This is the oldest Competition in the Glasgow Battalion, open to every Company.
1 The requirement is a minimum company strength of 14, comprising two Sections of 6 drilling in two ranks, plus 2 as Section Commanders. If they wish, Companies may parade with larger numbers in each Section, up to a maximum of 12 per Section. Companies who elect to have 12 in each Section will DRILL IN THREES.
2 Six young people will be selected from the Squad for Inspection purposes. Companies may, if they so desire, have an NCO drill the Squad.
3 If only one Company is entered in this competition, that Squad may perform, but must attain a minimum mark of 75% to win the Garroway Cup.
4 Company Drill can be a refreshing change from Squad Drill and gives an opportunity for NCOs to take on a more important leadership role as Section Commanders.
The drill papers can be downloaded from the Battalion website at
Entries close 7 days prior to the event date.