Behavioural Foundation Course. The foundation course is a great opportunity to learn about your dog’s needs.
Every employee needs to have their performance managed and it is equally important to 'catch people doing something right
In today's dynamic business environment, Managers need to evaluate different courses of action and make decisive decisions.
Course Objectives The delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the development and spread of fire. The delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the causes of fires in wind turbines and the dangers related to this. The delegates are able to identify any sign of a fire in a wind turbine environment. The delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment including smoke detection and emergency escape procedures. The delegates are able to demonstrate correct actions on discovering a fire including correct operation and fire extinguishing by means of the firefighting equipment in a WTG.
Can be run as a one day or two day course. Whereas the one day course concentrates on Speaking Skills in delivering a talk and allows time for participants to prepare and deliver a very short talk, the two day course offers the opportunity for participants to deliver a longer (15 minute) talk and includes consideration of other situations where speaking skills are important such as talking in meetings, talking at interviews etc.
This one day course provides an excellent introduction to managing and supervising volunteers covering the skills, paperwork and processes needed to recruit, induct and support them. The course can be expanded to run as a series of half day sessions and can also be adapted to the specific needs of organisations who would like the session to be run in-house.
Talk the argument through Ascertain the cause Analyse possible options and solutions Relationship conflict coaching support and mediation tips conclusion and emotional intelligence training tips 3 x 45 mins sessions
Workplace Health Champions promote healthy lifestyles and Wellbeing at work by inspiring others to take a more active role in their health.