imber court photo training
Imber Court Photo Training is run by Ashley Gardner. The company was created in
2009 with the aim of providing photography courses to those just starting out in
photography and also for those experienced photographers looking for photography
courses within their specialist field. Ashley, who set up the photography
training business after retiring from the Metropolitan Police after thirty years
service as a surveillance officer specialising in photography, he has a passion
for inspiring new photographers to become creative and help them understand how
to use a DSLR or mirrorless camera to achieve excellent results. Ashley will
share his skills and experience to provide training to photographers of all
levels, all abilities and all ages. Keeping their group sizes small and prices
affordable, Imber Court Photo Training provides photography courses to suit
everyone. Members of the Institute for Learning and the UK Trading Standards Buy
with Confidence scheme, our professional trainers will inspire you to become
confident and creative in all aspects of digital photography. Imber Court Photo
Training passionately believes that in order to become proficient with your DSLR
or Bridge Camera and achieve excellent results, some form of photography
training is essential. We provide that training for you, with clear,
constructive teaching and a passion for our subject that we hope to pass on to
our clients.