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CPD accredited Intermediate (Level 3) HACCP & Food Safety training course. Delivered online (Zoom) by a live tutor. Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.
Aim To increase the confidence and knowledge of participants to support adults with learning disabilities in terms of their sexual health and sex and relationships rights. Outcomes By the end of the training participants will have: -had an update around the law, mental capacity act and capacity to consent to sexual relationships and CQC guidance - considered how to support patients with their sex and relationships rights -more knowledge of current easy read and other resources and organisations available to support our work Agenda Welcome, introductions and working agreement The law, capacity to consent and CQC guidance Rights of people with learning disabilities to sex and relationships Resources and organisations Close Suitable for Anyone supporting adults with learning disabilities as a care worker or social worker.
This module aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the role of logistics including an understanding of air, sea, road and rail freight and courier services. It will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using the different modes of transport the world of international trade.
This Renewables Technical Surveying training short two day course is specifically designed for individuals and companies that want to train themselves and their staff on exactly how to carry out Renewables Technical Site Surveying prior to any renewables installation measures, this includes for heating systems, solar systems and EV Charge point installations. The course is primarily aimed at Energy Suppliers, Equipment Manufacturers, Renewable Installers, Domestic Energy Assessors, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Co-ordinators, Renewables sales staff and suitable individuals with a basic level of knowledge in varying building structures, heating systems and varying renewable technologies.
Rally Navigation Training Webinar on Maps and Route Plotting, cover common techniques and lots of hints and tips.