sports therapist Acupuncture specialist Personal therapist Massage Therapy professional Therapy business Spa, Gym/fitness centre And many more! Certificates Certificate of completion Digital certificate - Included You will get the PDF Certificate for the title course (Training on Professional Massage or Bodywork Business) absolutely Free! Certificate of completion Hard copy certificate - Included You will get the Hard Copy certificate for the title course (Training on Professional Massage or Bodywork Business) absolutely Free! Other Hard Copy certificates are available for £10 each. Please Note: The delivery charge inside the UK is £3.99, and the international students must pay a £9.99 shipping cost.

Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified
Delivered Online On Demand45 minutes

Full Body Massage Therapy - CPD Certified


By Academy for Health and Fitness

Enhance your skills with our CPD Certified Massage Therapy Course! Learn professional techniques, enjoy flexible online learning, and get expert support. Enroll today to become a certified massage therapist and advance your career!

Full Body Massage Therapy - CPD Certified
Delivered Online On Demand4 days

Award in Massage Therapy

By Course Cloud

Course Overview The comprehensive Award in Massage Therapy has been designed by industry experts to provide learners with everything they need to enhance their skills and knowledge in their chosen area of study. Enrol on the Award in Massage Therapy today, and learn from the very best the industry has to offer! This best selling Award in Massage Therapy has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Award in Massage Therapy is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Award in Massage Therapy is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Award in Massage Therapy is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Award in Massage Therapy, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Award in Massage Therapy will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Award in Massage Therapy to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Award in Massage Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand

Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified


By Studyhub UK

24 Hour Flash Deal **25-in-1 Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Mega Bundle** Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Enrolment Gifts **FREE PDF Certificate**FREE PDF Transcript ** FREE Exam** FREE Student ID ** Lifetime Access **FREE Enrolment Letter ** Take the initial steps toward a successful long-term career by studying the Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma package online with Studyhub through our online learning platform. The Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma bundle can help you improve your CV, wow potential employers, and differentiate yourself from the mass. This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma course provides complete 360-degree training on Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma. You'll get not one, not two, not three, but twenty-five Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma courses included in this course. Plus Studyhub's signature Forever Access is given as always, meaning these Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma courses are yours for as long as you want them once you enrol in this course This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Bundle consists the following career oriented courses: Course 01: Massage Therapy Certificate Course 02: Full Body Massage Diploma Course 03: Shiatsu Massage for Beginners Course 04: Chair massage course Course 05: Thai Hand Reflexology Masterclass Course 06: Gua Sha Massage Course Course 07: Hot Stones Massage Course Course 08: Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release Course 09: Lomi Lomi Massage Online Training Course Course 10: Holistic Massage Therapy Certification Course 11: Reflexology - Acupressure and Foot Reading Course 12: Aromatherapy Acupressure - Pain Relief Course 13: Acupressure for Pain Relief Course 14: Thai Foot Reflexology Course 15: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy Course 16: Thai Massage Therapy for Pain Management Course 17: Relaxation Massage Course 18: Acupressure & Massage Therapy Course Course 19: Accupressure Massage Course 20: Reflexology, Physiotherapy and Sports Massage Complete Course Course 21: Holistic Healing with Essential Oil Therapy Course 22: Sports Therapy Course 23: Sports Injuries Course 24: Training on Professional Massage or Bodywork Business Course 25: Personal Hygiene The Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma course has been prepared by focusing largely on Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma career readiness. It has been designed by our Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma specialists in a manner that you will be likely to find yourself head and shoulders above the others. For better learning, one to one assistance will also be provided if it's required by any learners. The Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Bundle is one of the most prestigious training offered at StudyHub and is highly valued by employers for good reason. This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma bundle course has been created with twenty-five premium courses to provide our learners with the best learning experience possible to increase their understanding of their chosen field. This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Course, like every one of Study Hub's courses, is meticulously developed and well researched. Every one of the topics is divided into Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Elementary modules, allowing our students to grasp each lesson quickly. The Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma course is self-paced and can be taken from the comfort of your home, office, or on the go! With our Student ID card you will get discounts on things like music, food, travel and clothes etc. In this exclusive Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma bundle, you really hit the jackpot. Here's what you get: Step by step Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma lessons One to one assistance from Advanced Massage Therapy Diplomaprofessionals if you need it Innovative exams to test your knowledge after the Advanced Massage Therapy Diplomacourse 24/7 customer support should you encounter any hiccups Top-class learning portal Unlimited lifetime access to all twenty-five Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma courses Digital Certificate, Transcript and student ID are all included in the price PDF certificate immediately after passing Original copies of your Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma certificate and transcript on the next working day Easily learn the Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma skills and knowledge you want from the comfort of your home CPD 125 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma training is suitable for - Students Recent graduates Job Seekers Individuals who are already employed in the relevant sectors and wish to enhance their knowledge and expertise in Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Requirements To participate in this Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma course, all you need is - A smart device A secure internet connection And a keen interest in Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma Career path You will be able to kickstart your Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma career because this course includes various courses as a bonus. This Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma is an excellent opportunity for you to learn multiple skills from the convenience of your own home and explore Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma career opportunities. Certificates CPD Accredited Certificate Digital certificate - Included CPD Accredited e-Certificate - Free CPD Accredited Hardcopy Certificate - Free Enrolment Letter - Free Student ID Card - Free

Advanced Massage Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified
Delivered Online On Demand6 days

Massage Therapy: Body Massage Therapy

By Training Tale

Massage Therapy Learn everything you need to know about becoming a professional body massage therapist with our exclusive Body Massage Therapy Course. This course fully prepares you for any massage therapy job by providing step-by-step instructions on each and every sequence of full body massage. This Body Massage Therapy course will teach you how to recognize your clients' needs and treat them appropriately, as well as how to adapt multiple massage techniques. You'll learn about various massage strokes and how to perform therapeutic massage on various parts of the body, such as the face, neck, back, leg, and so on. Through this comprehensive Body Massage Therapy course, you will gain the required knowledge and skills to work as a freelance massage therapist, start a massage business, or work for a company that offers massage services to customers. Whatever path you take, it may lead to a financially rewarding career while also helping others in living stress-free and healthy lives. Benefits of Body Massage Therapy Course Main Course: Body Massage Therapy Gift Courses Course 01: Indian Head Massage Course 02: Massage Therapy [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Body Massage Therapy Course] Detailed Course Curriculum Body Massage Therapy Module 1: Health, safety and hygiene Module 2: Professional conduct, ethics and preparation Module 3: Classification of massage and the effleurage group Module 4: The petrissage group Module 5: The percussion and vibration groups Module 6: Massage routines Module 7: Adapting massage for specific conditions Module 8: Additional techniques Module 9: Mechanical massage Module 10: Introduction to sports massage Assessment Method After completing each module of the Body Massage Therapy Course, you will find automated MCQ quizzes. To unlock the next module, you need to complete the quiz task and get at least 60% marks. Certification After completing the MCQ/Assignment assessment for this course, you will be entitled to a Certificate of Completion from Training Tale. The certificate is in PDF format, which is completely free to download. Who is this course for? Massage: Massage Therapy This Body Massage Therapy course is ideal for anyone who wants to start a new career in Massage Therapy and gain relevant skills. This Body Massage Therapy course is also suitable for anyone interested in gaining in-demand massage therapy skills to help launch a career as a massage therapy personnel or improve their business aptitude. Requirements Massage: Massage Therapy There are no specific requirements for Body Massage Therapy course because it does not require any advanced knowledge or skills. Career path Massage: Massage Therapy The Knowledge and skills you will gain through Body Massage Therapy course may lead you to a variety of career opportunities, Such as: Sports Massage Therapist Professional Massage Therapist Spa Therapist Massage clinics Health and wellness centers Certificates Certificate of completion Digital certificate - Included

Massage Therapy: Body Massage Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand18 hours

Massage Therapy QLS Training

By Imperial Academy

Free QLS Endorsed Certificate | 11 in 1 Exclusive Bundle with Free Certificates | 145 CPD Points | Installment Payment

Massage Therapy QLS Training
Delivered Online On Demand

Massage Therapy: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy

By NextGen Learning

In recent UK news, health reports have indicated a rise in conditions related to the lymphatic system, reinforcing the need for targeted, non-invasive treatment methods like Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy. To meet this growing demand, our course on "Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy" is now available for those looking to extend their skillset. You'll learn how to provide relief to those suffering from lymphatic dysfunction with this specific massage therapy. Whether you're an experienced therapist or a newcomer to the field, our Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy course will help you to boost your skills in Lymphatic Massage Therapy. Let your therapeutic touch be the healing touch with Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy. Enrol today and enrich your knowledgein Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy! Learning Outcomes: By completing the Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy course, learners will: Enhance Massage Therapy skills with lymphatic system knowledge. Apply Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy for lymphatic dysfunctions. Master Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Personalize Massage Therapy plans for clients. Evaluate Massage Therapy effectiveness. Promote holistic wellness through Massage Therapy. Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy course is the key to unlocking the healing potential of touch. Delve into the intricate workings of the lymphatic system and address dysfunctions with specialized massage therapy. Master Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy, a vital skill in the world of massage therapy. Develop personalized treatment plans to cater to clients' unique needs. Elevate your massage therapy skills and promote holistic wellness for those seeking relief from lymphatic disorders. Experience the rejuvenating benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy. This gentle and soothing massage technique is designed to promote lymphatic system health, reduce swelling, enhance detoxification, and boost overall well-being. Book your session today to embark on a journey towards improved health and vitality. CPD 10 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? This course is particularly useful for: Massage therapists looking to expand their skillset in drainage massage therapy. Healthcare workers interested in lymphatic drainage massage therapy Individuals looking to pursue a career in massage therapy Anyone interested in learning more about lymphatic drainage massage therapy After completing 'Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy' course later, you can enrol in these courses: Level 3 Diploma in Massage Therapy for Sports (RQF) Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy (RQF) Level 4 Certificate in Massage Therapy for Sports (RQF) Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy (RQF) Level 4 Diploma in Massage Therapy for Sports (RQF) Requirements Without any formal requirements, you can delightfully enrol in this Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy. Career path Upon completion of the Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy course, you can pursue several career paths, including: Massage Therapist Physiotherapist Sports Therapist Holistic Therapist Wellness Coach Spa Manager Healthcare Consultant The combined salary range for careers associated with this Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy course typically falls between £16k and £80k per year Certificates CPD Quality Standard Certificate Digital certificate - Included Hardcopy Certificate (FREE UK Delivery) Hard copy certificate - £9.99

Massage Therapy: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand3 hours

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The vision of the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health is to nurture health and inspire well-being in all people. This ultimate goal is supported by our mission to: Provide the highest quality healthcare by blending proven conventional and complementary medicine approaches from around the world, Create outstanding integrative health leaders through transformative education and training, and Advance the science of integrative health by conducting and disseminating rigorous research. Values Our work is guided by and infused with a commitment to the values of: Whole-person care: Our comprehensive, team-based approach acknowledges all aspects of each individual — body, mind, and spirit Equity: We welcome and respect all people, value diversity, and strive for inclusivity. We are committed to improving integrative health care for members of medically underserved communities Compassion: We foster empathy and attend to the influence of social, cultural, and historical contexts on health, health behaviors, and access to health care Collaboration: We promote interprofessional teamwork among our clinicians, educators, and researchers, and build partnerships across UCSF and internationally Focus on wellness: We emphasize health promotion and illness prevention, as well as treatment of disease Empowerment: We provide resources and tools that cultivate resilience and engage each person’s unique healing abilities Osher Center Building The Osher Center for Integrative Health is housed in the Osher Building, located on the UCSF Mount Zion Campus. The five-story structure was designed by KMD Architects with the goal of creating a healing environment. The exterior of the building, veneered in brick and wood resin materials, was designed to be responsive to the surrounding neighborhood, and the construction followed sustainable building practices that received LEED Silver certification from the United States Green Building Council. The interior space of the Osher Center incorporates nature, natural light and fresh air, simply organized spaces, and pleasant colors and textures. Spaces are intimate and friendly and promote relaxation. The Osher Center also includes features not typically found in conventional medical clinics or academic institutions, such as large group rooms for yoga and meditation instruction, the Takahashi Japanese Healing Garden, and treatment rooms for acupuncture, massage therapy, biofeedback, and mind-body awareness. Our facility contributes to the well-being of its staff and faculty occupants and supports the healing process of patients.