A Solution Circle is a 30 minute creative Problem Solving Process for getting unstuck…Ideal for busy people! lt was designed by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint. This is a short and powerful tool. It is effective in getting “unstuck” from a problem in life or work. Solution Circles are tools of “community capacity”. It assumes and demonstrates that nearby people – in any community or work place have the capacity to help – if asked. It requires a person to ASK – not an easy thing in our culture of privacy and “do it alone”. This tool puts all the values we espouse into practice and demonstrates that TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER. Course Category Problem Solving Description A Solution Circle is a 30 minute creative Problem Solving Process for getting unstuck…Ideal for busy people! lt was designed by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint. This is a short and powerful tool. It is effective in getting “unstuck” from a problem in life or work. Solution Circles are tools of “community capacity”. It assumes and demonstrates that nearby people – in any community or work place have the capacity to help – if asked. It requires a person to ASK – not an easy thing in our culture of privacy and “do it alone”. This tool puts all the values we espouse into practice and demonstrates that TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER. In this training you will learn how to set up and facilitate Solution Circles Learning Objectives For participants to learn how to facilitate a Solution Circle For participants to understand the underlying rationale and ethos of this way of working For participants to learn the power of team work and problem solving when including challenging individuals Who Is It For? Team Around the Child agencies Parents and Professional working together Families Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENDCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Course Content This can be introduced in a twilight, half day or even a full day workshop with individualised coaching. We will provide background context for this approach and will directly model the process with real live issues facing participants. So bring your most challenging concerns to this training. The course answers the questions: What to when you are stuck Can we find an alternative to permanent exclusion or special unit or school placement? Struggling with a child for whom praise is ineffective? Feeling isolated in your responses to a child’s needs? Worried about where your instinctive reactions are leading you? Cannot seem to get any consensus view of a young person’s behaviour/needs amongst all the family and professionals involved – is everyone pulling in different directions? We will cover: Setting the tone Background and detailed teaching of process Inclusion values underpinning this work Graphic and process facilitation skills Processes modelled and opportunities to try process out with coaching Practical setting up of insights and solutions circles Lessons learned
Course Category Team Building and Leadership Visioning and Problem Solving Strategic Work Online Course now available via Teachable Platform – Chairing Meetings Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support Description Meetings can be dreadful and bad chairing makes them worse. On this day we look at transformational person centred approaches to approaching the chairing of meetings. We provide deeper insights into the psychological processes that make this role challenging. ‘Best Saves’ for those really difficult moments when chairing meetings are creatively explored. We provide a practical, skill based and creative approach best delivered over 2 days. Testimonials “One of the most valuable things I have come across in the whole year” Learning Objectives To identify characteristics of meetings that matter- what excellent chairing looks like To strengthen person centred dimensions to chairing meetings To clarify the meetings we never want to be part of To create a visual graphic and words that uniquely illuminate what great meetings and chairing looks like To explore the various hats that group members and chairs can wear For participants to improve their chairing skills by receiving feedback To explore how to bring creativity into stuck meetings To Explore psychodynamic processes of resistance, projection, splitting and transference- as well as how to process these dynamics Who Is It For? Anyone who has to chair meetings Course Content Setting a Good tone/Exploring the ‘whole elephant’ – story so far of experience in chairing meetings – good and bad meetings – graphiced timeline and highs and lows of story so far Meetings I do not want – negative chairing…. Thinking Hats and Values – linked to role of chair – where are hats when things are going well and where are they when things are not? Our shared vision for great meetings and excellent chairing? Personal planning for future chairing – what do I need to get better at – what should I manage? Specific skill teaching – re when things go wrong – eg tears, personal attacks, talking in side conversations, silent members, lack of contribution, anger and so on…‘best saves’ explored with group – using live role play – with one chair Solution Circle demonstration – chairing skills/problem solving modelled – approach when teams stuck… Emotional elements of chairing – ‘its not personal’ – splitting, projection, transference explored and ‘handling projections’ activity Vision and Road Blocks – small groups chaired and minuted – creative problem solving – Blocks to vision of great meetings creatively removed or worked around
In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to problem solving with parents – the Parent Solutions Circle. Parent Solutions is a brand new approach to problem solving with parents based on our live group work in schools. A focus on challenging behaviour brings interest, energy and commitment. Course Category Inclusion Peer Support Parents and Carers Behaviour and relationships Description In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to problem solving with parents – the Parent Solutions Circle Parent Solutions is a brand new approach to problem solving with parents based on our live group work in schools. A focus on challenging behaviour brings interest, energy and commitment. Essentially the approach involves gathering a group of parents and carers together who recognise how challenging their own children are and would like some help to figure out how to be with them or how to manage an aspect of their behaviour. The process is facilitated but majors on the parents offering each other their wisdom and ideas. The directness that only peers can provide to each other makes the work both powerful and effective. Mobilising the wisdom and experiences of parents in a safe way is a delicate art. In this training we will explore how this can best be done. Parents who have been on all the courses and had all the professional advice in world love this way of working because they get to offer each other their experience, ideas and wisdom. The approach is capacity focused, person centred approach to working with parents rather than the dominant deficit oriented and ‘medical model’ of viewing and planning for parents. We work with rather than do things to a group of parents. This training can be modelled with a group of parents or can be demonstrated with a group of professionals. We prefer mixed groups. Learning Objectives For participants to learn how to set up a Parent Solutions Circle For participants to understand the underlying rationale and ethos of this way of working To learn the facilitation process and stages of the Circle process Who Is It For? Anyone interested in working with parents and carers in a way that builds and makes use of their capacities rather than focus on their challenges and difficulties. School leaders and managers Social Care teams Community organisers Psychologists Course Content True parent empowerment Facilitating groups Problem solving process Handling group communication Allowing direct feedback and challenge between participants in a safe way Building relationships Creating natural circles of support that can provide peer support and mutual problem solving If you liked this course you may well like: Creating Community Circles
This radical way of building empathy is inspired by the work of the ‘Roots of Empathy’ organisation in Canada. Roots of Empathy (ROE) is dedicated to building caring and peaceful societies through the development of empathy in children. It is a parenting education programme for elementary school students (between the ages of 3 to 14 years) based on monthly visits to the classroom by a parent and infant from the school neighbourhood. Course Category Behaviour and Relationships Autism and Communication Meeting emotional needs Description This radical way of building empathy is inspired by the work of the ‘Roots of Empathy’ organisation in Canada. As Mary Gordon founder of this way of working describes: ‘By regular visits to the classroom of local mums and their children build an empathic relationship with the baby.MARY GORDON Roots of Empathy (ROE) is dedicated to building caring and peaceful societies through the development of empathy in children. It is a parenting education program for elementary school students (between the ages of 3 to 14 years) based on monthly visits to the classroom by a parent and infant from the school neighbourhood. We teach teachers and educators to help children to observe, over the school year, how their baby forms an attachment to his or her parent. Children are encouraged to record how the infants develop. The children learn to spot their babies cues and unique temperament, while celebrating developmental milestones. Children are prepared for responsible and responsive parenting as they increase their knowledge about human development, learning, and infant safety. The baby project program brings about the development of empathy and emotional literacy: As children learn to take the perspective of others they are less likely to hurt through bullying, exclusion, aggression, and violence. Children learn how to challenge cruelty and injustice in their own classroom. Messages of social inclusion and activities that are consensus-building contribute to a culture of caring that changes the tone of the classroom. Involving fathers and men provides rich models of male nurturance Testimonials ‘13% increase in empathy scores for our year 1s’ ‘Years 2s empathy had increased by 35%’ ‘Now that I am older I can be happy for other people’ (6 year old) ‘Everyone is special – thats the truth – but when I was small I thought its not fair when someone got a present and I didn’t’ (7 year old) Dramatic improvements in children taking responsibility for actions and being less defiant over the year of the project. Learning Objectives Understanding of method and approach to building empathy with babies Full understanding of background to this approach Practical advice received as to how to set up baby project in classrooms across school Who Is It For ? Teachers School leaders Project Coordinators Social Care Course Content We will provide theoretical and evidence back ground to impact of this work. We will describe existing UK school based work. We will inspire staff in attendance to want to actively engage in this work There may even be a baby to hold!!
All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. Course Category Person Centred Planning Inclusion Strategic Work Visioning and Problem Solving Description Person centred planning is a way of expressing a set of inclusive values through a unique range of tools and techniques. The most commonly used person centred tools – MAPS and PATH – create a hands-on demonstration of these values in action. All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. The role of the support service staff in this work is as a facilitator not as an expert participant, problem solver, assessor or provider of consultation. MAPS and PATH are especially effective tools in planning transitions and annual review processes for young people with additional support needs and for through-care planning for young people who are looked after or accommodated. Over time person centred working will reveal areas of unmet need in current provision and thereby inform the ongoing strategic planning within any particular region. Testimonials “Thanks again for a superb day which from my perspective as Principal Educational Psychologist has been a real boost and uplifted my spirits about helping move the Educational Psychology Service forward as well as gaining greater insight and understanding of individual Educational Psychologists. Several EPs have said that they are planning to use MAPS and PATHS in their work and I will be joining them.”DR MICHAEL HYMANS, PRINCIPAL EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, LONDON BOROUGH OF Learning Objectives To Explore the values underpinning person centred working To show how person centred planning naturally captures young people’s strengths and capacities A demonstration of how person centred planning encourages meaningful consultation and participation with young people (particularly for those who cannot make their views known in typical ways To show how Person Centred Planning leads to the building of stronger parent/school partnerships To indicate how person centred planning can promote multi-agency teamwork and shared responsibilities To increase understanding the how of process and graphic facilitation in person centred work. Who Is It For ? Teachers and School Staff Education Services Social Care Staff Health Professionals Transition Coordinators Family Support Workers Link Workers Course Content An introduction to the person centred planning tools PATH live demonstration in action followed by real time coaching of facilitation skills. We would stress that this is an introductory day and that participants will be expected to make plans for their own follow up and further practice of the tools covered in the course of the day.
Inclusion Facilitation (IF) is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream community of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in the world because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The IF approach works by mobilising the young person’s natural supports to provide support and engage with the person in difficulty. Inclusion Facilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Uniquely, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. What is Inclusion Facilitation Work? ‘We do whatever it takes!’ Usually a Person Centred Planning event would be carried out using the PATHor MAP process – majoring on dreams and goal setting leading to precise action planning. An experienced psychologist alongside the inclusion facilitator would carry out a PATH. A large graphic will be one of the outcomes of the meetings this is a great visual record and a shared memory of the event. This will also inform the priorities for the inclusion facilitation work Optionally following the PATH event a ‘scoping report’ is created outlining what Inclusion Facilitation could offer and highlighting what dreams and goals the individual has. The PATH is also provides a good opportunity for the Facilitator to meet the focus person in a comfortable positive environment. 12 weekly visits from the Inclusion Facilitator followed by 5 monthly visits is our preferred model but we can be flexible with the delivery of this input. This is just a guideline, however we have received good results using this time frame. After this intensive input the Inclusion Facilitator will hand over to the existing family, carers and PA team to carry on where he or she has left off. This transition time is planned from the outset. An experienced psychologist is there to support the facilitator at all times and will guide all work done by the inclusion facilitator. Is this just Support work? No! This is proactive engagement – doing whatever is required. We are not just passively or reactively providing what is asked for – we are actively pursuing a good life for the individual. Our work is built on careful research around a person’s interests and what opportunities exist locally. We carry out community mapping. We actively work to tackle an individual’s own resistance and reluctance to engage more socially. We actively engage with people in social settings that the individual attends to build bridges and connections – we are bridge builders. We build circles around a person. We create the conditions in which friendships can flourish. We have direct psychological supervision and support throughout. This work is short term and intense. Enjoy participating in a multimedia workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Learning Objectives 1.To be able to understand the values and wider context of inclusion. 2.To be able to set up and run an ‘Inclusion Facilitation project to improve the life chances and connections of a child or young person. 3.To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour. Course Content The course answers the questions: What do you do with the child who is isolated by their aggression and anger, through being different, disabled or new to the school or community? Practically how do we go about including high profile children or young people? How can we help some children be friends? We will cover: Inclusion values underpinning this work The Intentional Building of Relationships –‘Inclusion Facilitation’ work as an example Not doing it alone – The Importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice Practical setting up and running of IF work Lessons learned Stories of IF work
Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. Course Category Inclusion Person Centred Planning Visioning and Problem Solving Peer Support Description Person Centred Rehabilitation Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. PERSON CENTRED PLANNING A Person Centred Planning event would be carried out using the PATH or MAP process – majoring on dreams and goal setting leading to precise action planning. Facilitators would carry out the PATH or other person centred process. A large graphic will be one of the outcomes of the meetings this is a great visual record and a shared memory of the event. This will also inform the priorities for the later follow up inclusion facilitation work. Following the PATH event a ‘scoping report’ is created outlining what Inclusion Facilitation could offer and highlighting what dreams and goals the individual has. INCLUSION FACILITATION The PATH is also provides a good opportunity for the Facilitator to meet the focus person in a comfortable positive environment. Agreed visits from the Inclusion Facilitator are then carried out over a 3 month period. After this intensive input the Inclusion Facilitator will hand over to the existing family, carers and PA team to carry on where he or she has left off. This transition time is planned from the outset. An experienced psychologist needs to be there to support the facilitator at all times and will guide all work done by the inclusion facilitator. Is this just Support work? No! This is proactive engagement – doing whatever is required. This is not passively or reactively providing what is asked for – we are actively pursuing a good life for the individual. The work is built on careful research around a person’s interests and what opportunities exist locally There is community mapping There is work to tackle an individual’s own resistance and reluctance to engage more socially There is a need to engage with people in social settings that the individual attends to build bridges and connections – we are bridge builders You will need to build circles around a person There is a need to create the conditions in which friendships can flourish There is a need for direct psychological supervision and support throughout This work is short term and intense. The facilitator’s main aims will vary depending on the dreams and goals of the focus person. The basic aim of the inclusion facilitator is to better the focus person’s quality of life. Learning Objectives 1 To create a better life for the Individual. 2 Give Individual and family a clear vision of a good life and to support first steps towards this 3 To maximise individuals inclusion and connection with the wider community. 4 To help with friendship, social connection and education 5 To increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Who Is It For? Anyone who is involved in the rehabilitation of children or adults who have become disabled through accident or trauma and who is committed to helping them get their life back on track. Course Content Understanding ordinary needs – the dimensions of social inclusion Pursuing the dreams and goals of the individual Improving social skills Community Mapping Being comfortable in social environments Developing conversational skills Having a positive mindset Staying physically active Building relationships Help in meeting new people Create natural circles of support Creating a community circle Having positive body language Employment of support staff Pursuing personal interests If you like this you will almost certainly enjoy: Person Centred Planning using PATH and MAPs
About this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) This 5 half-day virtual course provides a detailed description of all the methods used to reduce the heat rate (increase the efficiency) of pulverized coal and circulating fluidized bed (CFB) coal power plants. All the processes, operational and maintenance activities, capital projects, technical options, potential initiatives and incentives to implement upgrades/repairs for increasing the plant efficiency will be covered in detail. Training Objectives Calculate the Heat Rate of Coal Power Plants: Learn all the methods used to calculate the heat rate of coal power plants Benefits of Lowering the Heat Rate of Coal Power Plants: Understand all the benefits of lowering the heat rate of coal power plants Methods Used to Improve Coal Power Plants Heat Rate: Gain a thorough understanding of all the methods used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Processes, Operational and Maintenance Activities: Discover all the processes, operational and maintenance activities used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Capital Projects Used to Improve the Heat Rate: Learn about all the capital projects used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Technical Options for Improving the Heat Rate: Understand all the technical options used to improve the heat rate of coal power plants Potential Initiatives and Incentives to Implement Upgrades/Repairs for Improving the Heat Rate: Discover all the potential initiatives and incentives to implement upgrades/repairs for improving the heat rate of coal power plants Factors Affecting Coal Power Plant Efficiency and Emissions: Learn about all the factors which affect coal power plants efficiency and emissions Areas in Pulverized Coal and Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Power Plants where Efficiency Loss Can Occur: Discover all the areas in pulverized coal and circulating fluidized bed (CFB) power plants where efficiency loss can occur Optimize the Operation of Coal Power Plant Equipment and Systems to improve the Plant Heat Rate: Understand all the techniques and methods used to optimize the operation of coal power plant equipment and systems to improve the plant heat rate Coal Power Plant Equipment and Systems: Learn about various coal power plant equipment and systems including boilers, superheaters, reheaters, steam turbines, governing systems, deaerators, feedwater heaters, coal-handling equipment, transformers, generators and auxiliaries Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Training Methods The VILT will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 1 x 10 minutes break per day, including time for lectures, discussion, quizzes and short classroom exercises. Additionally, some self-study will be requested. Participants are invited but not obliged to bring a short presentation (10 mins max) on a practical problem they encountered in their work. This will then be explained and discussed during the VILT. A short test or quiz will be held at the end the course. The instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all the delegates gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations
Need a PATH? A person-centred plan? This is a planning process not a training day. Let us facilitate your planning and refocus your story whilst strengthening you and your group, team, family, staff or organisation. This tool uses both process and graphic facilitation to help any group develop a shared vision and then to make a start on working out what they will need to do together to move towards that vision. Is your team or family stuck? Want to move on, but haunted by the past and cannot get any useful dialogue started about the future? Facing a challenging transition into a new school or setting? Leaving school? Bored with annual reviews, transition plans and review meetings? Want to find a way of making meetings and planning feel more real and engaging? Need an approach, which engages a young person respectfully together with his or her family and friends? Want the ultimate visual record of the process of a meeting, which will help everyone, keep track? Want to problem solve and plan for the future of a small or large group, service or organisation up to the size of an LA Give your team the opportunity to pause and reflect on what matters most to them about the work they do. The act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthens trust and inclusion within the team – in creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of the future we want to create together, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Unfortunately, many people still think vision is the top leader’s job. In schools, the vision task usually falls to the Headteacher and/or the governors or it comes in a glossy document from the local authority or the DfES. But visions based on authority are not sustainable. Using the planning tool PATH (Pearpoint, Forest and OBrien 1997) and other facilitation sources we use both process and graphic facilitation to enable the group to build their picture of what they would love to see happening within their organisation/community in the future and we encourage this to be a positive naming, not just a list of the things they want to avoid. Outcomes To create a shared vision To name shared goals To enrol others To strengthen the group To explore connections and needs To specify an Action Plan To create a visual graphic record of the whole event Process Content PATH is a creative planning tool that utilises graphic facilitation to collect information and develop positive future plans. PATH goes directly to the future and implements backwards planning to create a step by step path to a desirable future. (Inclusion Press, 2000). These tools were developed by Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest and John O’Brien to help marginalised people be included in society and to enable people to develop a shared vision for the future. PATH can be used with individuals and their circle of support, families teams and organisations. Both MAP and PATH are facilitated by two trained facilitators – one process facilitator who guides people through the stages and ensures that the person is at the centre and one graphic facilitator who develops a graphic record of the conversations taking place in the room. Follow the link below to read a detailed thesis by Dr Margo Bristow on the use of PATH by educational Psychologists in the UK. AN EXPLORATION OF THE USE OF PATH (A PERSON-CENTRED PLANNING TOOL) BY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS WITH VULNERABLE AND CHALLENGING PUPILS The findings indicate that PATH impacted positively and pupils attributed increased confidence and motivation to achieve their goals to their PATH. Parents and young people felt they had contributed to the process as equal partners, feeling their voices were heard. Improved pupil- parent relationships and parent-school relationships were reported and the importance of having skilled facilitators was highlighted. Although participants were generally positive about the process, many felt daunted beforehand, possibly due to a lack of preparation. Pre-PATHplanning and post-PATH review were highlighted as areas requiring further consideration by PATH organisers. Recommendations to shape and improve the delivery of PATH are outlined together with future research directions.
Budgeting is more than mere vague oversight. Budgeting should deliver the corporate strategy, add shareholder value and lead to a well-run business - for the benefit of all involved in it. Effective budgeting leads to real control - effective day-to-day operational control and more. This course demonstrates what proper budgeting and operational control can do. This course will help ensure that participants: Appreciate the importance of the budgeting process Take ownership of it Use it as a daily working tool - not an annual exercise - to help run their part of the operation Improve their reporting against budget Ensure their delivery against budget 1 Objectives of budgets The budget process Stages - what is the prime aim of a budget? What is forecasting? ObjectivesPlanningImplementation 2 Budget and cost control focus Choosing objectives Links with corporate strategy Links with resource management Can the accounting systems cope? 3 Traditional budgeting and control Benefits and drawbacks The process Control and feedback Reporting - what can be expected? 4 Advanced budgeting and control Understanding the business process Taking out costs Cost awareness ZBB - as valid as ever 5 Reports Reports for action The purpose of a report Content - deliverables and feedback Culture is so important