If you are a Day Skipper or above and want to expand your breadth of knowledge, then this is the course for you. Join our bespoke advanced skippering course led by our brilliant Yachtmaster Instructor and Examiner, Rob. Over 5 days, Rob will cover a wealth of great content that simply can't be covered in a standard RYA course. This course is perfect for those around Day Skipper level and above, offering the chance to significantly enhance your sailing skills and knowledge. During the week we will focus on: Setting up for heavy weather; Close quarters manoeuvres; Spinnaker; Advanced sail trimming; Advanced anchoring; MOB inc search patterns for PIW; Splicing.
Join us to gain experience and log miles. Perhaps you have the skill to complete the next level in RYA qualification but need more miles, or maybe you wish to refresh your capabilities as a qualified skipper or a crew member. This is the perfect opportunity to join like-minded people, practice your skills and log those required miles. You will be part of a crew of five, along with one of our experienced instructors who can help you with the skills and drills required for all levels of RYA courses. During a 5-day course you will visit some of the most beautiful harbours and anchorages on the west coast of Scotland. You will be living on one of our fully coded, well equipped, yachts. Food, fuel and marina fees are included. A weekend course will not venture so far, and the emphasis will be on short passages to local harbours or marinas, with lots of activities en route. What is included in the price: 5 nights on board (2 nights on a weekend course), all on board meals and snacks, all marina fees, fuel and gas. Optional extras: oil skins hire - £3.50 per item/day; cleaning fee £12.50/per person or the crew can clean the boat; sleeping bag can be hired at just £15 per period.
Choose what you want to learn in this fast-track hairdressing course. Aimed at those who’ve left college with a hairdressing qualification but don’t feel confident enough on the salon floor or those needing to brush up on a specific skill. Our training concentrates on cutting, colouring, styling and barbering.
Unravel the mysteries of astro navigation, using a sextant, ocean passage making, worldwide meteorology and electronic navigation aids. This course is for those aspiring to blue water cruising and is ideal for holders of the Yachtmaster Offshore certificate who are preparing for their first ocean passage. Topics covered include: The earth and the celestial sphere Practical guide to use and care of sextant at sea Meridian altitudes Sun, star and other sights Ocean passage planning Prior to the course your navigation skills should be at the standard of the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased course. If you are working towards your Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence, completion of this shorebased course exempts you from the written exam. The course is taught over 40 hours with one exam paper. It can be covered as a series of short sessions, as an intensive week-long course, or by distance learning. Included in the price : 40 hours of tuition students pack prep. materials certification tea and coffee snacks
The ABT Level 3 Diploma in Nail Services is a substantial vocational qualification that will confirm your competence as a nail technician.
The RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased course is for experienced sailors. The course builds on the theory learnt on the Day Skipper course, which is the knowledge level required at the outset of this course. It will give you the experience and confidence to plan and achieve your passage in offshore and coastal routes. Unlike the Day Skipper course, it includes precision tidal calculations. The course will increase your theory knowledge to the required standard for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore exams, concentrating on advanced navigation, IRPCS and meteorology subjects. This is an intense six day course, from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs every day (1 hr for lunch plus 2 x 15 min breaks), that will teach you advanced navigation techniques. The syllabus contains: position fixing course shaping and plotting tidal knowledge use of almanacs and admiralty publications electronic position finding equipment taking and interpreting forecasts plotting weather systems weather predictions using a barometer and by observation collision regulations customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
The Day Skipper shore based course sits in the RYA Syllabus as preamble to the Day Skipper practical course and will give the aspiring skipper the knowledge that is needed to navigate familiar water. The course also provides an introduction to lights to help you on your way with sailing in the dark. The course will give you the confidence to be able to plan your passage on inshore and coastal routes, and ensure that you and your crew are safe. The course includes: Basics of seamanship Essentials of inshore navigation and pilotage Chartwork (plotting tidal streams, estimated positions and courses to steer) Electronic charts Position fixing Passage planning Weather forecasting and meteorology Tidal height calculations Collision regulations Construction, parts and equipment of a cruising boat Emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, the use of flares, safety harnesses, lifejackets and liferafts
This 3 day practical course (taken in professional beauty salon) designed to show You how to carry out manicures. This course is designed for complete beginners, who wish to learn from basic to professional most popular nail art techniques to start Your career as nail technicians. It is also good to refresh knowledge and learn new techniques for those of You that are already in business.
The RYA Start Yachting course is designed to give a taste of sailing over two days and nights and requires no previous experience. The course is for beginners who are interested in sailing. Our experienced instructors will guide you through health and safety and make sure that you are comfortable. We can advise on clothing for the trip too. You will live on board one of our yachts for the weekend, with up to four other crew members plus the instructor. There will be a mixture of experience which means that there will be other crew members who can give you a helping hand. Cooking will be shared between the crew to add to the experience. By the end of the weekend you will have learnt how to steer a course, handle the lines, tie knots - and, most importantly, find out if you have a natural talent or just love sailing!
Arguably one of the most important skills for any skipper is berthing the vessel and leaving the berth in any conditions and lowered visibility. Join us on unique course focused on pontoon and mooring practices led by one of our most experienced senior instructors. All your questions will be answered during the course and you will get the opportunity of extremely extensive training and practise of handling the vessel in any conditions. Take stress away from those approaches in harsh conditions or night time. During the weekend we will focus on: Weather conditions and forecast; Correct use of lines and fenders; Coming alongside; Crew management; Setting the appropriate lines; Turning in tight spaces. This course starts on Friday evening at 6.30 and finishes around 3pm on Sunday afternoon.