This half day course is designed to help participants who need to write or revise policies and procedures for their organisations. It will help them to develop effective structures for the writing and design and ensure that they meet key legal and good practice requirements on some of the most important policies such as health and safety, equal opportunities and financial procedures. It will also look at the process of consultation and implementation so that the policies obtain “buy-in” and commitment from staff and volunteers.
Our business photography courses are created to help individuals learn how to take professional-quality photographs for use in a business setting. By taking these courses, individuals and businesses can gain the skills and knowledge they need to create visually appealing content that can help their business stand out in a crowded marketplace. About the course Courses are focussed on the client’s requirements and are bespoke to their needs. We cater from one-to-one courses for small businesses to whole marketing departments for multinationals. So whether you’re a dog walker who wants more views or a design company that needs more collateral, we can help improve your stock imagery. These classes cover a range of topics, including learning your camera settings, lighting, composition, and editing techniques. Clients will learn how to use their cameras to capture high-quality images that can be used for marketing materials, social media posts and other promotional materials. They will also learn how to edit their photos using professional software packages like Adobe Lightroom and Apple Photos to give their images that extra pop. The important stuff These courses are all bespoke in nature so pricing will vary but we start at £350 for a three-hour course. We will discuss your specific needs before the course and make sure we cover them during the course. We will travel to your place of work so you get the relevant experience in the right environment.
Sometimes, the simplest photos are the hardest ones to take. How do you make an impeccable portrait of a loved-one or of a friend on the spot, and with only the help of natural lighting? Basically, how do you manage without a studio and all its controllability, and end up satisfied with an expressive and successful portrait?It is essential to take the environment into consideration when composing a portrait. Managing the background's colours and graphics, choosing the point of view, directing the model - these are all points that will be covered during the course.Light control is an equally important aspect; in particular, analysing a given moment's light and using it wisely are elements that will be explained to help you make a successful portrait.This workshop will teach you:- How to observe the environment so as to guide your aesthetic choices: point of view, directing a model- How to "read" light and place your subject accordingly- How to correctly define parameters in your camera according to your desired result- How to frame and compose an image to highlight the subjectThe workshop includes a theoretical explanation, a main "practical" part, as well as a class debriefing at the end. Pre-requisites for this workshop:
Self-evaluation - find out how you can get it right.
When used effectively, questioning is a useful teaching and learning strategy. During this workshop we will discuss how questioning can be used effectively to assess, challenge and stretch pupils progress.
First Aid at Work (RQF) accredited course delivered by Health Care Professionals
Learn to use 3D printing software to design and create your own pendants, earrings, rings and bracelets. The course is on a one-to-one basis. If you want to be in the jewellery trade as a designer and seller of modern jewellery or you simply want to create designs for yourself and your family then you should be learning how to create your own designs using apps such as Fluid Designer for 3D Printing.
Awareness of what is happening during the rupture of a coronary plaque assists the attendee in understanding why such a microscopic event can have such a catastrophic outcome.
To help prevent this it is important to fix the problem at the source. Reflexology is a natural digestive aid that stimulates all the components of the digestive system and encourages parts to work in better harmony with each other. Its relaxing abilities allow your internal organs to breathe and be able to work. This 3hr workshop teaches how to adapt your routine to target conditions such as low mood, depression and anxiety. We focus on the key areas association with these conditions. this course includes an online e-learning component for you t work through and then a 3hr practical session.
This qualification gives the participant the knowledge and skills to take on the role of a first aider in the work environment. Employers can book this course for their employees in the knowledge that they are fulfilling their legal statutory responsibilities for providing quality first aid training