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Egyptian female Quran Teacher online can be hired for the lessons of the Holy Quran for yourself and for your kids. An Arab teacher from Egypt will have more knowledge of Tajweed and practice of recitation of the Holy Quran.
Welcome - The Factory Fitness The Factory Fitness is a place where your goals meet reality. Together we will blend nutrition and fitness training in a way that fits your life and your goals.
Land of Reiki and Aroma - Reiki e Florais de Saint Germain — Land of Reiki and Aroma - Reiki, Florais de Saint Germain, Bach Flower, Workshops e courses, Psycho-aromatherapy, Aroma Diffusers
Dance School | KJ's Dance & Cheer | Huthwaite Dance, Musical Theatre, Cheerleading, Acro and Gymnastics Classes for children and adults of all ages from 2yrs+. Friendly, Fun, Inclusive & Affordable. Classes are Located at our Studio in Huthwaite NG17 2HU.
Saxophone, Clarinet & Drum Lessons - Performance and Tuition
Collins Training are training providers offering nationally recognised certification to our clients throughout the UK. Collins Training bring over 30 combined years of training industry experience to our clients. Our background ranges from Construction, Rail Plant, Utility Sector and Plant Training.
The foundation of my practice combines the physical with an inner emotional and spiritual journey. By integrating body, breath, movement, and meditative awareness, I strive to promote a deeper connection and understanding of self, personal health and wellbeing. That could look so different to lots of different people.