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Brightcore Consultancy delivers Senior Mental Health Lead training in schools and colleges which meets the Department for Education’s quality criteria, and our course is in fact the highest rated of all the nationally DfE approved Senior Mental Health Lead training courses, scoring a perfect 5/5 in each of the 9 DfE quality assurance standards during the quality assurance process.
The One Day - MHFA Champion Course teaches you how to identify when a person might be experiencing a mental health issue and how to guide them to get the help they need.
This course looks at the procedures required to deal with customs. It is vitally important that importers and exporters understand the information required to be submitted.
This Renewables Technical Surveying training short two day course is specifically designed for individuals and companies that want to train themselves and their staff on exactly how to carry out Renewables Technical Site Surveying prior to any renewables installation measures, this includes for heating systems, solar systems and EV Charge point installations. The course is primarily aimed at Energy Suppliers, Equipment Manufacturers, Renewable Installers, Domestic Energy Assessors, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Co-ordinators, Renewables sales staff and suitable individuals with a basic level of knowledge in varying building structures, heating systems and varying renewable technologies.
Empower Mental Health First Aiders and Champions to maintain their skills with regular Refresher training. Just like physical first aid, we recommend that you refresh your skills every two to three years. (Certificate expires after 3 years). If it's time to update your skills, book onto an MHFA Refresher course now and feel confident that you are performing your vital role safely.
There are a number of reasons why it is important to actively promote equality and diversity within your business and the wider community, not only to ensure compliance with anti-discrimination legislation and professional regulations, including the SRA Standards & Regulations. There will also be business benefits to the organisation including attracting and retaining talented staff, improving staff morale, potentially accessing a wider client base and enhancing service levels and client satisfaction. Join us for this useful overview session on equality, diversity & inclusion which will cover the following points; The Meaning of Equality Discrimination Harassment & Victimisation Unconscious Bias The Equality Act & the Protected Characteristics Reasonable Adjustments Complying with E&D requirements Target Audience This online course is suitable for staff of all levels, from support staff to senior partners. Resources Comprehensive and up to date course notes will be provided to all delegates which may be useful for ongoing reference or cascade training. Please note a recording of the course will not be made available. Speaker Amie Higgins, Consultant, DG Legal Amie is a Senior Solicitor, qualified under the Law Society’s Immigration & Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS) as an Advanced Caseworker and Supervisor. Amie specialises in all aspects of Immigration, Asylum and Human Rights work, with a specialism in human trafficking/modern slavery cases and working with vulnerable clients. Amie is an experienced trainer, delivering a range of training on both legal and practice management topics.
Learn to use and read a Roadbook for Rallies or Classic Car Tours in this informative and interactive webinar.
A drop session will be held to help those with the New National Parish Return Portal. Help with setting up accounts and providing a basic overview of its functions.
Rally training webinar for co-drivers looking to take the step up from single venue stage rallies or road rallying to multi-venue stage rallies.