Nutrition and Health Training Courses
Mama Mia! Explore the world of Italian soap making by creating your own Italian soap. You will learn about the origins of the stunning essential oils you’ll be using, their properties and how to blend them to create your own beautiful soap. You will then choose how to wrap your soap with a selection of Italian inspired traditional soap wrapping papers.
Our Cosmeti-Craft Workshops are a great way of learning a new skill and having some fun making your own cosmetics. Children from age 5 upwards can have fun learning about colours and smells while older children experience a more detailed tutorial on the uses and effects of cosmetic ingredients.
Workplace Health Champions promote healthy lifestyles and Wellbeing at work by inspiring others to take a more active role in their health.
Our Cosmeti-Craft Workshops are a great way of learning a new skill and having some fun making your own cosmetics. Children from age 5 upwards can have fun learning about colours and smells while older children experience a more detailed tutorial on the uses and effects of cosmetic ingredients.
Our Cosmeti-Craft Workshops are a great way of learning a new skill and having some fun making your own cosmetics. Children from age 5 upwards can have fun learning about colours and smells while older children experience a more detailed tutorial on the uses and effects of cosmetic ingredients.
1 hour and over · £13 per head Ideal for a smaller group to begin their special day with a fun bath bomb making workshop before continuing their day with a pizza or a cinema trip in town. Explore colours, fragrances and bath bomb making ingredients and decorate a bag to put your makes in.