leicester tang soo do karate club
Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean Martial art, with it’s history dating back
many centuries. It is a very varied art, covering kicks, hand techniques,
blocks, grappling, locks and pressure points, forms, and weapons techniques. It
is an art of self defence, which has both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ elements within it,
using kicking and punching techniques as the foundation for the defence. Tang
Soo Do also utilises the staff, knife, sword and walking stick within its
armoury, and a variety of different techniques for all of these are taught.
Techniques are taught as individual and combination movements and these are
choreographed into patterns or forms, These are known as Hyungs in Korean and
are similar to Karate’s Kata’s. The words “Tang Soo Do” translate from Korean to
English as ‘Way of the China Hand” where Tang comes from the Chinese Tang
Dynasty. Tang Soo Do also has a lot in common with Japanese Karate.