Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Leicester
Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Leicester
The qualification is aimed at learners already working or preparing to work in industry that is identified within the company's risk assessment of First Aid. The qualification has a recommended course duration of 2 days; however the course duration may be increased to meet additional learning needs if required but not reduced.
Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Hinckley
Public Speaking 1 Day Training in Hinckley
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Hinckley
Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley
Customer Service Essentials 1 Day Training in Hinckley
Puppy training, beginner lever for dogs upto 10 months old. This 6 week course where the classes encompasses a comprehensive range of essential skills and behaviours. You will attend 6 x 30-minute training classes at Mancetter Memorial Hall, Old Farm Road, Mancetter, Atherstone, CV9 1QN
Dog training, beginner lever for dogs 10 months and older. This 6 week course where the classes encompasses a comprehensive range of essential skills and behaviours. You will attend 6 x 30-minute training classes Mancetter Memorial Hall, Old Farm Road, Mancetter, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1QN.