The learning objectives that we believe you require to be covered within the training include: A detailed understanding of the CDM 2015 Regulations and how they should work in practice An understanding of the key roles (Designer, Principal designer, contractor, principal contractor and client) under CDM 2015 What constitutes design and when you may be acting as a designer The requirements for notification Pre construction information, the construction phase plan and the H&S file An opportunity for delegates to ask questions and gain clarification on specific project requirements 1 Introduction Why manage health and safety? The costs of accidents Construction industry statistics Why CDM 2015? 2 Overview of health and safety law and liabilities Criminal and civil law Liability Enforcement and prosecution Compliance - how far do we go? Statutory duties 3 Health and safety law in construction - the current framework Framework of relevant legislationHealth and Safety at Work etc Act 1974Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015Work at Height Regulations 2005 Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 CDM 2015 - the principles and current best practice Scope - what is construction? Application - when do the Regulations apply? The CDM management systemDutyholders (client, designer, principal designer, principal contractor, contractor)Documents (pre construction information, Notification, construction phase Plan, H&S File)Management process The 2015 HSE guidance / industry best practice Clarification of roles and responsibilities 5 Competence under CDM 2015 What is 'Competence'? The criteria to be used in construction Achieving continuous improvement 6 Part 4 Construction Health Safety and Welfare Overview of Part 4 Responsibilities Welfare arrangements 7 Risk assessment and the role of the designer Principles of risk assessment Loss prevention / hazard management What is a suitable risk assessment?Design v construction risk assessmentThe client is a designer?Whose risk is it? 8 Risk assessment exercise Understanding the principles of design risk assessment Identifying hazards under the control of clients and designers Quantifying the risk 9 Questions, discussion and review
A personalized 1-1 session of Shamanic Yoga is a session of healing of the body according to the blockages and limitations that appear to your eyes, which give us the key to solve in a marvellous way what your soul needs. This yoga is suitable to everyone and it is very easy and creative. SHAMANIC YOGA is ancestral, ancient, pre-vedic. It has the element of ecstasy, of a non ordinary state of consciousness, where you work with nature, animals, yantras, mantras, mudras, rituals, initiations in the imaginal forest, in the natural code, non the social code. Merceliade says that this yoga is the oldest form of yoga and we find it in various traditions: Hindu tradition (Shaktism), Himalayan (Naropa, Milarepa etc), South America (Andean yoga), Siberia, Mongolia, Japan (Yamabushi), Taoism, Alchemy. Shamanic yoga is not an exercise of the body, but a mystical, esoteric and initiatory healing practice that is distinguished by two characteristics; the first is ecstasy, the ability to communicate with the invisible, regaining the state of non-duality that is the typical goal of the yogin’s path. Ecstasy is not achieved by hypnosis or drugs or external means, but by means of instruments such as the drum, the breath and is not the trance of the medium. The shaman does not speak through the voice of spirits but draws knowledge directly from them. The second characteristic is the ability to bring back through narration or storytelling what has been grasped in the invisible worlds, during the shamanic journey, and to convince the matter to transform into reality what is told. Through narrative I awaken forces that then I can bring to life. Giada’s teachings are also combined with INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA founded by Sri Aurobindo “Purna’ means ‘complete’ and Purna Yoga distils and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for transformation and healing. It offers more than just physical exercise. Purna Yoga teaches the mind, body and emotions how to be at home with the spirit. Purna Yoga is the art of loving oneself by living from the heart. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment Bookings are non-refundable. Disclaimer By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance. Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.
This 3-day FAA Level 3 Award course offers a variety of first aid situations and teaches how to respond to an emergency. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these situations safely and efficiently.
Even if you have completed a level 3 NVQ or a previous version of the wiring regulations, you still will have to prove you are conversant with the current standards. So therefore, keeping up to date with the latest wiring regulations satisfies these requirements. Although the BS 7671 can be a tricky book to navigate, our course has been designed in such a way as to ensure that you will have the knowledge to identify and find the topics covered in each of the relevant parts of the book. Further information can be found here: C&G 2382-22 BS7671 18th Edition — Optima Electrical Training (
This 2-day course offers the requalification of a variety of first aid situations and how to respond to an emergency. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these situations safely and efficiently.
With over 140 clients, from FTSE 100 companies to small SMEs, from publishing to transport services, from central Government to Parish Council, we are well placed to provide GDPR consultancy services to all businesses, local authorities and charities.
Emergency First Aid at Work. This 1-day FAA Level 3 Award course offers training for a variety of emergency first aid situations in the workplace. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these safely and efficiently.
It is essential that those charged with responsibility for credit control and debt recovery have a full appreciation of the relevant law: no-one can negotiate effectively to recover a debt if they don't understand the ultimate sanctions they can apply. This programme is designed to give them a practical, up-to-date understanding of the law as it applies to your particular organisation. This course will help ensure that participants: Understand the relevant laws Know how and when to invoke legal processes Avoid legal pitfalls in debt collection negotiations Specific, practical learning points include: Definition of 'harassment' How to set up an in-house collection identity Whether cheques in 'full and final settlement' are binding The best steps to trace a 'gone away'... and many, many more. 1 Data protection and debt recovery There are a whole range of things which can be checked on members of the public and which are not affected by the restraints of the Data Protection Act. These will be explained in simple, clear terms so that staff can use this information immediately. 2 County Court suing The expert trainer will show how to sue for money owed, obtain judgment and commence enforcement action without leaving your desk. This module is aimed at showing how to make the Courts work for you instead of the other way around! 3 Enforcement of judgments There are many people who have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against their debtor but who still remain unpaid. This session explains each of the enforcement methods and how to use them to best effect. Enforcement methods covered include: Warrant of Execution Using the sheriff (now known as High Court Enforcement Officers) Attachment of earnings Third Party Debt Orders Charging Orders (over property and goods) Winding-up companies and making individuals bankrupt 4 Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery Surprisingly few people are aware of the Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery and many of those that do know think they don't apply to them - but they do. Make sure you know what you need to! 5 New methods to trace elusive, absentee and 'gone away' debtors Why write the money off when you can trace the debtor and collect the money you are owed? 6 Credit checking of new and existing customers It makes sense to credit check would-be, new and existing customers to evaluate the likelihood of payment delays or perhaps not being paid at all. This session shows a range of credit checking steps, many of which can be done completely free of charge, including a sample credit application/ account opening form. 7 Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations Do your staff understand this legislation and how to use it to make people pay quicker than ever before? The trainer shows how. 8 The Enterprise Act The Enterprise Act made some startling changes to corporate and personal insolvency. What are the implications for credit control and debt recovery within your organisation?
All organizations have policies and procedures that guide how decisions are made and how the work is done in that organization. Professionally written policies and procedures increase organizational accountability and transparency and are fundamental to quality/standards assurance and quality improvement.