Mindfulness is a practical technique for developing a greater sense of awareness and focus on the present moment. It is the opposite of mindlessness, meaning that actions and reactions become conscious and deliberate. It is an extremely useful tool for any busy work environment. Currently being used by the likes of Google and Pepsi, mindfulness can be adopted within the workplace to reduce stress and anxiety, provide greater focus and clarity, improve leadership capabilities and enhance the general wellbeing of staff at all levels. This workshop has been developed for forward-thinking organisations wanting to make a real and sustainable commitment to improving workplace wellbeing and productivity. This workshop will help you to understand the basic principles and benefits of mindfulness, and how it can be used in the workplace setting. It will also enable you to develop techniques to alleviate overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, prepare for important or challenging meetings, and generally achieve a greater sense of focus, clarity and calm whilst dealing with a hectic schedule.
This intensive one-day IACCM-approved programme helps participants develop the skills, knowledge and competencies required to plan for and carry out effective negotiations in a range of different environments. By the end of the programme participants will be able to: Understand the basic concepts of negotiation and how it adds value to the organisation Recognise the stages of negotiation and the skills required at each stage Make use of tried-and-tested negotiation planning tools Apply a range of negotiation tools and techniques to support the organisation in obtaining value for money, quality and fit-for-purpose outcomes Set negotiation objectives Appreciate the importance of interpersonal skills in maximising the opportunities for reaching win/win agreements 1 Welcome Introductions Aims and objectives Plan for the day 2 Why negotiate? Understanding the negotiation context Negotiating with suppliers Negotiating with stakeholders 3 Understanding the process The phases of negotiation and what to do in each phase Before During After 4 Planning Appreciating the importance of planning Different approaches Identifying the key variables Setting objectives for each of them Practical negotiation planning exercise 5 Doing The key skills required, Communication Numeracy empathy Applying these skills in a role play: practical exercise 6 Close Review of key learning points Personal action planning
Our Legionella/Water Quality Risk Management – General Awareness course offers a basic introduction to Legionnaires' disease Management and Control.
This comprehensive one-day programme has been designed to provide participants with an overview of basic supply chain principles and concepts and to identify potential opportunities for reducing costs, minimising risks and adding value across the supply chain. This could include reducing inventory, procurement, transport and storage costs. Fundamentally, the object of the programme is to empower participants to be able to collaborate with all key stakeholders across the supply chain. This course will help participants: Appreciate the importance of the supply chain as a source of competitive advantage Understand the tools and techniques available to improve supply chain performance Analyse and mitigate risks across the supply chain Identify opportunities for improvements in their respective supply chains Demonstrate competence in the pro-active management of the supply chain
To provide a fundamental understanding of building services in the context of: The working environment The success of the core business The health and safety of the occupants Operating cost and environmental impact The optimisation of cost and value Strategies for continuous improvement DAY ONE 1 Building services fundamentals The function of services in commercial buildings and their importance to the core businessElectrical servicesLightingHeatingVentilation and air conditioningLiftsWater Understanding IT and communication systems Practical exercises 2 The provision of comfort and safety Statutory requirementsHealth and safety legislationControl of contractorsRisk assessmentFire precautionsLegionella, sick building and other risks Business requirementsUnderstanding user requirementsMatching systems to business needs Practical exercises 3 Getting the design right What the FM needs to know about design and its procurementSuccessful space planningRelationship between services, space planning and designGetting the brief rightSupplier selection and management Practical exercises DAY TWO 4 Operation and maintenance Why maintain?Maintenance contractsInput and output specificationsResource optionsContracts - principal elementsTendering - key stepsSelection criteriaOperational criteriaMaintenance trends Performance-based service provisionInput and output specificationsKPIs and thresholdsRisk containmentValue-add opportunitiesPerformance contract strategy Practical exercises 5 Contingency planning Being ready for the unexpected Identifying and reducing riskInternal risksExternal risksIdentifying threats at your site Managing riskProtective systemsOccupier obligationsFire managementTesting Practical exercises 6 Commissioning services systems Physical commissioning Common problems Typical costs Commissioning stages Continuous commissioning Energy efficiency and the scope for environmental improvement Practical exercises 7 Satisfying the occupants Obtaining and responding to feedbackWhen to get feedbackWhyHowWhat to do with it Practical exercises 8 'Air time' Sharing experience and addressing specific issues of interest to participants Course review Close
Health and safety awareness training is mandatory for staff at all levels of an organisation. This is the ideal course to satisfy that requirement - a stimulating 'entry-level' programme explaining how health and safety should be managed in any working environment. The course outlines the basics of health and safety law and how organisations and individuals can become liable for health and safety offences. Roles and responsibilities for health and safety are discussed by reference to the key legislation and the expert trainer will explore with the delegates how these responsibilities are managed in practice in different types of organisation. The principles of risk assessment will be considered and their practical implementation discussed in relation to the management of the various hazards that are likely to be present in a typical workplace. This course will give staff: An understanding of health and safety law, liability and enforcement An explanation of the principles of health and safety management in the workplace and an understanding of who should be responsible for different aspects of health and safety A practical explanation of risk assessment and what constitutes a suitable and sufficient assessment A broad knowledge of the typical hazards in a workplace and how these should be managed 1 Overview of health and safety law Statute and civil law Liability and enforcement Statutory duties Contract law 2 Legislative framework The workplace - extent of responsibility / shared responsibility Relevant legislation 3 Management of Health and Safety Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Accident Reporting (RIDDOR) Consultation with Employees and Safety Committees 4 Risk management within your organisation Business risk management Health and safety risk management The principles of risk assessment Transferring the risk to contractors and third parties 5 Risk assessment exercise - 'Challenge Anneka' 6 Managing the hazards in the workplace Work equipment Lifting equipment Display screens Manual handling Fire Chemicals (COSHH) Personal protective equipment (PPE) 7 Practical exercise - Workplace inspection 8 Questions, discussion and review
In our constantly changing environment, if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got - and that's not enough! Building a strategic marketing plan is a powerful way to take a step back from day-to-day activities, review the opportunities available to your business and your products, and build a roadmap of tactics that will set you apart from the competition. In this workshop, we look at how to build a customer-focused strategic marketing plan to pin-point your milestones to success over a 12-month period. This programme will help participants to: Understand the key questions that a strategic marketing plan should answer Understand the value of customer and competitor insight and how to develop actionable insights to guide your plan Conduct a market analysis and identify the barriers and drivers to success Learn how to build a customer buying journey and how to identify the most valuable customers Develop a customer-focused strategy and customer engagement plans Develop core messages and winning tactics to engage with your key customers Identify the key metrics to review and measure to keep your plans on track 1 Situational analysis Introduction to marketing strategy Market and competitor analysis and insight generation Understanding the customer buying journey How to segment customers to identify your most valuable customer opportunities Identifying the barriers and drivers to your success 2 Strategy Introduction to strategy How to build strategic imperatives and SMART objectives How brand vision and positioning drive customer focus A guide to building key message themes 3 Tactics, messaging and measurement Introduction to building customer-focused tactics How to build a customer-engagement plan How to build key messages and a customer-focused tactical plan A practical guide to developing key metrics to review success and keep your plans on track Actionable outcomes Throughout the programme we will use your own product examples to build your plan, participants will: Learn best practice examples of strategic planning Discover market and customer opportunities to strengthen your competitive edge Create a strategic plan that can be implemented immediately within your business Start planning compelling marketing messages to reach the right customer at the right time Receive immediate feedback on your strategic marketing plan Have the opportunity to share common issues and solutions with colleagues in the group
A thorough account of the UK and European legal framework and its requirements as regards managing environmental performance. This course will help staff to understand: The framework of UK and European legislation and its enforcement The principal features of the legislation as they apply to your organisation's activity/product/service The benefit of having an Environmental Management System such as ISO 14001 How their own actions and decisions can either expose or protect the organisation in relation to its legal obligations 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Introduction to environmental law and enforcement Sources of law (European and UK) Structure and enforcement Key legislation 3 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Local Air Pollution and Control (LAPC) Pollution and Prevention Control Act 1999 EC Directives on PPC The meaning of BAT Transitional provisions Fit and proper persons Control of emissions to air National Air Quality Strategy 4 Packaging and producer responsibilities Who, what and how The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations Obligations and exemptions Registration Recycling and recovery obligations Records Duties of the Environment Agency Offences Developments 5 Waste management National Waste Strategy Waste minimisation (re-use/recycling) Waste definition Disposal and recovery Controlled waste management Hazardous waste management 6 Proposed Legislation and EC Directives EU Commission's waste and resources strategies Implementation of ELV (End of Life Vehicles) Directive WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive transposition into UK legislation Other producer responsibility initiatives Other proposals from the EU 7 Conclusion Open forum Summary Close
Meetings are a fact of working life - both virtual and physical meetings. Recording the key points from meetings is critical to making sure that accurate information is captured, and action points are clearly identified and allocated. This virtual training session will support members of staff to develop their skills in recording the key points from meetings and discussions. This course will help participants: Describe the different levels of note taking and pick the appropriate style for the meeting Prepare to take minutes in the virtual and the physical environment Liaise and work in partnership with the meeting Chair Use a template to enable the capturing of key points Set up the room ready for the meeting Identify key points to record, versus what not to record Interrupt the meeting confidently to check key points Take neutral, accurate and concise records Produce a well-laid out set of minutes. 1 Introduction Objectives and overview Introductions and personal aims 2 An introduction to minutes Purpose and use Different levels of notetaking 3 Preparing to take minutes Identifying the purpose of the meeting Working with the Chair Tips and techniques to prepare effectively Case studies, review and discussion The physical environment: setting up for a meeting 4 Listening and recording Tips and techniques to make the process easier How to interrupt a meeting What to record; what to leave out Recording in short-form using playscript and bullet-points Listening neutrally Activity: Minuting a Meeting The tricky ones and how to overcome problems in the meeting 5 Preparing the minutes Producing a set of draft minutes Tips on grammar, punctuation and layout Stylistic variation Managing feedback from the Chair 6 Review Summary of key learning points Action planning