Swanage Martial Arts - Dorset Fun, friendly, safe martial arts and self-defence in Swanage, Dorset.
Karate Club Bournemouth Mike Bushell Martial Arts Club Mike Bushell Karate Club Bournemouth and Christchurch. karate lesson's in Bournemouth and Christchurch Martial Arts Bournemouth
Close Combat Martial Arts – Martial Arts in Lymington New Forest Hampshire
Martial Arts Gym Academy Bournemouth | Fitter Than Fit Fitter Than Fit is a workout program like no other. We offer classes in our Bournemouth gym that are affordable and accessible to people of all ages and level.
Minami Kaigan Karate Karate club, Dorset
The school was founded in 1994 by Sensei Andy Barber (5th Dan) to teach traditional Goju Ryu karate to the highest standards.
Nokémono Judokwai Bournemouth