The Data Protection (GDPR) Foundation Certificate is the course for people who need a formal qualification to demonstrate a clear, concise and generic understanding of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018, in support of the practical knowledge often acquired in the workplace. It is suitable for the public, private and third sectors and will teach participants essential UK GDPR skills and sufficient knowledge to assist their organisation toward their data protection implementation and UK GDPR accountability requirement. The course is suitable for beginners but anyone with significant data protection knowledge will also get considerable benefit from it. This Foundation Certificate is an internationally recognised qualification, endorsed by TQUK, which is regulated by Ofqual, a UK Government department. Copies of the slides for the course are sent out a few days in advance. As the course covers a lot of ground in a short time we recommend attendees who know nothing about data protection to read through these. Note: This course is delivered live, online, using Zoom. It will be delivered 9.30 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 16.30 approx. Course Content Topics covered include: Background to Data Protection Legislation Scope Essential Definitions The Core of Data ProtectionPrinciplesLegal BasisTransparency/Privacy NoticesRights and Their Management Data Security Obligations and Breach Notification International Transfers (including cloud) Data Processors and ContractsDue Diligence Data Sharing and Joint ControllersAd Hoc and Planned Data Protection by DesignData Protection Impact Assessments Data Protection Officers Accountability and Action Plan The ICO and Enforcement Questions/discussion throughout the course Suitability - Who should attend? Anyone with an interest in data protection or needing a detailed introduction. Anyone involved in supporting data protection compliance in an organisation. Outcome / Qualification etc. Learning Outcomes: Be aware of the importance of data protection legislation and the GDPR Understand the key obligations of the GDPR and DPA Understand the rationale behind a data protection audit and gap analysis Assist with policies and procedures required for data protection compliance and accountability
The session can happen ONLINE or IN PERSON. If online and you wish to receive the cacao bar via mail, material and shipment costs will be applied, otherwise I will suggest where to purchase your ceremonial cacao. Cacao is a sacred plant for the indigenous people, who call it 'The Drink of the Gods'. This is also the meaning of the scientific name given to the cacao plant Theobroma Cacao (Theo - God, broma - drink). To give the cacao spirit the opportunity to enter the person who takes it, the traditional way is to do it through a specific ceremony. It has been used for millennia by the indigenous peoples of Central America as an essential element in rituals. The Cacao Spirit was considered one of the most important deities in the Mayan cosmovision. In Mexico, the Aztecs considered it so precious that cocoa beans were regarded as coins. Ceremonial cacao is very different from the cacao found in our supermarkets. It is produced by simply cold milling cocoa beans from indigenous plants, after which the beans are lightly roasted and peeled. In this way, the cacao contains all the elements of the fruit in its entirety, including the cacao butter, which in industrial production is immediately separated. Returning to the ceremony, the intake of cacao is a sacred moment to connect with the Divine through a deep inner journey from the heart. Cacao has the property of encouraging a loving opening of the heart, allowing you to listen to the deepest parts of yourself. it is through the Heart that the connection with Heaven, Heart of Heaven, and with Earth, Heart of Earth, takes place. The heart is the seat of love in all traditional cultures, sometimes it is also the seat of some wounds that one receives in life, that is why Cacao has an effect first of all of releasing and releasing the emotions that bring the pains of life, but later it connects the individual with the true and great Heart, seat of infinite, unlimited Love. Mama Cacao also works on our Ancestors, it has the ability to release and heal the suffering that was theirs. The Cacao Ceremony leads to a very profound experience of healing, especially towards the awareness that each person's life is in any case imbued with Pure Love, from the moment of conception to the moment of the present breath. Love, also in the Mayan tradition, is the engine of all life, it is the source and source of well-being, harmony and balance of the entire Cosmos. Before attending, you will receive a full form to fill and extra info. The only medical contraindications are mixing Ceremonial Cacao with antidepressants, anti-psychotics, suffering from heart conditions, low blood pressure or serious illness.If you are on any anti-depressants, antipsychotics or any medication for mental health please get in touch with me. Ceremonial Cacao can cause serious interactions.Please arrive with an empty stomach - no food for 2/3 hours prior to the ceremony. Some light fruit is fine. Please avoid caffeine, alcohol, dairy, red meat for 24 hours before and after - they do not mix well with Cacao. Keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. If you smoke, please try to reduce as much as possible, especially if it is not pure tobacco due to the chemicals as cacao is a strong stimulant & detoxifier.If you want to get the very best out of the ceremony and support your integration, it is recommended to continue this diet for 48-72 hours before and after. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment Bookings are non-refundable. Disclaimer By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance. Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.
It is essential that those charged with responsibility for credit control and debt recovery have a full appreciation of the relevant law: no-one can negotiate effectively to recover a debt if they don't understand the ultimate sanctions they can apply. This programme is designed to give them a practical, up-to-date understanding of the law as it applies to your particular organisation. This course will help ensure that participants: Understand the relevant laws Know how and when to invoke legal processes Avoid legal pitfalls in debt collection negotiations Specific, practical learning points include: Definition of 'harassment' How to set up an in-house collection identity Whether cheques in 'full and final settlement' are binding The best steps to trace a 'gone away'... and many, many more. 1 Data protection and debt recovery There are a whole range of things which can be checked on members of the public and which are not affected by the restraints of the Data Protection Act. These will be explained in simple, clear terms so that staff can use this information immediately. 2 County Court suing The expert trainer will show how to sue for money owed, obtain judgment and commence enforcement action without leaving your desk. This module is aimed at showing how to make the Courts work for you instead of the other way around! 3 Enforcement of judgments There are many people who have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against their debtor but who still remain unpaid. This session explains each of the enforcement methods and how to use them to best effect. Enforcement methods covered include: Warrant of Execution Using the sheriff (now known as High Court Enforcement Officers) Attachment of earnings Third Party Debt Orders Charging Orders (over property and goods) Winding-up companies and making individuals bankrupt 4 Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery Surprisingly few people are aware of the Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery and many of those that do know think they don't apply to them - but they do. Make sure you know what you need to! 5 New methods to trace elusive, absentee and 'gone away' debtors Why write the money off when you can trace the debtor and collect the money you are owed? 6 Credit checking of new and existing customers It makes sense to credit check would-be, new and existing customers to evaluate the likelihood of payment delays or perhaps not being paid at all. This session shows a range of credit checking steps, many of which can be done completely free of charge, including a sample credit application/ account opening form. 7 Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations Do your staff understand this legislation and how to use it to make people pay quicker than ever before? The trainer shows how. 8 The Enterprise Act The Enterprise Act made some startling changes to corporate and personal insolvency. What are the implications for credit control and debt recovery within your organisation?
A day of Data Governance, support, networking, and answering your questions. Join me for my 1 Day Data Governance Mastermind where you get allocated time to get specific advice on your current Data Governance challenges and get the chance to network with others in similar situations.
All organizations have policies and procedures that guide how decisions are made and how the work is done in that organization. Professionally written policies and procedures increase organizational accountability and transparency and are fundamental to quality/standards assurance and quality improvement.
One day foundation course in sexual health for staff who want to deliver the C Card in North Wales. This course is for staff who are not currently trained to deliver the C Card. We are also holding refresher courses for staff already trained - contact us for more details. We will cover: What is C Card? What needs to be in place for C Card providers to deliver the scheme What stock and support we provide The law and sex including Fraser Guidelines Key sexual health issues, including contraception and STI's Condoms, lube, dams, etc Inclusive practice How to use the online admin system - QES If you have any questions please get in touch with us at
Course Outline: What is “Diversity and Inclusion”? The Cultural Contact Lens - understanding different people's experiences The Social Ecological Model - understanding how individual elements sit within and impact upon social change Finding your ‘why’, and the Business Case for D&I Going above and beyond the Law - the Equality Act (2010) and protected characteristics Becoming comfortable with feeling uncomfortable Privilege, power, and the Cycle of Oppression An introduction to allyship Summary and questions
This course equips immigration practitioners and advocates with the knowledge and skills to assist domestic violence survivors in obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. Course Overview: Achieving Indefinite Leave to Remain in Domestic Violence Cases” is a comprehensive training program designed for immigration practitioners and advocates. It provides the necessary knowledge and skills to support domestic violence survivors in obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. Participants will explore eligibility criteria, evidence gathering, exceptional circumstances, and application processes to empower survivors on their journey to safety and security. Throughout the course, participants will gain a deep understanding of the eligibility requirements for ILR, enabling them to effectively advise and support their clients. They will learn how to guide survivors in collecting and presenting compelling evidence that strengthens their cases, while also understanding alternative routes and exceptional circumstances for those who do not meet standard eligibility criteria. The course provides practical strategies for enhancing the chances of a successful outcome. Participants will also learn the step-by-step procedures for making a domestic violence concession application, equipping them with the skills to compile persuasive application packages. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, practical skills, and strategies necessary to assist domestic violence survivors in achieving ILR. Course joining links, materials and instructions are sent out 24hours before the course starts. Why Choose IAS’ Immigration Training Courses? Immigration Advice Service has been providing professional immigration services for over 10 years in the public, private and corporate sectors. Our fully qualified and OISC regulated trainer will guide you through the content in our comprehensive training course. See why others like to study with IAS: Delivered Online Expert Course Trainer Free Course Materials Certificate of Attendance Join over 92% of satisfied customers who found their training with IAS useful and beneficial. You will also be provided with training materials to keep after completing the course. How is this course structured? The “Domestic Violence (Immigration based)” training workshop will involve the following: 1. Understanding Eligibility: Who Qualifies for Indefinite Leave to Remain Overview of the criteria and requirements for domestic violence survivors seeking Indefinite Leave to Remain Exploring the key factors that determine eligibility 2. Advising Clients about Evidence Guidance on effectively advising clients on gathering and presenting compelling evidence to support their cases Understanding the types of evidence that can strengthen an application and highlight the impact of domestic violence 3. Considering Exceptional Circumstances when Clients Do Not Qualify under the Rules Exploring alternative routes and exceptional circumstances that may still enable survivors to secure Leave to Remain Discussing strategies for presenting exceptional circumstances to enhance the chances of a successful outcome 4. Making a Domestic Violence Concession Application
This practical course gives participants a brief overview of a range of legal aspects and also incorporates a topical perspective of health and safety matters in the workplace today. The programme will help elected staff safety representatives to grasp in more detail how to comply with the law in practice. 1 The legal framework Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations Representatives' functions H&S Consultation with Employees Regulation HSG 263 2 'The six pack' Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) Display Screen Equipment Regulation (DSE) Manual Handling Health, Safety and Welfare Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation Personal Protective Equipment Regulation 3 Accident reporting and procedures Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) Accident investigation guidance