For pupils aged 14+ | Delivered in UK Schools by Real World App and Games Developers Our new Getting Started with Website Design and Development Workshop is a great way to introduce your pupils to coding. We’ll focus on HTML, CSS and JavaScript throughout a full-day workshop. At the end of the day, they will have a working website, along with notes and support so they are equipped to design an online portfolio for their work, or other project.
We are excited to introduce to you our 5 Day In-Person Training for Intermediate & Advanced Level. The goal of the training is deep learning about Design Thinking, UX Maturity, and enhancing your UX knowledge. The five-days training offers a path to learn more about UX teamwork, collaboration, and communication. The maximum size of the class is 6 people to ensure interaction between the students and the teacher.
10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
For pupils aged 9 - 16 | Delivered in UK Schools by Real World App and Games Developers Our micro:bit Workshop teaches your class about the micro:bit, making some apps and games with them during the workshop (we bring our own micro:bits too if your school doesn't yet have any!). We’ll introduce them to MakeCode, the coding language that the micro:bit uses, and teach them the fundamentals of coding before we work on some really fun projects! For older students, we can even use Python with the micro:bit!
English courses for all levels are available through Mac International
Spanish language courses