A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Learn how to calculate your pay and understand a payslip. Know what deductions you should pay and how to check your're on the right tax code.
A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Learn how to calculate your pay and understand a payslip. Know what deductions you should pay and how to check your're on the right tax code.
A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Learn how to look for jobs in your chosen sector. Find out some top tips to create an eye-catching CV and make your job application standout to prospective employers.
A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Become more confident using maths to help with everyday spending.
A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Build your confidence using numeracy skills common in all sorts of jobs.
A workshop for 19-29 years olds living in West Sussex who do not have their level 4 or higher maths GCSE (or equivalent). Learn how to plan a budget for your weekly or monthly income.