This course aims to raise awareness about the triggers, signs and symptoms, and preventive measures to better manage and support people living with asthma.
This Key Worker Skills training course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the key worker with vulnerable young people in line with legislation and good practice guidelines. The successful care and provisions in place in a residential setting is dependent upon how effective and supported the staff team is. This Key Worker Skills training will enable those in the position of key worker and those considering the position to gain insight and understanding with regards to the importance and difference this role can play in an individual’s life.
Safer recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for employing anyone who works with vulnerable groups, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing. It is crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including: advertising, application forms, selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented, and post-interview checks - including DBS checks - before making an offer of employment. Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
Learners will be able to demonstrate much improved awareness of pressure sores and understand how they can help positively impact the service users' lives. They will be able to identify the function of the different layers of skin, highlight how and why pressure sores form, understand how they can prevent them and have a better understanding of the dressings, aids, and equipment used.
This course provides delegates with the information needed to assess the risk of pressure ulcers and Tissue Viability.
The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed.
To increase your awareness and understanding of what safeguarding children means, in order to increase your confidence to enable you to make a positive contribution towards the process.
This course is aimed at anyone working in the Care Sector to improve awareness and knowledge of dignity and how workers can help protect it. Learners will understand their roles and responsibilities, a clear understanding of the 7 principles of dignity, and show an increased understanding of best practice for communicating with service users. Explore how dignity starts at the very top of the organisation with the manager and owner taking responsibility for ensuring their staff provide a dignified service. It will describe how care staff provide and the way they provide it, are the standard by which service users will measure whether they have been treated with dignity and respect.
This course will help you to gain a better knowledge of the policy which underpins end of life care. It will help you to learn about the delivery of great end of life care and improve your communication skills to strengthen working relationships during this period. You will also feel you have a better understanding on how to support the friends and family of the person that you are caring for.