The emphasis is on competence, fitness to practice and life-long learning. Underpinning this is that clinical specialists and experts take the lead in teaching and training to develop knowledge and skills. However, not everyone has the tools to teach knowing how to is the key to successful learning, this programme is designed to Train the Trainer.
Participants at this workshop will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills using a coaching style technique and practice these skills in a conducive manner during the session.
Clinical supervision is the term used to describe a formal process of professional support and provides an opportunity for staff to: reflect on and review their practice, develop their analytical skills and change or modify their practice.
This is a very popular, comprehensive, practical and experiential programme, covering: Assessing risks: Defines and demystifies risk and risk assessment. Risk assessments and a simple scoring system are introduced, and participants carry out assessments. Controlling risks: Cutting risks down, concentrating on the best techniques to control key risks and how to choose the right methods. Understanding your responsibilities: The legal framework; health & safety management systems. Identifying hazards: The main issues any organisation has to deal with: entrances and exits, work traffic, fire, chemicals, electricity, physical and verbal abuse, bullying, stress, noise, housekeeping and the working environment, slips, trips and falls, working at height, computers and manual handling. Investigating accidents and incidents: Why accidents should be investigated, why things go wrong and how to carry out an investigation when they do. Measuring performance: How checking performance can help to improve health & safety. How to develop basic performance indicators. Auditing and proactive and reactive measuring. Protecting the environment: Introduction to waste and pollution. How organisations and individual managers can get involved in cutting down their environmental impacts. The programme enables participants to: Assess and control risks and hazards Understand their own responsibilities for safety and health Investigate incidents Measure their own performance Reflect on good practice and plan how to ensure the safety of the staff for whom they are responsible
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare.
Understanding, working with and leading systems that promote patient safety in this way will become increasingly important for all health care providers and this course will help to build a solid foundation in this crucial subject to enhance your career and improve your patient care.
This one-day course equips you to fully understand your role in the consenting process and matters that you need to take into consideration in order for the consent to be valid.
This course is aimed at health and social care staff who are both registered and unregistered, who work with or support individuals where safeguarding concerns are a possibility.
This 1 day update course is designed for all non-medical prescribers to develop and maintain safe and effective prescribing practice.
A thorough account of the UK and European legal framework and its requirements as regards managing environmental performance. This course will help staff to understand: The framework of UK and European legislation and its enforcement The principal features of the legislation as they apply to your organisation's activity/product/service The benefit of having an Environmental Management System such as ISO 14001 How their own actions and decisions can either expose or protect the organisation in relation to its legal obligations 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Introduction to environmental law and enforcement Sources of law (European and UK) Structure and enforcement Key legislation 3 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Local Air Pollution and Control (LAPC) Pollution and Prevention Control Act 1999 EC Directives on PPC The meaning of BAT Transitional provisions Fit and proper persons Control of emissions to air National Air Quality Strategy 4 Packaging and producer responsibilities Who, what and how The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations Obligations and exemptions Registration Recycling and recovery obligations Records Duties of the Environment Agency Offences Developments 5 Waste management National Waste Strategy Waste minimisation (re-use/recycling) Waste definition Disposal and recovery Controlled waste management Hazardous waste management 6 Proposed Legislation and EC Directives EU Commission's waste and resources strategies Implementation of ELV (End of Life Vehicles) Directive WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive transposition into UK legislation Other producer responsibility initiatives Other proposals from the EU 7 Conclusion Open forum Summary Close