There a different first aid procedures depending on where you are and who is involved in a situation, so it is important that you are trained for different scenarios that may occur. This allows you to adapt your approach for any given situation.
Our 8 hour course will enable students to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations when looking after children. In addition to the topics covered on an emergency first aid at work course, this course covers treatment for a variety of injuries and medical conditions. For more information click on the tabs below, or get in touch, we’d be more than happy to answer any queries. At Immerse Training we pride ourselves on offering First Aid and Pre-Hospital Care Training that meets your specific needs. All our courses meet the requirements of the relevant awarding body. On top of that, we are more than happy to create bespoke elements that tailor each programme to suit your first aid or care responsibilities. Qualification Information Upon completion students will have developed the skills and knowledge needed to provide effective emergency first aid to children and babies. This qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: The Resuscitation Council (UK) Skills for Health Assessment Principles for First Aid Qualifications Course Content Following this course students will be able to Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider. Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is choking. Be able to assess an emergency situation safely. Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child with external bleeding. Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally. Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child who is suffering from shock. Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and not breathing normally. Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child with bites, stings and minor injuries. Who should attend? This qualification is for anyone who cares for children and babies; including parents, guardians, grandparents or people who have a professional involvement with children and babies. Pre-requisites Students must be at least 16 years old on the first day of training. Assessment and Certifications Assessment of this course is continuous and also includes 1 theory/multiple choice question paper. Successful students will receive an Immerse Training Certificate, which is valid for three years. This certificate will be issued by Qualsafe, the awarding body for Immerse Training. Additional Information Completion of the Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid at Work includes 1 credit at Level 2 of the Qualification Credit Framework (QCF). Paediatric First Aid Courses First Aid courses for individuals and workplaces who provide care to or work with children and young people. Our paediatric courses are fully accredited, registered and meet Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and OFSTED guidelines. From 1 day Emergency Paediatric First Aid to day Paediatric First Aid courses. We specialise in on-site courses at your workplace, tailored to the specific risks associated with your business. All courses can be delivered at our training centre in Poole, Dorset or we can deliver on-site across Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset, Hampshire and the South of England.
Our 8 hour course will enable students to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations and/or take on the role of emergency first aider in the workplace. At Immerse Training we specialise in bespoke on-site courses, delivered at your premises, based on your industry. Qualification Information This qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: The Resuscitation Council (UK) Skills for Health Assessment Principles for First Aid Qualifications Course Content Following this course students will: Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider. Be able to assess an incident. Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally. Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally. Be able to recognise and assist a casualty who is choking. Be able to manage a casualty with external bleeding. Be able to manage a casualty who is in shock. Be able to manage a casualty with a minor injury. Who should attend? This qualification is for people who deal with first aid at work enabling them to be workplace emergency first aiders under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. This qualification is also for people who have a specific responsibility at work, or in voluntary and community activities, to provide basic first aid to people in a range of emergency first aid situations. Pre-requisites Students must be at least 14 years old on the first day of training. Assessment and Certifications Assessment of this course is continuous and also includes 1 theory/multiple choice question paper. Successful students will receive an Immerse Training Certificate, which is valid for three years. This certificate will be issued by Qualsafe, the awarding body for Immerse Training. Additional Information Completion of the Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work includes 1 credit at Level 3 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). Workplace First Aid Courses First Aid courses for employers and employees. Our workplace courses are fully accredited, registered and meet Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines. From 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work (previously appointed person) to 3 day First Aid at Work courses. We specialise in on-site courses at your workplace, tailored to the specific risks associated with your business. All courses can be delivered at our training centre in Poole, Dorset or we can deliver on-site across Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset, Hampshire and the South of England.
Aromatherapy massage is a popular mainstream therapy, and is offered at any reputable spa or beauty treatment clinic. Our comprehensive 2-day professional course guides you carefully through everything you need to know to carry out an aromatherapy treatment for your clients. You will learn about the properties of essential oils, blending essential oils to suit your clients needs, also carrier oils and their own properties.
An overview of catheter care as an effective intervention in infection prevention and controlled continence care. Allowing participants to demonstrate theoretical and practical competencies within a classroom environment.
Even if you have completed a level 3 NVQ or a previous version of the wiring regulations, you still will have to prove you are conversant with the current standards. So therefore, keeping up to date with the latest wiring regulations satisfies these requirements. Although the BS 7671 can be a tricky book to navigate, our course has been designed in such a way as to ensure that you will have the knowledge to identify and find the topics covered in each of the relevant parts of the book. Further information can be found here: C&G 2382-22 BS7671 18th Edition — Optima Electrical Training (
Introduction: “Co-ordinating the temporary works process” This two day course is designed to assist those on site who have responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is also designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage contractors have reached an assessed standard of knowledge. The course has the support of a number of organisations: Temporary Works Forum CECA, UKCG, HSE and FMB. The support of these organisations offers transferability of the course within industry.Temporary works are usually safety and business-critical and require careful co-ordination. An accepted way of achieving this is through the adoption of the management process outlined in BS5975, which introduces the temporary works co-ordinator (TWC) as a key figure. This course explains the role and the overall management context within which it sits.High risk can occur on small as well as larger sites hence understanding the essentials of good safety risk management, as outlined in BS5975, is relevant for projects of all sizes. This course will give the delegate thorough knowledge of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator role however this does not alone make a delegate competent, as this requires other attributes e.g. experience. Aims and Objectives: This course is not a temporary works awareness course. It is only concerned with the process of co-ordination of temporary works, commonly expressed through the role of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator. Attendance does not confer competency as a Temporary Works Co-ordinator.The course gives emphasis, throughout, to: – The importance of communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency. The ‘4Cs’. – Risk management: safety and also business relatedAllowing the Temporary Works Co-ordinator (TWC) to: – Understand the need for and duties of a TWC – Understand the role of others – Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of BS5975 in respect of this role. Assessment: The method of assessment will be by multiple-choice questions at the end of the course as well as being expected to be interactive during the course.Course Attendance:Delegates are required to attend both sessions, since without full attendance and achievement in the examination the Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training Course cannot be made.Delegates must attend the days in order and, where not on consecutive days, must complete the course within two weeks. Delegates unable to attend both days due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. certificated sickness) will need to enrol onto a new course in order to maintain continuity of learning outcomes and attend both days again. It is expected that experienced and competent Temporary Works Co-ordinators will attend this course. Competence comes from a mixture of education, training and experience and should be judged by an appropriate senior individual, usually referred to as the Designated Individual (DI). Training is considered an essential element of Temporary Works Co-ordinator competence. Background Publications: This course, including its group work and exercises, is constructed around BS5975:2008 +A1:2011. For Open Courses Delegates should bring a copy with them in order not to be significantly disadvantaged. For in house courses it is expected that the Tutor will tailor the course around the organisation procedures,providing they are comprehensive and follow the philosophy of BS5975. In these cases delegates will need a copy of their own procedures. In the absence of adequate procedures delegates will need a copy of the BS itself.Although the following is not mandatory, delegates may find the following useful– BS EN12811-1:20031 Temporary works equipment. Scaffolds. Performance requirements and general design– BS EN12812:2008. Falsework ‐ performance requirements and general design– BS EN12813:2004. Temporary works equipment. Load bearing towers of prefabricated components. Particular methods of structural design– NASC TG20/13 plus supplement 1– NASC TG9:12